Ben Baller getting cheated on?? VOL: SAY IT AINT SO

^ ^^really
hey i wouldnt be surprised. ben himself talked about how sasha got kicked out the club in vegas for getting to smashed and what not, and people do some dumbstuff when they are hammered. plus no disrespect but how you gonna get married before you even celebrate a 1 year anniversary? seems like just the other dayben was going on about that one japanese chick and her family being so ill.

B's they come, they go,
Saturday through sunday monday,
Monday through sunday yo,
Maybe i'll love you one day,
Maybe we'll someday grow,
Till then just sit your drunk %!% on that f'n evo @%*...
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Waits for Ben Baller girl help thread



<--- Dude in the middle is Sasha'sbrother?


Damn, I would have tried to upgrade my wifey, stripper status and all man...thats all i'm saying. cant have your girl looking like she still on themarket...but who I am to judge...seems that how ya'll get down in LA...just seems fake
Originally Posted by powdbyrice

i wouldnt consider a import model/nude model to be wifey status. but whatever floats your boat.

remember this is the interwebz. its serious bizness.

This right here.

And I hope she really didn't do that to dude.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Waits for Ben Baller girl help thread



<--- Dude in the middle is Sasha's brother?


Damn, I would have tried to upgrade my wifey, stripper status and all man...thats all i'm saying. cant have your girl looking like she still on the market...but who I am to judge...seems that how ya'll get down in LA...just seems fake
I'm quoting this for emphasis...I know that there are people out there that say, everyone needs love...but looking at these pics, youcan't tell me that there is just something that just screams ... awkward...

Heart to heart here. I got cheated on too. I have a shoulder to cry on if you need it.

Let me know.
That article screams fake.

You're a big club promoter and type like a 14 year old girl?

I bet your pulling tail on the regular.

I bet this Sasha woman wasn't even in Vegas on that apparent date.
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