Being Sober is boring

i think i could do the pescatarian thing. i love fish.

but what is the reasoning there? i understand how vegans dont believing in killing animals.

but..... why fish.

thats killing life too,
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i think i could do the pescatarian thing. i love fish.

but what is the reasoning there? i understand how vegans dont believing in killing animals.

but..... why fish.

thats killing life too,
Been wondering this too. Maybe it's more about health to them than preserving animal lives. Fish is generally very healthy, more so than regular meat.
Veganism is the future  0]  8)  
. My man :smokin

veganism is a first world luxury.
People that are living really poor on 5$ dollars a day WISH they could afford meat. Meat is the luxury actually. Meat per pound vs Beans /Oats/Potatoes/Fruit is no comparison.

It's not a sustainable diet. Most vegans are 90% vegan. They fall off the wagon. Need to supplement for vitamins lacking from vegan diet. On top of all that, those combine harvesters kill plenty of animals. Best of luck to vegans tho.

LOL what? The only thing you can't get on a Vegan diet that you have to supplement is B12 which is bacteria in the ground that animals. Eat but Meat and eaters are deficient as well because that a assuming the soil is good soil. What does 90% Vegan mean? Also where do u think all the nutrients and vitamins come from? Plants and Fruit which is being fed to the animals so your going through a third party source (meat) to get the same vitamins you could get directly from the source (plants)

vegans - hipster frail boys

Hipsters follow trends, there is nothing trendy about giving up meat , dairy and eggs Which is foods we've grown up eating our whole lives. Nobody will give that up just cause
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i think i could do the pescatarian thing. i love fish.

but what is the reasoning there? i understand how vegans dont believing in killing animals.

but..... why fish.

thats killing life too,
just don't bother me the same

I ate five guys and it sat on my heart so I stopped eating beef for a min just seafood and chicken

Then I went to this spot in NYC (BBQs) got some henny wings which I usually love but this time I could tell how much steroids were put into it and it disgusted me so I stopped

I know I can find the same thing in seafood the difference I didn't go searching for these scenarios :lol: if I randomly encounter something like that with seafood I'll stop eating that too
just don't bother me the same

I ate five guys and it sat on my heart so I stopped eating beef for a min just seafood and chicken

Then I went to this spot in NYC (BBQs) got some henny wings which I usually love but this time I could tell how much steroids were put into it and it disgusted me so I stopped

I know I can find the same thing in seafood the difference I didn't go searching for these scenarios :lol: if I randomly encounter something like that with seafood I'll stop eating that too
i eat meat but sometimes I go days without eating meat... This week I've eaten salmon 4 times this week and been drinking smoothies for lunch. Sunday I had a steak I didn't enjoy and it kinda ruined my appetite for meat this week (pause). But I'm going on vacation next week so I'll be eating burgers and wings all damn week
Salmon >>>> most meats anyway. The goat fish for sure.
salmon is ok. i like it best as sushi, especially the belly.

pompano is my favorite fish ever. its just really fatty, even the comparable parts to a salmon. also the belly is waaaay more savory/fatty.
i can eat pompano 5 days a week.

sheepshead is good too.

the pescatarian thing is interesting. as much as i love chicken, i think i could give it up because of the ridiculous amount i ate when i was broke.
steak tho i dunno. pork too.

would be tough.
i eat meat but sometimes I go days without eating meat... This week I've eaten salmon 4 times this week and been drinking smoothies for lunch. Sunday I had a steak I didn't enjoy and it kinda ruined my appetite for meat this week (pause). But I'm going on vacation next week so I'll be eating burgers and wings all damn week

If I go a long time without eating red meat it doesn't taste good to me. I was vegetarian for years which was an interesting experience, but even now fish is the main type of meat that I eat.
Same way, I rarely eat red meat. When I do it has to be very good and highly recommended. Like yesterday I had the best burger I've ever had in my life from this BBQ spot. I can do without chicken and poultry, but giving up fish and seafood is a no-go. CAN'T DO IT.
Hit up Joe's Crab Shack.
honestly the only way to beat an addiction is to replace it with another addiction 

try getting into pc gaming or something 
Veganism is the future  
. My man

veganism is a first world luxury.
People that are living really poor on 5$ dollars a day WISH they could afford meat. Meat is the luxury actually. Meat per pound vs Beans /Oats/Potatoes/Fruit is no comparison.
It's not a sustainable diet. Most vegans are 90% vegan. They fall off the wagon. Need to supplement for vitamins lacking from vegan diet. On top of all that, those combine harvesters kill plenty of animals. Best of luck to vegans tho.
LOL what? The only thing you can't get on a Vegan diet that you have to supplement is B12 which is bacteria in the ground that animals. Eat but Meat and eaters are deficient as well because that a assuming the soil is good soil. What does 90% Vegan mean? Also where do u think all the nutrients and vitamins come from? Plants and Fruit which is being fed to the animals so your going through a third party source (meat) to get the same vitamins you could get directly from the source (plants)
vegans - hipster frail boys
Hipsters follow trends, there is nothing trendy about giving up meat , dairy and eggs Which is foods we've grown up eating our whole lives. Nobody will give that up just cause
God speed to yah vegans. Honestly.
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