Being selfish with spouses??

pics (of the vette)?

Honestly, id let her drive it. atleast once just so she would s t f u about it. The flex factor would be critical, cause off the bacc, people are gonna know its not hers.
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Honestly OP I think your right.
I know it sounds silly/petty, but I am like this with my phone. EVERYTHING in the house belongs to the entire family; tvs, laptops, ps3, family car. etc. but my phone is mine. One day my wifes phone was charging in a different room, so she asked to use mine to do some web browsing/watch some videos. I flat out refused. Of coarse the rationale of a women- she said I must be hiding something. I just explained my rationale. She was salty as hell, but if you stand your ground they will have no choice but to accept it.
[ATTACHMENT=752]vette.png (9,304k. png file)[/ATTACHMENT]


No it's not a stick. my first mind told me to get one then I could just say I can't teach you. But I got a better deal on the automatic and ran with it. I have always let her know that was my dream car and that would it be off to the side. We were not together when I actually purchased it, but I made the mistake of just bbelieving she would know that. Especially because she won't be prepared to come off the deductible if anything were to happen.

I can't do anything to stop chicks from checking me out. She has to understand that. I'm with her. I didn't buy the car to get action, I got it because I love the Corvette.

I got no worries about her in another man's car. She knows my policy.

True, it is a car. I am attached to it because of my love of sports cars and the time, saving and credit management it took to put myself in the position to finally have it.

Not married yet but engaged with twin 3yo daughters. no date set at this time.

I appreciate y'all chiming in. I always like to know if its just me and I couldn't go to facebook with this because she would claim I embarrassed her.
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It's just a car. I mean I don't get that attached to stuff like cars. Do you though OP.
If I had a wife, I'd definitely let her drive my car if she wanted to.


That car could crash and total in a New York minute, its not that serious.
Let her drive it a couple of times, then she will get sick of its fastness and leave you alone.

Does she let you drive her malibu op?

#Team malibu
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That's one of those things that she's going to have to let go. "Lose the battle, win the war."

You're probably just a more independent and self-sufficient person than your woman in terms of sharing.
Yeah, no. wouldnt trust it.

tell her to get over it

her stamp bout to run out of ink. She said some silly **** a few weeks ago "i don't even want to drive it, I just don't want to be told I can't"
I wanted to hit her with the Ari G T F O move.
Hearing that, definitely don't let her *** drive the car.
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You mean the one HE bought her?

I new you'd come

Yes the car he bought her, it was a gift she owns it.
The question still stands does she let him drive it. She does.
If they break up she still keeping the car, it is hers.

The point is does she SHARE with him.

He is marrying this women has two twin girls, some sharing is going to need to be done in this relationship

This is why Id never let anyone buy me something so valuable like a car, not even a parent.
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His car. His toy. He isn't wrong for not trusting her behind the wheel when he isn't around. There really isn't anything else that needs to be said. If she wants to drive tell her to go buy/rent one of her own. He isn't wrong. Marriage =/= share everything.
He is marrying this women has two twin girls, some sharing is going to need to be done in this relationship
You make this statement as if he shares NOTHING with her. Of course SOME sharing needs to be done. You using the word SOME lets me know that you at least comprehend the idea of everything needs not to be shared.
I never said he was wrong, but he is materialistic (like most people), its just a car, if you feel she cant drive it safely then give her some lessons.

Trust this chick doesnt want to drive his car all the time, the fact that he wont let her drive it without him there must annoy her.
And thats why she said what she said.

People matter more than objects, she just wants to know that she matters more than that car.
And come on, if you were living with someone who had a vette wouldnt you want to drive it,
You are going off base with the discussion. Of course people matter more than objects, what the heck does that have to do with anything? Stop reaching in your bag of emotional fallacies. It has no place in this discussion. Him not letting her drive has NOTHING to do with him showing her she matters more than the car. Please stop with the faulty woman logic man.

Would I want to drive it? I don't care about cars like that. I would feel like I am out of line asking them to drive. That is just me personally.

DC I dont like your tone.

Im not reaching , Im just telling you what she may be feeling.

You are irrational, I no longer want to e-talk with you
I don't care if you don't like my tone, you are acting like an emotional woman right now.

He doesn't trust her driving his car. If anyone is going to mess it up, let it be him. He doesn't want her driving it. It doesn't mean he doesn't love her. It doesn't mean he doesn't value her. It doesn't mean he thinks the car > her. It just means he doesn't want her driving the damn car. Nothing more. Nothing less.

EYE am irrational? Hahahahahah ok. You don't believe that one bit. You are just looking for an easy out since you know you are spewing nonsense.
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