Before Google search, there was...

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alta vista for me too.

google was truly revolutionary though. cached pages. a search engine that ACTUALLY worked.. all the others still sort of sucks imo. google images is truly onpoint with their vast variety. not often in these days can you say something that is hyped actually deserves it
before google, alta vista was the best. LOL at people wishing they had bought Google stock when they'd prolly have just sold it at the wrong time anyway.
Odd to think there was a time before Google but anyway,

I used to use Lycos and Alta Vista, brings back memories.
I always used altavista as my brother knows the guy who set it up.

I remember thinking google was going to be crap when it first started and 'just another search engine' how wrong i was!

- people slept hard on dogpile. i just recently switched to google when dogpile fell off. i boycotted for the longest. most often id look on dogpile first andif it wasnt there id goto google.

- for those that dont know dogpile searched google for you, as well as many other popular seach engines at the time. about 6 months back their results fell offhard, its practically useless now.
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