Becoming a DJ?

turntables ALWAYS direct drive and never belt
get a crappy mixer first cause you are gonna destroy it learning
if you dont have money to buy vinyl all the time you can you can buy something like serato scratch live (600+) or something cheaper like Torq (200+)
dont go cd go vinyl you'll get a better feel working with a real record
if you wanna be the next big thing once you learn how to beat match, blend and what not try doing some gigs like weddings and middle school dances for cheap toget experience doing 1-3 hours of music before trying to get a job at a bar or club which is pretty easy actually cause its not as fun as you think and beprepared to play nothing but top 40 bs
ORGANIZATION IS KEY having things organized like id3 tagging all digital music with specific artist title and bmp will help you find songs easy and also knowwhat will mix well

im no expert thats just things i picked up on my way
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

just use your ipod
Originally Posted by JuJu

turntables ALWAYS direct drive and never belt
get a crappy mixer first cause you are gonna destroy it learning
if you dont have money to buy vinyl all the time you can you can buy something like serato scratch live (600+) or something cheaper like Torq (200+)
dont go cd go vinyl you'll get a better feel working with a real record
if you wanna be the next big thing once you learn how to beat match, blend and what not try doing some gigs like weddings and middle school dances for cheap to get experience doing 1-3 hours of music before trying to get a job at a bar or club which is pretty easy actually cause its not as fun as you think and be prepared to play nothing but top 40 bs
ORGANIZATION IS KEY having things organized like id3 tagging all digital music with specific artist title and bmp will help you find songs easy and also know what will mix well

im no expert thats just things i picked up on my way

Originally Posted by JuJu

turntables ALWAYS direct drive and never belt
get a crappy mixer first cause you are gonna destroy it learning
if you dont have money to buy vinyl all the time you can you can buy something like serato scratch live (600+) or something cheaper like Torq (200+)
dont go cd go vinyl you'll get a better feel working with a real record
if you wanna be the next big thing once you learn how to beat match, blend and what not try doing some gigs like weddings and middle school dances for cheap to get experience doing 1-3 hours of music before trying to get a job at a bar or club which is pretty easy actually cause its not as fun as you think and be prepared to play nothing but top 40 bs
ORGANIZATION IS KEY having things organized like id3 tagging all digital music with specific artist title and bmp will help you find songs easy and also know what will mix well

im no expert thats just things i picked up on my way

What is the point of Djing when you can't express your music or the way you play? We need to go back to the rooftop and block party days ofdjing---leave that club bs alone. When money is involved, originality, creativity, and expression is lost. You can add that notion to the ccurrent state ofhip-hop.
serato all the way
nobody nowadays uses vinyl
you would have to care mad crates

-a good laptop
-decent mixer
-and 1200s
I've been trying to get my wife into DJ'ing. She's cute and she likes all kinds of music, not just hip hop and R&B. She would also be great atweddings
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

serato all the way
nobody nowadays uses vinyl
you would have to care mad crates

-a good laptop
-decent mixer
-and 1200s
No one uses vinyl?..... GO HOME NOW

The majority of us prefer vinyl. You don't need mad crates if you lay out your set ahead of time. Serato is good, but vinyl will never go away.
i don't
i aint carrying around records when serato feels like vinyl
if ur doing a club or something u would have to bring alot of crates
i got vinyl at the crib but thats where it stays

Serato (its cost-efficient)
Technics 1200s
Ghetto mixer (don't get any cheap stantons though) to start with.
Originally Posted by Dynamics82

Originally Posted by RawSheed

learn on real 12" vinyl records

acquire the basics: beatmatching, phrasematching, counting beats

then move on up w/ technology

go to
what is the difference between serato and vinyl????

You lean how to count beats and sync by ear. Not by watching the screen of serato.
i don't know what you would need. it may be hard to get into it though but don't give up on it, follow your dream! i'm hoping to do something withmusic too, at the moment i really want to buy an mpc and get into making beats. not sure if i will go through with it yet though.
Originally Posted by pr1nts

i don't know what you would need. it may be hard to get into it though but don't give up on it, follow your dream! i'm hoping to do something with music too, at the moment i really want to buy an mpc and get into making beats. not sure if i will go through with it yet though.

before you buy an mpc you should learn to dj. most great producers djed and learned to have an ear for beatmatching and tempos which makes making music allthat much easier. and an mpc is a VERY complicated thing to learn especially if you arent a manual type. you gotta max out the memory and to make beats on anmpc you gotta FIND your OWN sounds there are no built in sounds like with fl or reason you gotta 9 times out of 10 have actual Vinyl to sample or an mp3 tosample then chop it up to get phrases or general sounds like open hi hats and kicks and what not if you gonna go through with it anyway get an MPC2000xl mostproducers will swear by it straight up.
Originally Posted by pr1nts

i don't know what you would need. it may be hard to get into it though but don't give up on it, follow your dream! i'm hoping to do something with music too, at the moment i really want to buy an mpc and get into making beats. not sure if i will go through with it yet though.
u should go the software route
it is gonna take over
reason or fruity with a good midi controller
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by pr1nts

i don't know what you would need. it may be hard to get into it though but don't give up on it, follow your dream! i'm hoping to do something with music too, at the moment i really want to buy an mpc and get into making beats. not sure if i will go through with it yet though.

before you buy an mpc you should learn to dj. most great producers djed and learned to have an ear for beatmatching and tempos which makes making music all that much easier. and an mpc is a VERY complicated thing to learn especially if you arent a manual type. you gotta max out the memory and to make beats on an mpc you gotta FIND your OWN sounds there are no built in sounds like with fl or reason you gotta 9 times out of 10 have actual Vinyl to sample or an mp3 to sample then chop it up to get phrases or general sounds like open hi hats and kicks and what not if you gonna go through with it anyway get an MPC2000xl most producers will swear by it straight up.
thanks for the info, i knew it was real complicated. my friend is willing to go through everything with me and teach me some stuff but i just haveto find time, get motivated and dedicate to doing it.
So when buying turntables for Serato or Torq, do they have to be USB turntables????
And which is better for its price Serato or Torq?
I always find the Vinyl vs digital argument funny...

I promise the people at the party don't really care what the music is coming out of as long as it's good and they can dance to it.

If I was a DJ, I'd show up with a burnt mix and act like I'm taking request and just let that disc just keep on spinning while nodding my head like"oh yeah, I'll throw it on in a minute, I got a lot of request!"
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