batman/Bruce wayne vs Iron man/ tony stark

ThorBuster armor(asgardian crystal = asgardian powers)
Infinity Gem
Supercomputer brain

Tony stark god mode.
Once again take those away and just have ironman in his og suit
Wolverine would own that *** as well as magneto, cable, bishop, storm, juggernaut, Phoenix, Scott summers,hell flash could stomp that ***... Stop it son, hell professor x would own that ***, lol
I know you are going have a random rebuttal but just let it go with all the extra additives, ironman in suit gets owned by any mutant
ThorBuster armor(asgardian crystal = asgardian powers)
Infinity Gem
Supercomputer brain

Tony stark god mode.
Once again take those away and just have ironman in his og suit
Wolverine would own that *** as well as magneto, cable, bishop, storm, juggernaut, Phoenix, Scott summers,hell flash could stomp that ***... Stop it son, hell professor x would own that ***, lol
I know you are going have a random rebuttal but just let it go with all the extra additives, ironman in suit gets owned by any mutant

OG suit is the mark 1, which is the Golden boy without the paint or repulsors.

Every argument you have said requires iron man either be handicapped or simply remove all of his powers in order for any of your heroes to win.

For the record, iron man already whooped Magneto's a** b :lol:

You stop it.
OG suit is the mark 1, which is the Golden boy without the paint or repulsors.

Every argument you have said requires iron man either be handicapped or simply remove all of his powers in order for any of your heroes to win.

For the record, iron man already whooped Magneto's a** b :lol:

You stop it.
No my arguements are not to disable him, but you add extra ingredients(shout out to Rachel ray) to make him stronger then he is
Give him mark 2 or his strongest and he still aint ucking with wolverine or Phoenix and yea I said it magneto would beat that *** because of iron in your body( see and that was in another marvel universe just like when punshier killed him but you don't respect that arguement just like I can't get down with yours lol), now stop it broham
Plus if professor x wanted to he could use cerebro to make they boy lay in fetal position, with a bottle of whiskey and a Xanax bar lol
Ironman is not bout that life of a god
But you my dude and I respect your passion for ironman, can't knock the hustle
Wolverine>>>>> ironman whatever suit
That's my word
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OG suit is the mark 1, which is the Golden boy without the paint or repulsors.

Every argument you have said requires iron man either be handicapped or simply remove all of his powers in order for any of your heroes to win.

For the record, iron man already whooped Magneto's a** b :lol:

You stop it.
No my arguements are not to disable him, but you add extra ingredients(shout out to Rachel ray) to make him stronger then he is
Give him mark 2 or his strongest and he still aint ucking with wolverine or Phoenix and yea I said it magneto would beat that *** because of iron in your body( see and that was in another marvel universe just like when punshier killed him but you don't respect that arguement just like I can't get down with yours lol), now stop it broham
Plus if professor x wanted to he could use cerebro to make they boy lay in fetal position, with a bottle of whiskey and a Xanax bar lol
Ironman is not bout that life of a god
But you my dude and I respect your passion for ironman, can't knock the hustle
Wolverine>>>>> ironman whatever suit
That's my word

I didn't know this was the iron man vs x men thread. Coulda sword this was the iron man vs batman thread. Or did you finally realize he would lose?

Magneto couldn't beat iron man due to iron man making a suit out of nano tubes, which aren't made of metal. (Prep time works for everyone)

Professor X could defeat anyone due to his mind control, unless iron man gets a hold of magnetos helmet, which I doubt would happen, you are right there.

But if we let Iron Man utilize the full power that he has, which means the asgardian crystal and infinity gem, professor x have more than some useless legs and that's a wrap.

Why give him the mark 2? That's golden boy, which was a glorified mark 1. You keep putting him in the weakest suits mane :lol:

Punishes story was different, he utilized machine guns to kill everyone. Including hulk. Des that mean hulk is weak? No. It was a side story, non canon. Irrelevant.

And iron man isn't made of iron :lol:

But I do wonder about wolverine. If he got shot with an adimantium bullet he would be finished. Just depends on the resources.
Hey I have an idea!

Lets make superman fight Galactus! But first he has to eat kryptonite. Just to make sure Galactus wins!
I didn't know this was the iron man vs x men thread. Coulda sword this was the iron man vs batman thread. Or did you finally realize he would lose?

Magneto couldn't beat iron man due to iron man making a suit out of nano tubes, which aren't made of metal. (Prep time works for everyone)

Professor X could defeat anyone due to his mind control, unless iron man gets a hold of magnetos helmet, which I doubt would happen, you are right there.

But if we let Iron Man utilize the full power that he has, which means the asgardian crystal and infinity gem, professor x have more than some useless legs and that's a wrap.

Why give him the mark 2? That's golden boy, which was a glorified mark 1. You keep putting him in the weakest suits mane :lol:

Punishes story was different, he utilized machine guns to kill everyone. Including hulk. Des that mean hulk is weak? No. It was a side story, non canon. Irrelevant.

And iron man isn't made of iron :lol:

But I do wonder about wolverine. If he got shot with an adimantium bullet he would be finished. Just depends on the resources.

In your average fight dude isn't going to USE the infinity gem though. Still, vs Magneto is a good question. In their fight in X-Men vs Avengers comics, it seemed like Magneto was getting the upper-hand but let other issues (Phoenix) take precedence over the fight.

I agree that we shouldn't be using Iron Man in his strongest suits/iterations for every comparison. If we do that, then whenever we compare Thor we should bring in Rune-King Thor as well, or whenever we compare the Hulk we should use World War Hulk as well, or whenever we compare Supes we should use Sun-Dipped Superman, etc. etc. I think choosing a standard Iron Man suit would be a better way of going about it, because he's not always in Hulkbuster or his asgardian suit.
My man sir Charles you are going to fight until the death with ironman, lol... It's not the xmen vs ironman, I just brought up examples of who could beat "your" god, anyway my ride or die character has always been wolverine, ever since I read weapon x in middle school, he was my superhero go to because he reminded me of me and my life(and that's why I identify with batman as well,and we beat that to death and no side will relent) and even if wolvie is shot with a adamantum bullet it has to be a headshot (but even still he wouldnt die, they had to kill my boy with magneto pulling his body apart)and how is ironman going to get that, only so many people know about that, are you saying he needs prep time
Let's face it this thread has become who can beat ironman(you have made this dude hella unbeatable) and yes punisher(which he isn't even a real superhero, just a dude with guns) killed everybody with machine guns but wouldn't ironman do the same(don't you dare bring up his cqc, cap and them other lames you mentioned aint ish in the marvel world lol) he would just shoot dudes as well so what's good for the goose is good for the gander
And that infinity gaulant is over kill
We are talking about a brawl
Wolvie doesn't mind killing so you know what it is especially if he is weapon x mode, it's a wrap
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Iron Man isn't unbeatable. He's been beat before no matter the armor. Lets not get carried away.

Prof. X does not need to even be on the planet to make Tony Stark his *****.

Also please lets not act like Iron Man has a real chance against the Phoenix. At best he'll just split it up so it possesses 5 ppl then call in allies whose powers he doesn't understand to handle the job.
We're not lifting Iron Man to this level for no reason...that's just how it is. Every argument in his favor has been supported with relevant facts from his books. Every argument against him is based on some alternate universe series. What does that say?

He's one of Marvel's flagship characters. His abilities and ranking are to be expected.

Wolverine defeating Iron Man is a joke, right?
We're not lifting Iron Man to this level for no reason...that's just how it is. Every argument in his favor has been supported with relevant facts from his books. Every argument against him is based on some alternate universe series. What does that say?

He's one of Marvel's flagship characters. His abilities and ranking are to be expected.

Wolverine defeating Iron Man is a joke, right?
So a arguement for ironman no matter universe is correct but if an arguement shows different universe and current universe for against ironman is wrong
Fanboy reaction and kill yourself lol
And wolverine would destroy ironman
The only joke in here is that people are having one sided arguements and anybody that says prep time or fair one doesn't get each characters strengths and weaknesses
If you want even a better fight for oven man
Black symbiote Spider-Man would destroy any ironman suit unless tony preps and uses some type if frequency or sonic boom but in a brawl he is through
Wolverine berserker barrage destroys ironman
So stop it brohams... If you are talking all out brawls I can name several characters to take tony out with the swiftness
I give venom and carnage a hands up on him
But it all comes down to guns and weopanery and that is the basis for all ironman/war machine so it's easy to side with that
We're not lifting Iron Man to this level for no reason...that's just how it is. Every argument in his favor has been supported with relevant facts from his books. Every argument against him is based on some alternate universe series. What does that say?

He's one of Marvel's flagship characters. His abilities and ranking are to be expected.

Wolverine defeating Iron Man is a joke, right?
So a arguement for ironman no matter universe is correct but if an arguement shows different universe and current universe for against ironman is wrong
Fanboy reaction and kill yourself lol
And wolverine would destroy ironman
The only joke in here is that people are having one sided arguements and anybody that says prep time or fair one doesn't get each characters strengths and weaknesses
If you want even a better fight for oven man
Black symbiote Spider-Man would destroy any ironman suit unless tony preps and uses some type if frequency or sonic boom but in a brawl he is through
Wolverine berserker barrage destroys ironman
So stop it brohams... If you are talking all out brawls I can name several characters to take tony out with the swiftness
I give venom and carnage a hands up on him
But it all comes down to guns and weopanery and that is the basis for all ironman/war machine so it's easy to side with that
So a arguement for ironman no matter universe is correct but if an arguement shows different universe and current universe for against ironman is wrong
Fanboy reaction and kill yourself lol
And wolverine would destroy ironman
The only joke in here is that people are having one sided arguements and anybody that says prep time or fair one doesn't get each characters strengths and weaknesses
If you want even a better fight for oven man
Black symbiote Spider-Man would destroy any ironman suit unless tony preps and uses some type if frequency or sonic boom but in a brawl he is through
Wolverine berserker barrage destroys ironman
So stop it brohams... If you are talking all out brawls I can name several characters to take tony out with the swiftness
I give venom and carnage a hands up on him
But it all comes down to guns and weopanery and that is the basis for all ironman/war machine so it's easy to side with that

:lol: @ "kill yourself"

Calm down...or threaten to abandon the discussion (again)

The Iron Man arguments have all been canon. Do you know what that means?

Wolverine? Carnage? Venom?

Seems like you're stuck in the 90's. Next you'll be saying Gambit could beat him.

Iron Man isn't even one of my guys either...but it's obvious that he's a top tier guy. He's not unbeatable...but you gotta do a WHOLE lot better than Wolverine.
I wanna say one of the New GODs cuz they're all Kirby creations but BB is really ridiculously powerful so as far as those vocal powers there is no direct counterpart.

Orion popped in my head too, but that's probably because of the Kirby connection. I think it'd be close.

Then I was thinking Black Canary, but that's a joke. :lol:

Captain Atom would be a good match too.
Wait, so Iron Man using his resources to make himself stronger during his "prep time" is bad, but when batman gets his "prep time" he is all of the sudden the best thing since the wheel? And to make it "fair" (even though we have put both heroes at their full ability) you have to put Iron Man is his weakest suits, the Mark 1 or Golden Boy.

At this point you aren't even fighting for Batman, you are fighting to reduce everything that isn't batman. And if they don't agree, and provide examples you whine fanboyism.

If you want to argue with me, pull out some facts about Batman. If all you are going to do is whine "fanboy!" And then compare iron man to Galactus, well just leave. Again.
In a one on one encounter Batman would be lucky to leave with his life.He doesnt have the superhuman ability to level the playing field against iron mans combination of intellect and armor . Its just not gonna happen. Same way he wouldnt beat Spiderman in a fight that spanned all of new york. Batman is great but folks undermine the combat prowess and experience his opponents have . Iron Man has gone toe to toe with some heavy hitters before and has been proven to nullify base level humans with ease . Even Cap can't take iron Man on in a fight unless he disables the suits man power unit and even then he would need his shield to do any real direct damage. Batman would literally have to weave an entire suit of vibranium like Black Panther to fight Iron Man on a competiive level. Yet he wont have the edge because physically he is still human he isnt a peak level human like Black Panther and Captain America who are the closest to superhuman physically without crossing that barrier. Batman can't even keep up with Deathstroke in a one on one fight everytime they fight Batman is pretty much at his mercy. Deathstroke is more or less the closest you would get physically to Captain America in DC.
So a arguement for ironman no matter universe is correct but if an arguement shows different universe and current universe for against ironman is wrong
Fanboy reaction and kill yourself lol
And wolverine would destroy ironman
The only joke in here is that people are having one sided arguements and anybody that says prep time or fair one doesn't get each characters strengths and weaknesses
If you want even a better fight for oven man
Black symbiote Spider-Man would destroy any ironman suit unless tony preps and uses some type if frequency or sonic boom but in a brawl he is through
Wolverine berserker barrage destroys ironman
So stop it brohams... If you are talking all out brawls I can name several characters to take tony out with the swiftness
I give venom and carnage a hands up on him
But it all comes down to guns and weopanery and that is the basis for all ironman/war machine so it's easy to side with that
Lol take your own advise. Nothing that you've said has been backed up with anything. You sound like that little girl on that commercial, "rum rum rum rum rum, I wish I was back to a human again...." Lol
Hella people in this thread throwing salt on Bruce Wayne's intelligence. Im not going to make an assumption so i'll just post scans instead.

Y'all gotta understand Bruce is human perfection.

Hard to see, but it basically talks about how Bruce runs through thousands of scenarios on the daily to figure out how to overcome them.

Dude is a master strategist. He prepares and plans for everything.

Dude fades a gunman at point-blank range. Notice it's automatic.


Dude hits a speedster, that's moving so fast he creates body doubles. Legendary reaction time.

Don't argue back unless you can post screens. Not answering back to assumptions.
"Bruce is smart!"

Of course he is. Nobody said he isn't. He is smarter than most of the DC universe, though Superman and a few others have more smarts. Yet, that doesn't take away from Iron Man being smarter than Batman is. Hell, Peter Parker is smart for being a teenager, but he won't beat batman. Same thing goes here, batman is a genius, but Iron Man is a literal superhuman. His brain is 50x faster than the average Bruce Wayne.
B, you must be confused with Iron Man's actual powers.

*Connected to a supercomputer, so he is fluent in all languages, and martial arts. If there is something he doesn't know he can learn as fast as Superman, seeing that his brain works 50x faster than the average genius.

As for pilot, Iron Man can fly without a plane. What does he need a pilot's license for?

And degrees? Tony Stark got his first master's degree at the age of 17. He then went on to get more degrees then Batman could fathom, as well as put his business skills to use and actually run his own business, instead of having people run it for him. As well as technology, he doesn't have people make half of his technology, he makes the technology for the entire Marvel Universe. 

And if we want to talk about science, Tony has made breakthroughs in the medical field with his flesh healing syrum, as well as scientific exploration with his deep space suit, the deep sea exploration suit, and the arctic exploration suit. 

Oh, and he takes on entire armies at a time for the good of mankind. He ends wars. Batman has silly triffles with the Joker for the fun of it and costs more lives than he can save. 

So as for hero status, Iron Man wins. Technology status, Iron Man wins. Power, Iron Man wins. Intellect, Iron Man wins. 

Plus he is in the Illuminati and controls the infinity gem. If used, Iron Man is basically Dr. Manhattan at that point. 


:lol: Thank you.

Bowser still handing Ralph that L though :tongue:

Cats in here siding with Batman cause thats all they know. They don't know jack **** about Stark. You guys think Batman is the smartest being ever because thats all you know. DC has force fed you to believe that no other comic character is as smart or smarter than Bats because you haven't given another character a chance.

Go READ an ironman series...

Then come back with a better argument. Cause half of ya'll dont know the first thing about Ironman. Ya'll watched a couple of movies and think ya'll got him figured out.

Go read the World War, and see how wild Stark is. He isn't that goofy mofo in the movies. He gets busy.
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:lol: this dude said "Bruce is human perfection"

And his opinion isn't biased? :rofl:

Arguing back isn't even worth it. :rofl:
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