Basketball Thread About Nothing

Really hated the discourse on Kyrie whole time. No **** he wanted to get up outta Cleveland and then no **** Boston is not the place for him. Idc what happened in Bk since it was out of his hands.

And today I hate those disingenuous and backhanded compliments about him essentially saying he’s better seen than heard. Shut up and dribble. He’s no different than anyone else on a journey to self-awareness or insight.

Looks like the bandwagon has some new passengers coming along for the ride now that he’s in a better place.
Nah, Kyrie has said and done some dumb ****. I gave him a pass for quite a while. Dude is insanely skilled. That fox news idiot wanted black folk to "shut up and dribble" because we were having the audacity to speak up on social issues. But Kyrie has just said and done wild dumb **** over and over, starting with the flat earth stuff.

I appreciate him having the courage to take all the flak, but sometimes you're better off listening and learning and coming back with better thoughts, rather than saying incredibly dumb or hurtful things and then backtracking. And it's not about "this society today can't handle it!" :lol:

I'm from those old days where we watched cartoons shoot each other in the face and played tackle football on concrete like crazy folk :emoji_laughing: Kyrie deserved a ton of the criticism he faced. When he's acting like the rest of us it's all good. When he starts hoteppin or just saying wild **** about teammates, he deserves that backlash.
That right there is the crux of the issue
When he's acting like the rest of us it's all good.
I’m not even arguing the validity of his statements. If anything, he’s a victim of his celebrity status and the value, warranted or not, we give to them. I’m not saying he should shut up and dribble but I’m also not taking the opinion of an athlete over science.

There’s always a problem when ppl don’t say things or act ‘like the rest of us’.
Are we even disagreeing? I'm not even sure what the issue is anymore. If I started posting things in all caps, that wouldn't be acting like the rest of us, it would be acting weird. Is that laudable or something?

I'm not hatin on this brother. Loved what he said about the USA team's selection process and I hope Halliburton does indeed sit because of the hamstring issue, and Kyrie gets to be on team USA.

But maybe your issue was never with folks like me, and I shouldnt have commented on it as a result.
def cleared that up

Social media has given us access to folks in unprecedented fashion. Sure you can still prefer he be more careful w/ his words but that’s all part of growth as well.
Oh man, Bill Walton died?

Thought he'd live forever. One of my favorite episodes of the old Richard Jefferson/ Channing Frye podcast was him just telling stories about them coming to his house. Had a crazy existence.
I can say his PR team was truly worried about him coming to Texas with some of the wild stuff he has said, but talking to them he feels loved. I mean, if any state rejected the Covid shot it was Texas so that didn’t bother most of us. It’s just funny to me, as liberal and open-minded as NYC claims to be that they wouldn’t accept him.

I think he has figured out in Dallas as long as you try hard and play hard and at least act like you love the crowd we will love you back pretty much regardless.
GH2s the first shoe I really lusted after.

Imemba seeing that rectangular box gift wrapped under the tree knowing exactly what was onn it’s way straight to feet next free dress day at school 😀.
Kenny really got no shame being up there all tatted & fibered. Dude needs more maintenance than Zendaya.

Lettuce say it for you JB when it comes to the injuries did it chatter. Respect the response but breaking his hand in game 7 was an eerily poetic cap on the punishment the team endured all year long.

Shoulda woulda coulda for days on end but the fact remains that Indy barely scraped by a team held together w/ bandaids and compression sleeves. They won exactly 1 more game this postszn than the good guys too. Hali wasted everyone’s time but I digress.
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