I'm vacillating back and forth. Initially looked like a travel, saw the MDW and official ruling so it's officially not a travel. Also saw the comment that awkward isn't a travel. And clearly MDW does a great job of showing the most awkward applications of the rules ever, but picture this.
You know the one legged stuff KD and Harden and some other guys pull?
Lets go back to the Paolo video. When he gathers with his left hand on his left foot and his right foot is still in the air, imagine he then jumps up in the air for the one legged KD/Harden stuff. Defender is right there so Paolo just hangs in the air, lets him fly by, then comes down on both feet, still with the ball. Then Paolo jumps back up, shoots the shot and makes it.
That's the same amount of steps/feet. That's not gonna get called a travel?
Paolo vid - Left foot down/gather with right in the air ----> then both feet in air then down on the ground, then elevates for a shot.
Paolo kd/harden shot - Left foot down/gather with right in the air ----> then both feet in air then down on the ground, then elevates for a shot.