Barack Obama calls Kanye West a %#@#+%@ (Leaked Audio)

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Straight ****ERY on Obama's part forreal.. He was probably in a room filled with with 15 white people, and felt the need to throw Ye under the bus to protect who?? Taylor F'n Swift?!?! Dude coulda just said "no comment" and kept it moving..

You never hear him callin' Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh jackassses do you?
this +$@#@#*. We weren't supposed to hear this either.
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

This is funny and classic. Obama keepin it real. He said @!%+!!%. Ok so wut? Who DOESN'T curse? It's actually refreshing to hear that.


He "Kept it real & Told it like it is" just like Ye says he does. haha

Bein Ye FTL
Originally Posted by I Be John Mayer

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

How pathetic. He calls out Ye in this manner yet we have the Republican leadership trashing Obama left and right and all Obama does is give town hall speeches.

We have one Republican Congressman yelling out "YOU LIE" live on National Television during an Obama speech and Obama accepts his apology.

Obama looking real soft these days.
You sound dumb. Kanye is one guy who acted like a #%!**+*, while the Republican leadership is able to convince half the country that Barack Obama is a Hitler-esque socialist who wants to kill your grandparents. Other than going to places and explaining his plan in detail followed by Q&A, which is what a town hall speech is, how would he be able to win the hearts and minds of those who do not already agree with or find reasonable his plans? Please, tell me, because by this diatribe it seems you have a much better strategy. I guess if instead of those meetings he just called the Republican leadership a bunch of Jack *$%$$, the entire country would go, "well, you know, he's kind of right."

When the congressman yelled "YOU LIE" Obama looked him straight in the face and told him he was wrong in the middle of everything. If anything did you think about the fact that after such a ballsy moment the congressman actually had to back down and APOLOGIZE? Son most definitely did not want to and had no plans to do so, but I guess Obama was so soft that he called dude out the moment he said something wild and then recieved a begrudgened apology from a grown man who was speaking his mind. If you would sit here and say that if you were Obama then you would not accept that man's apology, then you are not a leader of men, but merely a female bent on emotional wins and losses.

Like someone said earlier, Obama called a spade a spade. Period. When it went down I was on some "f taylor swift i agree with Ye" type stuff, but that still doesn't cloud my view of his actions being that of a Jack $$!. At the same time, I understand that politics is a complicated game with very high stakes. A brutish attitude or a simple mind would not even make it to Congress unless your family was able to compensate for you, and Barack did not have such luck.
And you sound like a SHEEP.

Yes when a Republican yells out YOU LIE in front of a LIVE television audience... you take a moment from reading the teleprompter and call that fool out. Nowthat's LEADERSHIP I want to see. All Obama did was glance at dude and in the back of his mind I know he was going.. stick to the teleprompter.. focusfocus on the teleprompter... lets "WOW" all these Congressmen with my excellent oratory skills.

Maybe you didn't hear Joe Wilson this past weekend on Fox News being interviewed. He may have apologized but the way he was speaking, no way he wassincere with his apology because guess what.. he too has SHEEP that praised him for his outburst.

The Republican leadership for the past month has been able to brainwash the American people with all these moronic half truths about his health plan and whathas Obama done? Town Hall meetings with a group of 40 participants hand selected by the White House?? Oh wait.. he also has a special website where you cansnitch on your neighbor if he/she is spreading lies about his health care plan.

Then we have the speech he was to deliver to school children and that turned out to be a disaster. Obama caved in to the Republican leadership and changed thelesson plans because he doesn't want the public to think he is brain washing them. Goodness... BEYOND WEAK

No wonder Obama has lost a good chunk of his approval ratings because no matter what he will always have sheep like you defending everything he does.
Dang Obama. Kanye had your back though?
Oh well he called it like it was.

Obama's Not to F with list

Louis Farrakhan

Bernie Mac

Kayne West

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Straight ****ERY on Obama's part forreal.. He was probably in a room filled with with 15 white people, and felt the need to throw Ye under the bus to protect who?? Taylor F'n Swift?!?! Dude coulda just said "no comment" and kept it moving..

You never hear him callin' Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh jackassses do you?
OMG. I hate people like this, who make race a part of EVERYTHING. Can we for once take the race equation out of human relations. Obama criticizesKanye for being a jack@!% and he's a !+*+. ****.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

UH OH, who will the hypebeasts choose? their precious louis vuitton don, or Barack O'Drama?! ............................................ lmao

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Straight ****ERY on Obama's part forreal.. He was probably in a room filled with with 15 white people, and felt the need to throw Ye under the bus to protect who?? Taylor F'n Swift?!?! Dude coulda just said "no comment" and kept it moving..

You never hear him callin' Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh jackassses do you?

Shut your +@%#$ @++ up
Lol what a conundrum 85 percent of Niketalk has found itself in. Do they follow their hypebeast/homoerotic instincts and choose Kanye's side? Or do theyfall back on their limited political knowledge and blind love for Obama?

BTW Obama's only being real.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Straight ****ERY on Obama's part forreal.. He was probably in a room filled with with 15 white people, and felt the need to throw Ye under the bus to protect who?? Taylor F'n Swift?!?! Dude coulda just said "no comment" and kept it moving..

You never hear him callin' Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh jackassses do you?

Our president cant speak his mind? This was supposed to be off the record and private. If he said this on national tv or to the public, then it would be adifferent story. Kanye can speak his mind too but infront of millions of people while interupting her speech? Cmon now.

Just stop

-waits for a respond to justify their comment
Obama doesn't have the right to call anyone such a name. This is the same president that genuflects every time corporations walk in the door.
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