Ayo!! Why was enimem tea-bagged?

planned but still
Staged ...

but what heterosexual man would WANT to be set up like that?

I always thought Eminem was a little feminine ...
Originally Posted by solesavage

it's fake. Em is a clown and notoriously known for pulling pranks or being involved in pranks. Do you honestly think Em wouldnt start swinging and act like a loon if someone really did that to him unplanned? If I were in Em shoes and someone played a prank like that on me unknowingly, I would lose my cool and start swinging away.

Some of y'all are too gullible.
I think the people who really believe this is legit are the ones getting set up. I wouldn't be surprised to see Eminem in the Bruno movie.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

It looks like Sasha Baron Cohen & MTV set up Em...Bruno ( Sasha ) decided to make a example of a homophobic rapper by sticking his taint in his face...which going by the trailer for Bruno and the skits from Da Ali G Show is exactly what he was going for to get publicity for his movie... Still,Em's reaction was priceless...

Sure and that's why Em is good friends with Elton John right? how are you a homophobe when You say on Jimmy Kimmel that "ELTON JOHN" is your good friend, and read what I said before I talked to my friend who worked on the show and it was fixed "set up" they all knew

There is a difference between being friends with a gay person and having another man's @*+ shoved in your face. He may not be a homophobe but something like that would piss off even the most gay-friendly person in the world. I think Sacha's part was planned but I really don't think Eminem would agree to do something like that. Sacha likes to surprise people and even though a lot of his bits are staged, I'm not sure if this one was. I'll just have to wait and see.

What part dont you understand about staged? my boy said the whole thing was planned from the way he landed to what EM's boy did.....sureee he gonna get lowered down in that position??? get real, it was scripted 100%

I'm just saying it's unlike Eminem to agree to do that. I'm starting to see more signs point towards it being staged though so yeah I gotta agree.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

It looks like Sasha Baron Cohen & MTV set up Em...Bruno ( Sasha ) decided to make a example of a homophobic rapper by sticking his taint in his face...which going by the trailer for Bruno and the skits from Da Ali G Show is exactly what he was going for to get publicity for his movie... Still,Em's reaction was priceless...

Sure and that's why Em is good friends with Elton John right? how are you a homophobe when You say on Jimmy Kimmel that "ELTON JOHN" is your good friend, and read what I said before I talked to my friend who worked on the show and it was fixed "set up" they all knew

There is a difference between being friends with a gay person and having another man's @*+ shoved in your face. He may not be a homophobe but something like that would piss off even the most gay-friendly person in the world. I think Sacha's part was planned but I really don't think Eminem would agree to do something like that. Sacha likes to surprise people and even though a lot of his bits are staged, I'm not sure if this one was. I'll just have to wait and see.

What part dont you understand about staged? my boy said the whole thing was planned from the way he landed to what EM's boy did.....sureee he gonna get lowered down in that position??? get real, it was scripted 100%
I have to agree. The more I thought about it how it went down, the more convinced I got that Eminem had to be in on it. The whole thing justwent too perfectly for it to not be totally staged.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by dvdjamm5150

It looks like Sasha Baron Cohen & MTV set up Em...Bruno ( Sasha ) decided to make a example of a homophobic rapper by sticking his taint in his face...which going by the trailer for Bruno and the skits from Da Ali G Show is exactly what he was going for to get publicity for his movie... Still,Em's reaction was priceless...

Sure and that's why Em is good friends with Elton John right? how are you a homophobe when You say on Jimmy Kimmel that "ELTON JOHN" is your good friend, and read what I said before I talked to my friend who worked on the show and it was fixed "set up" they all knew

There is a difference between being friends with a gay person and having another man's @*+ shoved in your face. He may not be a homophobe but something like that would piss off even the most gay-friendly person in the world. I think Sacha's part was planned but I really don't think Eminem would agree to do something like that. Sacha likes to surprise people and even though a lot of his bits are staged, I'm not sure if this one was. I'll just have to wait and see.

What part dont you understand about staged? my boy said the whole thing was planned from the way he landed to what EM's boy did.....sureee he gonna get lowered down in that position??? get real, it was scripted 100%

The mTV part was clearly staged but the Eminem part
I dont know. Whatbenefit does he get by getting teabagged?

And to the person who said why didnt Eminem and his boys swing on the dude if its real. You're in public in front of number of cameras and celebrities.They're really going to beat a guy to a bloody pulp?
Yeah right?Not all them rap dudes are that hard and thuggish. Especially Eminem what's he like 5'7?
I dont think it was planned

PARIS HILTON insists EMINEM knew nothing about the full extent of his humiliation at the MTV Movie Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday night (31May09) - because friends behind the scenes told her to expect a big surprise at the ceremony.
The socialite couldn't quite see who Sacha Baron Cohen's semi-naked Bruno character had landed on on his way to the stage until Eminem got up and walked out of the Universal Ampitheater - but she's convinced the prank was more than just a publicity stunt.
Although Eminem appeared to be speaking into a microphone as he yelled, "Are you f**kin' serious?" as he looked into cameras over a suspended Cohen's bare backside, the rapper's entourage manhandled the funnyman in such a way it looked as if they weren't prepared for the Brit's outrageous entrance - and Hilton feels sure it was all a big surprise.
She says, "I don't think he (Eminem) knew because I talked to someone who was running the show before and he said a big surprise was gonna happen and the person didn't know it was gonna happen."
And Hilton isn't surprised Eminem stormed out after the unfortunate incident: "I think anyone would be mad if something was, like, in your face like that... It was very odd."

01 June 2009 22:01

Originally Posted by Mick Jagger

I dont think it was planned

PARIS HILTON insists EMINEM knew nothing about the full extent of his humiliation at the MTV Movie Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday night (31May09) - because friends behind the scenes told her to expect a big surprise at the ceremony.
The socialite couldn't quite see who Sacha Baron Cohen's semi-naked Bruno character had landed on on his way to the stage until Eminem got up and walked out of the Universal Ampitheater - but she's convinced the prank was more than just a publicity stunt.
Although Eminem appeared to be speaking into a microphone as he yelled, "Are you f**kin' serious?" as he looked into cameras over a suspended Cohen's bare backside, the rapper's entourage manhandled the funnyman in such a way it looked as if they weren't prepared for the Brit's outrageous entrance - and Hilton feels sure it was all a big surprise.
She says, "I don't think he (Eminem) knew because I talked to someone who was running the show before and he said a big surprise was gonna happen and the person didn't know it was gonna happen."
And Hilton isn't surprised Eminem stormed out after the unfortunate incident: "I think anyone would be mad if something was, like, in your face like that... It was very odd."

01 June 2009 22:01

Well, if Paris says so . . .
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by NIMO007

It was staged because you know the rest of D12 would have jumped Bruno if it was real.

of course they'd say it was "staged" to cover up the story. Just look at how Em's boys was pushing Bruno. They weren't light taps
Didn't Em say something a while back about being in a movie? Maybe this is it? This is definitely added into Bruno right?
I can see Eminem being a good sport and allowing himself to be embarrassed like this lol. I mean, he makes fun of all those celebs right? This is no different.
Yeah, I think Em will be in the movie some how because he said in a interview that he couldn't give any hints of what it will be. At first I thought it wasreal, but looking at it again I believe it was staged. You can tell by the person sitting by Em's right was holding his nose and playing along when Brunowas on top of Em.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Didn't Em say something a while back about being in a movie? Maybe this is it? This is definitely added into Bruno right?
I can see Eminem being a good sport and allowing himself to be embarrassed like this lol. I mean, he makes fun of all those celebs right? This is no different.

I am leaning towards Eminem being in the movie Bruno as well. It will be funny when all the people that got all excited seeing Eminem get "played"find that they were the ones getting played.
[h1]No Butts About It: MTV's Eminem-Bruno Stunt Was Staged[/h1]By Matt Mitovich 1 hour and 48 minutes ago
The "face-off" between Sacha Baron Cohen's bare backside and Eminem's mug came as a surprise to the viewers of Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, but just how shocked was the rapper also known as Marshall Mathers?

This much is for certain: Cohen's "Bruno" alter ego landing in Eminem's lap was a prearranged stunt. "There's no way it was an accident," an industry insider who was seated a few rows in front of Eminem tells TVGuide.com. "You don't let two stars collide without a detailed plan."

For starters, Bruno's airborne entrance was purposely detoured by speakers that were lowered into his path during the previous commercial break. That bit of equipment manipulation - coupled with the director's cut to Eminem several seconds before Bruno's "fall" - is what our spy calls "the smoking gun."

What about the appearance that tensions escalated when Cohen thrust his bare derriere in Eminem's face? While a spokesperson for the recording artist has not responded to a request for comment, our witness strongly suspects his expletive-filled outburst was all for show. (Lest anyone forget, Eminem did collect the occasional accolade for his acting debut in the semibiographical 2002 film 8 Mile.)

"Everyone was laughing about it during the next break," says our source, "especially the MTV staffers."

And while it is true that Eminem, after "storming out" in disgust, never returned to his seat, that was the M.O. of many a star who shone at the awards show.

"Most of the big celebs came, did their thing and left," reports our onlooker.

Makes sense. Cameras were every where captruing Em's every reaction.
Hes like please dont jizz on my face.
..... but look at the guy in the plaid shirt he has on a
g-shock im thinkin dw-6900 series????
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