athiest wake up

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he's one of history's few enlightened prophets that have witnessed the truth. He's no different than Mohammed. Or Buddha.

I believe in God. I just don't believe the way you believe. I don't believe the words and texts of men who have clearly manipulated and misconstrued the truth.

Organized religion is petty and stupid. A bunch of people trying to take ownership of the truth that belongs to everyone. Mofos.

Realest post in here.

How you guys can take the Bible as some form of sacred text is simply mind bottling.

I believe in Jesus but I dont believe the bible word for word however why do many secular historians find many actions in the Bible to be treu to many examplesso do your own research

Im not hear to try to convert people but athesism is a religion also you BELIEVE nothing exist. However I do believe the bible shouldnt be quoted word for wordits been translated so many times of course things will get distorted.

In for the record God isnt a person so quit with comparing him to humans he/she/it created everything
lobotomybeats look dude. He didn't fail. We decide our future. He put you here to give you the gift of life. Your family and friends is a blessing and youdon't even know it. I didn't have to pray for family either. I pray that my family continues to grow and remain healthy. I hope you realize the truthone day.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

lobotomybeats look dude. He didn't fail. We decide our future. He put you here to give you the gift of life. Your family and friends is a blessing and you don't even know it. I didn't have to pray for family either. I pray that my family continues to grow and remain healthy. I hope you realize the truth one day.
hate to tell you this dude but my parents gave me life. Friends and family aren't blessings, these are things whose existence can be accountedfor without the proclaiming some deity.

And I realize the truth! I am not telling anyone they shouldn't believe in god. I am asking why is it those that don't believe are the ones that theoutcasts? Shouldn't the group of people that believe in the tangible be the ones that aren't considered off base? I am wondering what is missing inthose that do believe. What void can there be that needs to be filled with promises of eternal life and happiness. Religion was created because it was a wayto account for the unaccountable. Every day the case for the lack of god becomes more more substantial. Every day science proves how silly it is to stillsubscribe. That is quite amazing if you think about it. Never has the case for god ever been made more abundant or solid. Not one time in the history of thehistory of man has anyone found proof that god exists. and I am the fool for not believing.
i do not believe in god but i don't go around shoving it in peoples faces trying to force them to agree with me. people who do this are ridiculous, it isthe same people that will force feed this crap to their kids like it is the truth. when i have kids i will present them with both sides and let them choosewhatever they want to believe in.
I always say, the absense of evidence is not the evidence of absence..simply because you dont have evidence that something does exist, DOES NOT mean that youhave evidence that something doesn't exist..

Well what im sayin is, there are known-knowns and that there are known-unknowns, but there's also unknown-unknowns; things we dont know that we dont know!

Say, "what" again..
Im Muslim and That footage that The OP put up is just dumb,....What does that do to prove anything about Allah??

What the hell does that Video prove??...I got kinda upset after watching that video, Like was that suppose to do to change anyone's mind??

Why not actually show stories or acutual events and miracles that happened to show people why they should believe, Instead Of Showing Pictures of fruits withslight abnormalities and calling them miracles, The makers of that video ar dumb ignorant people

OP Your a Clown, You And the People That created the video get this...

StoneFace x Reaching

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

lobotomybeats look dude. He didn't fail. We decide our future. He put you here to give you the gift of life. Your family and friends is a blessing and you don't even know it. I didn't have to pray for family either. I pray that my family continues to grow and remain healthy. I hope you realize the truth one day.
hate to tell you this dude but my parents gave me life. Friends and family aren't blessings, these are things whose existence can be accounted for without the proclaiming some deity.

And I realize the truth! I am not telling anyone they shouldn't believe in god. I am asking why is it those that don't believe are the ones that the outcasts? Shouldn't the group of people that believe in the tangible be the ones that aren't considered off base? I am wondering what is missing in those that do believe. What void can there be that needs to be filled with promises of eternal life and happiness. Religion was created because it was a way to account for the unaccountable. Every day the case for the lack of god becomes more more substantial. Every day science proves how silly it is to still subscribe. That is quite amazing if you think about it. Never has the case for god ever been made more abundant or solid. Not one time in the history of the history of man has anyone found proof that god exists. and I am the fool for not believing.
Who called you a fool for not believing? You can believe what you like. This simply a back and forth debate. You stated your reasoning and Istated mine. No hard feelings anyone.
As a person who believes in God, I expect to see aliens before I see God's face in this lifetime. Why? Because I am not worthy to see God's face. Andmost religious people think atheism is bad but I find it to be a good thing. Its a good thing to question God because we want answers to all of our problems.But reality is this, we can't solve all our problems. I am not the most religious person in the world, infact I don't know anything. I didn'tapproach Christianity with fear but with curiosity. I am more interested in what it takes to be a good man. I am interested in humanity as a whole. To meheaven or hell doesn't matter because my aim is not to be rewarded with a pass to heaven or punishment to hell. In my opinion, the meaning of life is tofind purpose. What does it take to be a good man. I am not a good man but not because I am good at being bad but I am bad at being good. This is the truth Iseek. We can argue all day about history, war and fairy tales, but nothing changes about humanity and nothing can quench our thirst for desire.

As for Jesus, I don't know for a fact whether he is God or son of God. I don't care about his status or the miracles he perform, I am more interestedin what he said, what he taught and what his actions represented. You can call me crazy or a person with no faith but this is what I believe, God'sgreatest miracle is humanity.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

As a person who believes in God, I expect to see aliens before I see God's face in this lifetime. Why? Because I am not worthy to see God's face. And most religious people think atheism is bad but I find it to be a good thing. Its a good thing to question God because we want answers to all of our problems. But reality is this, we can't solve all our problems. I am not the most religious person in the world, infact I don't know anything. I didn't approach Christianity with fear but with curiosity. I am more interested in what it takes to be a good man. I am interested in humanity as a whole. To me heaven or hell doesn't matter because my aim is not to be rewarded with a pass to heaven or punishment to hell. In my opinion, the meaning of life is to find purpose. What does it take to be a good man. I am not a good man but not because I am good at being bad but I am bad at being good. This is the truth I seek. We can argue all day about history, war and fairy tales, but nothing changes about humanity and nothing can quench our thirst for desire.

As for Jesus, I don't know for a fact whether he is God or son of God. I don't care about his status or the miracles he perform, I am more interested in what he said, what he taught and what his actions represented. You can call me crazy or a person with no faith but this is what I believe, God's greatest miracle is humanity.
Nice. I never have that gif of Rock clapping on hand
. Well put though. Living life and living it well is a key. I always thought even peopledidn't believe Jesus was the son of God, at least look at what He taught. He has a great blueprint for success. As a matter of fact, do you atheist studyJesus? It couldn't hurt. You may not come away believing He is the son of God but you can def pick up something. Personally I believe He is but I wouldlike if y'all studied Jesus the man I'll even look up something you want me to look at. No weird stuff though

Oh and how do you all feel about the ten commandments?
Everything is used for symbolic reasons. Moses did not split the sea, jesus did not walk on water or turn it into wine. If the bible is true then how can youexplain these events? and please do not answer with some supernatural mumbo jumbo. I'll never understand how people can believe in something told to themwhen they were a little kid, not question it, and praise it as truth. You guys read up on what's stated in the bible but how about you do some research onyour own? Where is the missing years of jesus when he was a teen? Why did the first bible depict jesus as a regular man, but later changed into a god? Why doesthe bible have so much similiarities to many religions thousands of years before it? There was a previous thread debating religion on NT a few weeks back andbased on the arguments in that thread, I decided to read up on LaVeyan Satanism and it applies more to me than christianity ever did.
Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Everything is used for symbolic reasons. Moses did not split the sea, jesus did not walk on water or turn it into wine. If the bible is true then how can you explain these events? and please do not answer with some supernatural mumbo jumbo. I'll never understand how people can believe in something told to them when they were a little kid, not question it, and praise it as truth. You guys read up on what's stated in the bible but how about you do some research on your own? Where is the missing years of jesus when he was a teen? Why did the first bible depict jesus as a regular man, but later changed into a god? Why does the bible have so much similiarities to many religions thousands of years before it? There was a previous thread debating religion on NT a few weeks back and based on the arguments in that thread, I decided to read up on LaVeyan Satanism and it applies more to me than christianity ever did.
Actually I didn't really get into God/Christ until a few years ago. Are you a satanist now?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Actually I didn't really get into God/Christ until a few years ago. Are you a satanist now?
Do you believe that the bible is to be taken literally? I'm just curious.
You live, and you die. Is that what you really want?
I think this is where the majority of pseudo religious types rest their belief. WANT has nothing to do with the life cycle of man. WANT is acontemporary construct.
To live & die is not what I WANT.................. It's going to happen regardless of my acceptance of it or not. It is simply going to happen.
Spending your few precious years on earth adhering to antiquated rules in a desperate attempt to live forever in some metaphysical box know as heaven isfoolish in my mind. Religion was the law before there was law.
It was a way to get a society to move forward as a unit & as a species. We are a smart. We learn & adjust. Tribes became nations, nations became unitednations & the human advances & moves on. Our only responsibility is to progress human beings as a whole.
To see ourselves as creations of "god" only stunts our understanding of who we are. To be the most progressive human as you can is the reason foryour existence. Advance as far as you can go (whatever that means to you or to your society at large at any point in time).
Human existence is about learning from your ancestors & building on that knowledge as a way to further mankind.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Actually I didn't really get into God/Christ until a few years ago. Are you a satanist now?
Do you believe that the bible is to be taken literally? I'm just curious.
Honestly I haven't read the entire thing but I would say majority if not all can be.

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or eventhe idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on thisplanet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying thereis no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

But if a child was put in a home where they never taught him/her the basics of life for example mother and father then how would that child ever know who theywere or what they were?
Honestly I haven't read the entire thing but I would say majority if not all can be.
Of the majority that you do believe in, do you believe that Moses actually parted the sea?

If so, why do you think he was given the ability to do this? He was human right?
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

I always say, the absense of evidence is not the evidence of absence..simply because you dont have evidence that something does exist, DOES NOT mean that you have evidence that something doesn't exist..

Well what im sayin is, there are known-knowns and that there are known-unknowns, but there's also unknown-unknowns; things we dont know that we dont know!

Say, "what" again..

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Honestly I haven't read the entire thing but I would say majority if not all can be.
Of the majority that you do believe in, do you believe that Moses actually parted the sea?

If so, why do you think he was given the ability to do this? He was human right?
I'll say God did it.

OK peep game right quick. I was doing a bit of research because your question honestly made me think. I found a guy that made some sense.

Lets take the slaves from Egypt for example? They wanted freedom. They wanted a way out. Moses came along and gave them hope and a way out. They wanted proofof God. God revealed himself to them and saved them from slavery. But after they were free and able to do whatever they took advantage and replaced the Godwith a golden calf. They replaced the same God who just got done saving them and giving them freedom. They went crazy and lost faith and belief. What did theyreally gain by that? Nothing.

Here is another example I thought of. You have a young man is in some type of trouble. He prays to God to get him out of trouble somehow. So God pulls somestrings and thus the teenager has a second chance to prove himself. Fast forward a month and the teenager is in trouble again. What did He learn by skippingover his punishment?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Honestly I haven't read the entire thing but I would say majority if not all can be.
Of the majority that you do believe in, do you believe that Moses actually parted the sea?

If so, why do you think he was given the ability to do this? He was human right?
I'll say God did it.

OK peep game right quick. I was doing a bit of research because your question honestly made me think. I found a guy that made some sense.

Lets take the slaves from Egypt for example? They wanted freedom. They wanted a way out. Moses came along and gave them hope and a way out. They wanted proof of God. God revealed himself to them and saved them from slavery. But after they were free and able to do whatever they took advantage and replaced the God with a golden calf. They replaced the same God who just got done saving them and giving them freedom. They went crazy and lost faith and belief. What did they really gain by that? Nothing.

Here is another example I thought of. You have a young man is in some type of trouble. He prays to God to get him out of trouble somehow. So God pulls some strings and thus the teenager has a second chance to prove himself. Fast forward a month and the teenager is in trouble again. What did He learn by skipping over his punishment?

Okay, if God did it, why doesn't a miracle occur when tragic events happen in the world we live in today?

Where's the savior?
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Originally Posted by NothingBefore





If they land? You talking %@%% with propellers?

I'd wife a pretty one then fly to the club and make my old chick jealous.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Honestly I haven't read the entire thing but I would say majority if not all can be.
Of the majority that you do believe in, do you believe that Moses actually parted the sea?

If so, why do you think he was given the ability to do this? He was human right?
I'll say God did it.

OK peep game right quick. I was doing a bit of research because your question honestly made me think. I found a guy that made some sense.

Lets take the slaves from Egypt for example? They wanted freedom. They wanted a way out. Moses came along and gave them hope and a way out. They wanted proof of God. God revealed himself to them and saved them from slavery. But after they were free and able to do whatever they took advantage and replaced the God with a golden calf. They replaced the same God who just got done saving them and giving them freedom. They went crazy and lost faith and belief. What did they really gain by that? Nothing.

Here is another example I thought of. You have a young man is in some type of trouble. He prays to God to get him out of trouble somehow. So God pulls some strings and thus the teenager has a second chance to prove himself. Fast forward a month and the teenager is in trouble again. What did He learn by skipping over his punishment?
Okay, if God did it, why doesn't a miracle occur when tragic events happen in the world we live in today?

Where's the savior?

Not erasing anymore of our mistakes. What type of life would it be if God stepped in all the time to stop bad things from happening? He has laiddown his laws. It is up to us to follow them. Those who don't in this life will be punished for it in the next. Those that live a life of a true believerwill reign with Christ, our King.

When you have children, will you always step in and stop them from doing what you told them not to? Will you clean up all their mistakes? In gymnastics does agymnast's coach catch them them when they fall during practice? Maybe the first few times but after a while He/She has to let go and let flow. Ingymnastics when its competition time, the gymnast should be well prepared. The gymnast performs alone and is judged according to his/her performance. Theterrorist from 9/11 will pay for their actions. They already payed by taken their gift from God but they will pay again. Everyone will have to answer for theirsins and wrong doings. You, me and everyone. I pray He is merciful on us
I've heard a few times before that the world once ended with water (Noah and the Ark) and the next time it will end with fire.

Since mistakes cannot be corrected anymore, there will be no savior and everyone will suffer. Correct?
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

I've heard a few times before that the world once ended with water (Noah and the Ark) and the next time it will end with fire.

Since mistakes cannot be corrected anymore, there will be no savior and everyone will suffer. Correct?

End with fire? Thats a new one. Um from my understanding the anti-christ (no he wont go by that) will reign for 3.5 years as leader/king/ruler of the world.Christ will return due to the caos of the times and save us again so to speak. But it will be the most hellaus time since... ever. Its a long story dude.Don't ever get a device which holds ALL your information. Its supposed to go in the hand or forehead. I believe it will be a micro chip since they haveones that small with info on them now. Please please please, whoever is reading this don't get what I described. Starve if you must. I'd rather starvethen suffer what those with the "mark" will.

You can actually google that. It's alot to handle. Heck it still is for me. I still think about it and just go
For my fellow Christians in this thread...

Just a reminder...

Romans 14:1-7
1 Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. 2 For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. 3Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him. 4Who are you to judge another's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.
5 One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord;[sup][a][/sup] and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and gives God thanks. 7 For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.
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