At what age should you move out of your parent's house an no longer be dependent on your parents?

Jun 28, 2009
Personally, I think you should move out by 18. The latest age you should be living with your parents or be dependent on your parents is 21.

I think by 18-21, you should be able to have a decent job to be able to afford a decent apartment.

It's funny, because I see 25 or 26 year olds on WDYWT that have about 100 pairs of sneakers, yet they still live in their Momma crib, in some small, dirty,dusty, with walls peeling apartment in the ghetto.

Not to mention all the 27 and 28 year old that live in their Momma's house, dont pay rent or mortgages, so they stay LV'd up and Gucci down, and arewhipping the latest BMW and Mercedes.

Me wearing Banana Republic an owning my own home at 22 > You wearing LV and Gucci and living in your momma basement

So I ask you at what age should you move out of your parents house? At what age should you be self sufficient and no longer dependent on your parents?

All the NT losers will probably avoid this thread like the plague.
too many variables 22 just graduated looking for a full time I supposed to move out without enough money in the bank to rent an apartmentyet?, every situation is diferent , I know kids in med school still living home that r 27
I say 21, 18 is fresh out of high school. There are a lot of people who haven't even worked a day in their life at that age.

24 is the absolute limit though.

I'm 21, and I'll be out the house in 2 weeks.
Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

too many variables 22 just graduated looking for a full time I supposed to move out without enough money in the bank to rent an apartment yet?, every situation is diferent , I know kids in med school still living home that r 27

QFT. I'm 20 and paying my way through college. If I move out it's a wrap.
Ehh, it's fine if you are paying your mama rent and you are 24. But by 25 you should be out of the crib.
I'm 24 and I'm still at the crib... I pay 900 bucks to the folks tho and I have a great job at American Express. I'm planning to move out by theend of the year or early next.
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Personally, I think you should move out by 18. The latest age you should be living with your parents or be dependent on your parents is 21.

I think by 18-21, you should be able to have a decent job to be able to afford a decent apartment.

It's funny, because I see 25 or 26 year olds on WDYWT that have about 100 pairs of sneakers, yet they still live in their Momma crib, in some small, dirty, dusty, with walls peeling apartment in the ghetto.

Not to mention all the 27 and 28 year old that live in their Momma's house, dont pay rent or mortgages, so they stay LV'd up and Gucci down, and are whipping the latest BMW and Mercedes.

Me wearing Banana Republic an owning my own home at 22 > You wearing LV and Gucci and living in your momma basement

So I ask you at what age should you move out of your parents house? At what age should you be self sufficient and no longer dependent on your parents?

All the NT losers will probably avoid this thread like the plague.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Move out by 18? So I can be working 2 jobs, living in a rat infested apartmenteating spam? Yeah right. When I'm financially stable enough to rent a nice place in the city (NYC), I'll move out.[/color]

so every 21 year old who lives at home youre saying lives for free? As in they dont help out with mortgage/rent, utilities, etc?

i havent considered myself as living home since i went to school in '05 and dont plan on goin back when im done.

living independently FTW
paying all your own bills FTL


bread gotta be right to move out, period.....and not on some workin 60+ hours type +%%% either...that aint living.
These threads absolutely kill me. I love when dudes say "so and soage is mandatory to move out" It's always the young cats that say that because they have no idea about how the real world is. If you notice all thedudes who actually put an age limit are all under 25...Just because you are "moving out and on your own at 13 or 22" does not make you better thananyone else. I'm 25 (turning 26 in December) still in my parents crib, but heres the catch..I'm starting doctor of Physical Therapy school (gradschool) next month...Am I a loser? Or should I run out and get my own place so I have to work my !+% off in order to pay rent (or a mortgage) while in gradschool just because I am not meeting niketalks standards? Please...When I'm done with school I'll get my crib instead of rushing to move out early andrunning back home which I bet 95% of you will be doing. And another thing about the dudes who move out early, more than likely you dudes are not in school (forsomthing serious and lucrative) and just working, so you are basically working for your house or apt now, but when you get a family those little pay checksthat could cover your rent are not going to be enough..So good luck with that.
There is no age limit. Every situation is different. There are some though that are purley just being lazy and dont want to move out because of theconvinience of living at home..yet stay 'Fresh ta Death' ....thats just lame...
usually the only ones that get a pass are the ones that are staying at home and still going to school..that i dont see nothing wrong with...gotta stack yourpaper before moving out...

oh well...
You're just at the other end of the spectrum as them, doesn't make you much better. Maybe you should try having an open mind. There are 100s ofdifferent situations a person can be in.
22 and owning your own house???? LMAOOO

that's unrealistic for the majority of 22 year olds out there. You probably have no concept of what it takes to own a house. I didnt buy my house until iwas a month shy of turning 27. To answer the question you should move out of your pare t house when u are able to afford rent and utilities comfortably. Not tomention having money left over so u arent broke when the ren s due. In this economy you are gonna see more people livi g at home to save cash. Excuse thetypos. Im on my pho e
id say a year or 2 after you graduate college at the most. im not trying to work two jobs and go to school full time just to say im independent. f that
Everybody has a different situation, the only reason I moved out early I had a hook-up on a place to stay, and I couldn't stand all the rules at my parentshouse.

I don't think there is a exact age. As long as you taking care of business, and not being a freeloader
Im still at home, but I'm in law school. My thing is this, if you can live a house rent free, why not take that opportunity. Most people in law schoolwould kill to be in my position, living at home. Having 0 debt after law school>50k in debt just from living expenses.
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