AT&T vs. T-Mobile vs. Verizon vs. Sprint...

damn, quadruple post?

Find out from people in your area.

It does no good for me to tell you that Sprint works great in my area, unless you live in my area.
I just got rid of my BB on Verizon...TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE
Verizon doesn't do any early nights, customer service sucks and acts like its their money.
I save 50 bucks a month on ATT

Just got an IPHONE
I have T-Mo, But im gonna change up AT&T has It on smash rite now, Iphone & The Blackberry Bold >>>>>> anything else
For me it comes down to this, AT&T and TMO use sim cards. So you can simply move your sim card and use another CSM phone at any point.

Spring and VZW Dont Use Sim Cards.

Im with TMO because of a employee line price but when i move to another company it will be AT&T. Best Phones Great Service
I have AT&T and Verizon

i love my iphone but the storm comes out next week so i would say phones =

but when it comes to service VERIZON >>>>>> AT&T

by far it aint even close if you call me now my iphone has 1bar verizon full bars!!!!
My friend works repairing cell phone towers and he told me AT&T shells out the most cash for all the top of the line products while other companies such astmobile buy all the used older stuff.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Check the sig.
More and more people are switching to T-Mobile. I talk on the phone a lot and I only use no more than 60 minutes per month.
T-Mobile are getting better and better phones.
Great prices.
Their service is getting better.
T-mobile data plan for the G1 includes unlimited texts if you buy it for $35. With AT&T, you gotta buy the $30 data plan plus $20 for unlimited texts.I'm with AT&T and have an iPhone, kind of want to get the G1 now.
I like Sprint. I/ve had At&T and Helio also, and neither get calls in buildings like hospitals and buildings with brick or thick walls, which is 99% ofbuildings on a military base, so you always see people having to walk outside or stand by a window (I work I.T and we have to do that with the TMobileBlackberrys even when we activate them for the Drill Sergeants, hang it on the window sill or go outside), but Sprint is literally getting calls in thebasement.

Sprint's over the air EV DO internet is also the fastest of the 3, even though ATT claims to be 20mbps now. I run wifirouter on my phone so I can surf onmy laptop, and it's literally comparable to a home broadband speed. I can get on Youtube and other flv sites and the videos will start right away, Idownloaded a 57mb mp3 in less than a minute, so it's good speed.

Customer service, really they all suck, but planwise nobody is messing with Sero 30$ for 500 minutes, free nights and weekends, unlimited texts and data, buteven as a new customer since you can't get that, you can get the Simply Everything Referral for 60$ and that's unlimted everything, music, gps, data,texts, and talk time.
getting over on customer service shouldn't be the point either...

I think that service is ultimately the most important thing. Until you've been in situation when everyone else can use their phone and you're sittingthere S.O.L. then you start to see that paying that extra bit for better carriers like ATT and Verizon really matters.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Sprint Sero
. Got an extra $15 off my too by threaten to leave before my 30 day trail period was up. Every month by bill is $20 for 500 mins, unlimited text and data.
Dude hustled the hell out of Sprint...

I ain't mad at ya...

Even though I'm with Sprint/Nextel, I have no phone with them and have had my account on standby for like two months...only reason is so when I eventuallyswitch networks, I wanna be able to port my # I've technically been a FA for a few months now and I'm in the same boat as the OP...I want aBB and T-Mo service is good around here, so that's what I'm looking at...
I'm up at the end of this month and im staying with verizon and getting the storm. I've had verizon, then sprint, then tmobile, and im back at verizon.the only thing i have against verizon is sometimes my service at home is sketchy, but everyone else in my family has verizon and they all have great service soi think its actaully my phone and not the service itself.

tmobile was absolute garbage. i got rid of them after only a month. the only reason i switched to them in the first place is because i had my sister on mynextel account and our bill was around 275 every month and my sister really wanted a sidekick. i got us both one for christmas and after a week she returnedhers because she had no service ever and i got rid of mine 3 weeks later because of the same problem.

nextel/sprint was nice because i always had service, i just wasnt about the huge bill.

verizon is still kind of expensive, espiecailyl with the data plans added on and such, but on a family plan, i pretty much have unlimited minutes because wehave so many to share that we never come near reaching our limit, and we also have unlimited text, picture and video messaging with the family plan.
Had far the worst coverage.....never can mess wit them again...t-mobile has bad coverage as well...verizon is hands down the best
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