Asics Love?!? Where is it?

**** you and me both, man. I was mad dumb for skipping thinking they were going to release stateside. But I'm sure everyone who pre ordered today is good. I really don't understand why we wouldn't. Esp with them adding the paypal option when it was nonexistent before todays release. It's a sign they were expecting an influx of international orders.
i hope so, got another email this morning for one of the orders explaining the process. gives me more confidence. Just don't feel vested in this transaction 
hey bro they emailed me in regards to the pair i paid thru credit card. no email for my paypal purchase yet[emoji]9994[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]

This. Still waiting on that PP invoice tho...

If Kicks Lab were real Samurai, they'd take their own lives rather than face this humiliation lol. j/k. Sorry to hear fellas. I'd be as pissed as y'all, but I was 3.5 hrs too late anyway. 

Dudes need to just fall on the sword gracefully :lol:
i seen that the lottery system affected big sizes. 11-13 i think. I got an email from both rakuten and kicklab confirming my order was good and that they will be sending paypal invoice
just got the "we will be sending invoice" emails as well. i placed orders for both Kickslab and Lowtex
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I got a second email from lab in the middle of the night and it says nothing about lottery. It's in English too. Just says invoice will be sent shortly. Also got more emails from Rakutem and they saying if I used cc it won't work but they'll send me a paypal invoice shortly too.
If it's any help to sort this out. Order for 11.5 from lowtex, used cc. Got order confirmation email. Another email saying no cc only PayPal and invoice to be sent. Still waiting...

Guessing if we have not received a raffle email, should be good. Those who have, what size did you order and from who?
Anybody else still in the dark about cncpts? i got 4 pairs, but 0 tracking numbers or deliveries. 

of course they not answering phone/emails. 
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