Asics Love?!? Where is it?

and plus, he tweeted that until monday, the whole site will sell ECP products ONLY.  so, with that being said, they probably uploaded their new site template overnight and they couldn't do that unless they shut down the whole site
Andy( he handles the website) confirmed that the release will be available on the mobile site, so good luck to all.
I liked the shorts too...but i think the prices will turn me away....i mean the "just us" beach towel is $55...can't imagine what an actual article of clothing will cost.
Oh smh. I wanted the towel.. Didn't know the price though. That's absurd. But hey someone's gotta finance the last month he spent at the W in Miami :lol:

I want the knicks, windbreaker ny, miami tshirt, and knicks shorts. hopefully I can order all of that.
Yeah def. maybe the windbreaker will be the hardest but I think you'll be alright. If your not going for sneakers you'll def be able to get the clothing with ease
Are they going to go to your sig. like the knicks pair?
Of course not! I waited in line for ten hours.....should I have walked away from the knicks pair in hopes of grabbing the MIAs?

You should think more instead of assuming....
Ok.. Which one of you is this


:smh: :lol:
whats the price on the shorts?

no clue...i only know the towel is $55 from Ronnie's blog he posted it up there. But if the shorts are under $50....i might go back after i try to check out with shoes and try to grab them....don't even care if i have to pay 2 times the shipping since i want the shoes more then anything....but if shipping is expensive i will prob just pass all together.
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