Asian On Asian Racism? Have You Experienced Or Witnessed It?

Rck trolls to troll

I know you're Asian ...just was wondering which country :/ since folks thought you were aboriginal
I wasn't trolling man 
 I'm Chinese bruv tbh idk what kind of Chinese, but my dad's side is from Shanghai and I think my mom's side might be from Guangzhou maybe?

I visited my Grandpa's village on my dad's side in Shanghai like 10 years ago...... and it was nuts.

I guess I'm the dragon of the family or some **** and like 200 people showed up to see me. It was mindblowing.
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Rck trolls to troll

I know you're Asian ...just was wondering which country :/ since folks thought you were aboriginal
I wasn't trolling man 
 I'm Chinese bruv tbh idk what kind of Chinese, but my dad's side is from Shanghai and I think my mom's side might be from Guangzhou maybe?

I visited my Grandpa's village on my dad's side in Shanghai like 10 years ago...... and it was nuts.

I guess I'm the dragon of the family or some **** and like 200 people showed up to see me. It was mindblowing.
you visiting shangers anytime soon?

we should hang out with donnie 
The terms Asia and Asian in general was constructed by white society to generalize people from the East.

Aboriginals, are well, aboriginals. According to the US census, aka a white man's poll of races, that would be considered Pacific Islander though.

I'm glad this thread was made because there are still plenty of Americans who don't understand the dynamics and vast cultures in the East. At least some of NT can be educated on the topic instead of just implying the yellow person that they met is either "Chinese or Japanese" :lol: which I have heard a couple times
The terms Asia and Asian in general was constructed by white society to generalize people from the East.

Aboriginals, are well, aboriginals. According to the US census, aka a white man's poll of races, that would be considered Pacific Islander though.

I'm glad this thread was made because there are still plenty of Americans who don't understand the dynamics and vast cultures in the East. At least some of NT can be educated on the topic instead of just implying the yellow person that they met is either "Chinese or Japanese" :lol: which I have heard a couple times

The entire concept of race was invented by white people so that they could claim they were some sort of superior species. Who is in what race has changed before. Hell middle easterners are currently considered white in american data.
The terms Asia and Asian in general was constructed by white society to generalize people from the East.

Aboriginals, are well, aboriginals. According to the US census, aka a white man's poll of races, that would be considered Pacific Islander though.

I'm glad this thread was made because there are still plenty of Americans who don't understand the dynamics and vast cultures in the East. At least some of NT can be educated on the topic instead of just implying the yellow person that they met is either "Chinese or Japanese" :lol: which I have heard a couple times

The entire concept of race was invented by white people so that they could claim they were some sort of superior species.

The terms Asia and Asian in general was constructed by white society to generalize people from the East.

Aboriginals, are well, aboriginals. According to the US census, aka a white man's poll of races, that would be considered Pacific Islander though.

I'm glad this thread was made because there are still plenty of Americans who don't understand the dynamics and vast cultures in the East. At least some of NT can be educated on the topic instead of just implying the yellow person that they met is either "Chinese or Japanese"
which I have heard a couple times
The entire concept of race was invented by white people so that they could claim they were some sort of superior species.
that's why they named it after a competition 

I was referring to the rich kids who come here for school. It's obviously a lot of money to the average folks.

Bro....I just met some middle eastern kid the other day the was my Uber driver. He's like 20 going to Cal Berkeley. I ask him the normal questions on how long he's been doing this and he tells me it's a side gig for his car habit and I ask him what car he has and he has 2 being a special edition Chevy (forgot the name....not into cars) and the other is a Ferrari. He tells me his dad is a plastic surgeon in Dubai area and his mom owns like all the subways in Northern California. He said his tuition is paid for by his parents and he just burns his Uber job money on fixing his car which apparently for him, gets him laid often in SF. He told me hos love money out here and bagging them is so easy. Haha.
Bro....I just met some middle eastern kid the other day the was my Uber driver. He's like 20 going to Cal Berkeley. I ask him the normal questions on how long he's been doing this and he tells me it's a side gig for his car habit and I ask him what car he has and he has 2 being a special edition Chevy (forgot the name....not into cars) and the other is a Ferrari. He tells me his dad is a plastic surgeon in Dubai area and his mom owns like all the subways in Northern California. He said his tuition is paid for by his parents and he just burns his Uber job money on fixing his car which apparently for him, gets him laid often in SF. He told me hos love money out here and bagging them is so easy. Haha.
That's wild stuff. Good for him working doe
Some rich kids wouldn't even work
Anybody got the rich Chinese exchange students? The ones that don't speak English whipping around in Benzes and BMWs and always has heat on their feet?

I got some dudes that moved into my building in the past year who are like that (although I think they speak English). They look fairly young, but not sure if they're students. Their car game is legit though. Every month I see something new parked in their spots, or taking up all of the guest parking spots. Their everyday use vehicles are a BMW X5M, Benz E63, and a brand new Escalade. On top of that they seem to rotate in a higher end sports car (R8, some Ferrari, Lambo, 911 Turbo, GT-R, etc...). They've currently had this truck parked in their spot for the last month or so

What I cant figure out is why they are living in a condo building when they got all those cars. Why not just get a big ole house with a driveway to park all those cars?
Bro....I just met some middle eastern kid the other day the was my Uber driver. He's like 20 going to Cal Berkeley. I ask him the normal questions on how long he's been doing this and he tells me it's a side gig for his car habit and I ask him what car he has and he has 2 being a special edition Chevy (forgot the name....not into cars) and the other is a Ferrari. He tells me his dad is a plastic surgeon in Dubai area and his mom owns like all the subways in Northern California. He said his tuition is paid for by his parents and he just burns his Uber job money on fixing his car which apparently for him, gets him laid often in SF. He told me hos love money out here and bagging them is so easy. Haha.
You're telling me, man. I'm in LA. Lots of fake girls around here. I used to know a lot of rich kids who were into cars. We were in our early to mid 20s. These dudes were working at mall jobs or the likes just as a mean to socialize and talk to girls. Dudes already had condos and penthouses and were tricking chicks with the cars and money. I still remember what one of them told me. Dude lit up a cig and said I treat these girls like pets. I call and if they want the money they'll come. Same thing with my dog with a doggy treat.

At the time I was like that's :pimp: then as I got older, I kept thinking to that line. I'll be damned if I become affluent and my kid is acting like that. Dudes going to be whipping a bus card real quick :lol:
The rich kids got the right attitude when it comes to females :smokin

In b4 "but.. but... but.... Girls don't really love money. It's all about [********] and [more ********]"

**** outta here with that noise *****. Even as early as as middle school guys with money got girls with the was a Nobel prize physicist would use to solve simple arithmetic.

Props to the ones who don't love these ****.
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I wouldn't say I was ever poor but there are certain things I refuse to pay for and taxi cabs is one of them. Only about 4-5 years ago, you had to catch bus rides to meet up with chicks in SF if you wanted to save a dollar or two. And that's not even taking them home. If you lived in the cuts in SF, a taxi ride could run you close to $40 or so. I mean it would run you a couple of c-notes to even have a good time with someone. So that is just where money helps in the dating scene and especially since SF is getting even more foodie than before. Everyone wants to eat at the newest spots and drink the best drinks. What ever happened to just going to the movies. Haha.
I wouldn't say I was ever poor but there are certain things I refuse to pay for and taxi cabs is one of them. Only about 4-5 years ago, you had to catch bus rides to meet up with chicks in SF if you wanted to save a dollar or two. And that's not even taking them home. If you lived in the cuts in SF, a taxi ride could run you close to $40 or so. I mean it would run you a couple of c-notes to even have a good time with someone. So that is just where money helps in the dating scene and especially since SF is getting even more foodie than before. Everyone wants to eat at the newest spots and drink the best drinks. What ever happened to just going to the movies. Haha.
Feed a woman with exquisite food and good alcohol = high chances of getting laid.
I wouldn't say I was ever poor but there are certain things I refuse to pay for and taxi cabs is one of them. Only about 4-5 years ago, you had to catch bus rides to meet up with chicks in SF if you wanted to save a dollar or two. And that's not even taking them home. If you lived in the cuts in SF, a taxi ride could run you close to $40 or so. I mean it would run you a couple of c-notes to even have a good time with someone. So that is just where money helps in the dating scene and especially since SF is getting even more foodie than before. Everyone wants to eat at the newest spots and drink the best drinks. What ever happened to just going to the movies. Haha.
yeah every time I go to State Bird or Nopa etc. the bill is never pretty.  thing is a lot of working class people like myself are all into the foodie scene and not just rich people so these eateries are crazy sometimes to even get seated
The rich kids got the right attitude when it comes to females :smokin

In b4 "but.. but... but.... Girls don't really love money. It's all about [********] and [more ********]"

**** outta here with that noise *****. Even as early as as middle school guys with money got girls with the was a Nobel prize physicist would use to solve simple arithmetic.

Props to the ones who don't love these ****.
It probably gets old, man. You just need a dope chick to hold you down when you get older and stop messing with gold diggers. Maybe that's me talking as I'm about to hit 30 :lol:
yeah every time I go to State Bird or Nopa etc. the bill is never pretty.  thing is a lot of working class people like myself are all into the foodie scene and not just rich people so these eateries are crazy sometimes to even get seated

I live literally across from State Bird. I see that line every damn day. What's funny is it's brought different people out to my neighborhood. Fillmore isn't ghetto per say but you have some Marina kids coming through not realizing where they are sometimes. My block is going to be crackin this weekend cause of the Jazz Festival but I'll be out of town anyways.

Not true. IMO.

Definitely not always true but out here in SF, your chances are a tad greater. But it depends on the girl, the situation, etc. There are definitely those chicks that use dating sites for free meals and you even have the Tinder girls that just need a coffee to get laid. But if it is a straight date, it can cost you some money at times. Unless you are super hot, a coffee can only get you so far.
I live literally across from State Bird. I see that line every damn day. What's funny is it's brought different people out to my neighborhood. Fillmore isn't ghetto per say but you have some Marina kids coming through not realizing where they are sometimes. My block is going to be crackin this weekend cause of the Jazz Festival but I'll be out of town anyways.
Definitely not always true but out here in SF, your chances are a tad greater. But it depends on the girl, the situation, etc. There are definitely those chicks that use dating sites for free meals and you even have the Tinder girls that just need a coffee to get laid. But if it is a straight date, it can cost you some money at times. Unless you are super hot, a coffee can only get you so far.
Nah dates are too expensive nowadays if you're working class.  U pretty much ask them to kick it, can't be saying u taking them out on a date
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