Asian Culture Discussion Thread

So you have an issue with all the different Insta Accts used and then cross checked with various News sites. Good to know. Selective Generalization and Innuendo.
And still never a reaction or concern for the actual event. That’s some Superior disassociation and lack of interest. Wonder where learned that Superiority Complex. Quite disturbing.

more faux outrage and concern from your Asian who wants to be a conservative white man online persona. Keep going :lol: go ahead and stalk my posts throughout this thread, the covid thread, the various political threads, etc. if you care so much about my views. I don’t owe you anything; go demand proof from someone else who’s willing to put up with your nonsense
I am sorry, but what did you expect? How does this equate to asians being randomly attacked for no reason?

Assuming the camera guy was right, putting a dude in a Sleeper Hold and slamming his head into a bench after you’ve clearly overpowered him is excessive. But that’s assuming the camera guy is right. I wasn’t there.
more faux outrage and concern from your Asian who wants to be a conservative white man online persona. Keep going :lol: go ahead and stalk my posts throughout this thread, the covid thread, the various political threads, etc. if you care so much about my views. I don’t owe you anything; go demand proof from someone else who’s willing to put up with your nonsense

Who’s got White in this conversation. And thank goodness don’t freely roam General to have known you anywhere but Virus Thread and Asian Thread. You have actual reactions and concerns?
Fabulous. Pace yourself.
Should start with this News.
And he struck the guy over it and won the fight decisively before the chokehold. But the chokehold and slamming dude’s head into the wall/bench was overkill.
Calling a Black man the Nword is overkill, especially doing so while not being Black.

He caught the wrong one on that day.


I wonder if the strange fruit felt if this was overkill?

Apparently this happened on the J train here in NYC. Brutal video. I don’t know what started it (camera guy says the Asian dude called the Black dude the N word) but dude snapped and then put the other guy in a chokehold.

i saw that video posted on IG but there was no context provided as to what incited the fight or what words were exchanged prior. all it does is add to the tension between African American and Asian American communities.

was listening to a recent episode of the podcast Code Switch and one of the guest, who I believe is the founder of AAPI Woman Lead, mentioned that while anti-AAPI hate crimes have increased 1900% since the beginning of the pandemic, over 80-90% of reported perpetrators are European American/White.

However, if sites like Asian Dawn are your only source of information, you'd be under the impression that a majority of the hate and violence was being committed by African Americans. it's pretty obvious what their agenda is, it's to continue driving anti-blackness under the guise of spreading awareness of violence against asians. I'm not going to censor anyone but I just ask that if folks are going to post information or news in this thread, can we pull from other sources?
Chinatown Market announced they're changing their name! About damn time

about ******* time those ****s did something. I DM'd them a bunch of times and posted some comments asking them whats up with them being called chinatown market but saying nothing about the anti-asian rhetoric and violence. looks like white people would rather change their branding and stay apolitical than actually talk about racism
Chinatown Market announced they're changing their name! About damn time
about ****ing time those ****s did something. I DM'd them a bunch of times and posted some comments asking them whats up with them being called chinatown market but saying nothing about the anti-asian rhetoric and violence. looks like white people would rather change their branding and stay apolitical than actually talk about racism

Weird goofy brand.

about ****ing time those ****s did something. I DM'd them a bunch of times and posted some comments asking them whats up with them being called chinatown market but saying nothing about the anti-asian rhetoric and violence. looks like white people would rather change their branding and stay apolitical than actually talk about racism

Same here. Messaged them multiple times last year and not a peep. Was never a fan but they had the perfect opportunity to take action and prove the doubters like me wrong. They didn't and I'm not surprised. Changing their name now.. cowards.
So you have an issue with all the different Insta Accts used and then cross checked with various News sites.
Why knowingly use an offensive source when you have so many alternatives?

Had you just posted the KOMO news story, which characterized the alleged assailant as a "King County man", we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead, you decided for some reason to tack on an Asian Dawn repost that characterized Hamner as "a wild monkey."

If you find it disrespectful to shift focus away from "the actual event" and are fed up with discussions of the model minority myth in this thread, signal-boosting a social media post that literally says, "Asians work hard, destroy the false narratives, believe in merit, and have a culture of self-improvement as a whole" was an odd choice to say the least.

looks like white people would rather change their branding and stay apolitical than actually talk about racism
Change the name, keep the plunder. What could be more "American?"
Why knowingly use an offensive source when you have so many alternatives?

Had you just posted the KOMO news story, which characterized the alleged assailant as a "King County man", we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead, you decided for some reason to tack on an Asian Dawn repost that characterized Hamner as "a wild monkey."

If you find it disrespectful to shift focus away from "the actual event" and are fed up with discussions of the model minority myth in this thread, signal-boosting a social media post that literally says, "Asians work hard, destroy the false narratives, believe in merit, and have a culture of self-improvement as a whole" was an odd choice to say the least.

Been trying. Not on Facebook. Agreed different social media acct post would have bern better. Guess not enough degrees of separation. Sure the lady’s kids’ husband appreciates the Irony. Should have just posted the Victims’ direct social media accts then:


Got any comments for folk’s latest callout post?

So Woke.
Arrested and Charged.
🤨 :emoji_rolling_eyes:

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Yeah Wuchi like I said you’re SCARED to post in your typical garbage manner anywhere else on NT because you know that you do it in bad faith and you don’t want to have to duck and dodge every time you log on.

Your posts stopped being about justice for Asians a while ago.

Keep doing it though. See how that works out for you.

I didn’t even call Meth’s his attention to the thread this time. He’s aware of this cowardly game that you’re playing.

Meth tends to give a long leash to people like you that are clearly racist but stop just short of using racial epithets and the like.

I feel sorry for you as I suspect that you don’t behave in this manner in your life beyond your phone and computer where you enjoy relative anonymity.
plot twist: he’s not asian

still deserved the beating if he said the n word
Whoa! But the header says that he is, correct?! So people are simply looking to add fuel to the already flickering flame, 'eh?

Not surprising.
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