Arthur Brown announcing in a few minutes...

The recruiting process is always gonna be shady no matter what school it is really. It's just low class when schools use peoples death as a way to try toconvince recruits to de-commit regardless of what school it is. Recruiting is just trying to find ANY means possible to win over somebody youre pursuingregardless of what it takes.
That type of shadiness is done on a regular basis on the recruiting front, unfortunately. And as aforementioned, Butch is not alone.Why it's disappointingand tasteless coming from someone who has been a coach at the program, and lived in the area for 6-7 years, I'm simply not suprised. He also was rumored topull the "Randy Shannon might not even be there next year" card...

He's just doing what he's always done.

He did a hell of job for us, respest or no respect you can't deny that. But let's just say, even back to his Miami days, you wouldn't want to dobidness like Butch did. He was pulling blue chips out of his rear end, and he didn't let our sanctions years stop him. Like I said, notsurprised.

But back on topic...

Huge OOS get. HUGE. The biggest commit (in terms of national hype) since probably DJ Williams...

Give me Patchan Jr. and Brandon Harris (heavily underrated as a prospect) to wrap up and this class is good money.

And the good news keeps on rolling, Tim Walton = GONE.....Thank god, because he obviously was a huge weak link in the coaching staff.
in all seriousness, are you Miami fans honestly please with Randy Shannon?

This guy is not a head coach. He was given the head coaching position that he wasnt ready for. Miami is stacked with 4 and 5 star players, and they gottrounced 48-0 in their last home game.

Those Northwestern kids are dreaming of the days when Miami was dominant, but folks, thats not going to happen with Shannon there.

Miami was lucky that Brown was so easily influence by Brian Butler, the founder.
Originally Posted by manamazing55

in all seriousness, are you Miami fans honestly please with Randy Shannon?

This guy is not a head coach. He was given the head coaching position that he wasnt ready for. Miami is stacked with 4 and 5 star players, and they got trounced 48-0 in their last home game.

Those Northwestern kids are dreaming of the days when Miami was dominant, but folks, thats not going to happen with Shannon there.

Miami was lucky that Brown was so easily influence by Brian Butler, the founder.
I think me & You are the only ones who feel this way.
So Randy Shannon isn't "head coach" material after 1 year??? Everybody saw the talent wasn't the same at UM this year compared to otheryears, and the team just wasn't that good. You saw flashes but other than that they were not consistent this whole year. You gotta get the right players inand the key to having 4 and 5 star players is developing them through out their tenure at the school. You can have the best class every year and if they dontdevelop it means nothing. Wait till Shannon gets his players in and plays the players he hand picked. If he fails with HIS team, then you can say he isn'tready to be a head coach.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by manamazing55

in all seriousness, are you Miami fans honestly please with Randy Shannon?

This guy is not a head coach. He was given the head coaching position that he wasnt ready for. Miami is stacked with 4 and 5 star players, and they got trounced 48-0 in their last home game.

Those Northwestern kids are dreaming of the days when Miami was dominant, but folks, thats not going to happen with Shannon there.

Miami was lucky that Brown was so easily influence by Brian Butler, the founder.
I think me & You are the only ones who feel this way.

No, that makes three. Recruiting wasn't really Miami's problem from the jump IMO.
Lots of Canes fans feel that way.

I personally am undecided on everything but his ability to recruit.

Larry Coker couldn't coach either but he won a NC with great players. Who's to say Shannon can't do the same?
Originally Posted by Spotti3otti3dopaliscious

Lots of Canes fans feel that way.

I personally am undecided on everything but his ability to recruit.

Larry Coker couldn't coach either but he won a NC with great players. Who's to say Shannon can't do the same?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't those Butch's players and weren't they (for the most part) developed by Butch and his coachingstaff?

If that's true, what's the difference between Coker and Shannon (except IMO that Shannon came into a worse situation)?
Coker won with the players that were developed by Butch and his staff. Honestly, i do hope Shannon can coach. I really think he can but he's gotta prove ithere. The situation this year wasn't all that pretty and the team that was left wasn't that great either. Can you really tell me that the players thatCoker left were top notch talent that UM usually had?
It's all too early to tell.

I'm partial to Randy Shannon as person and I hope he is the one, and I hope he succeeds. But I can see how one could be critical of Shannon. There werequestionable descions all year. Particularly his clock management in several games during this dismal season(I.E GTech, and North Carolina games). And as farhis selection of staff, the promoting of Tim Walton to D-Coordinator ended up being terrible. He just destroyed a Miami defense that one would've thoughtwas a strong point going in. His schemes were terrible. Did a terrible job at disguising blitzes on top of of other things... But it looks like Randy got themessage, and Walton is now gone.

He obviously showed he was a rookie when it comes to running the show/being a head coach. But one can improve. You can't draw a conclusion after one year.You simply can't. And with these QB's? There isn't a football guru/coach who wins consistnetly with these QB's. Now one could argue that simplyfalls onto the head coach in terms of player devolopment...But that doesn't lie 100% on Shannon. Not this set of kids.The progression however of RobertMarve and Jacory Harris etc will fall on him...

This program is still in the process of being DeCokerized.
Originally Posted by manamazing55

in all seriousness, are you Miami fans honestly please with Randy Shannon?

This guy is not a head coach. He was given the head coaching position that he wasnt ready for. Miami is stacked with 4 and 5 star players, and they got trounced 48-0 in their last home game.

Those Northwestern kids are dreaming of the days when Miami was dominant, but folks, thats not going to happen with Shannon there.

Miami was lucky that Brown was so easily influence by Brian Butler, the founder.

I do believe Shannon can do it in due time., it's simply not fair to fully judge him after one year. This is a 3-4 year rebuilding job. He had somegames with high moments (FSU, TAMU) and the low moments (UVA, NCSU). When you have to change the total mentality of the players within the program you'regoing to go through times with major disappointments. When Butch Davis got the job at Miami his first few years he too had major low moments, losses toSyracuse (66-13), East Carolina (31-6), FSU (47-0). Coming into the season I was expecting around a 6-6 season and there's no way any reasonible personthat saw the condition of program should've been expecting a quick turnaround.

Having those players that were ranked 4-5 stars are meaningless. Those players recruited under Coker are part of the reason we're in this current position.With many of those players you saw some athletic ability but a lot of those same players weren't "football players". People put way to muchemphasis on stars coming out of school. Can you really look at players like Leggett, Wright, Freeman and say with a straight face those players were deservingto be ranked so highly coming out of high school? As the year went it, the players who were mentally weak were exposed and showed why many UM fans nicknamedthe program the "Coral Gables Country Club" due to the easy environment that was created under Coker that put the program in it's currentcondition.
The "ewe" getting Brown is a good pick-up. Their recruiting class is shaping up nice even with McCray decommitting with PJ being next.

I'm tired of "ewe" fans using Coker as an excuse for being so suspect. Shannon should be the blame due with his team giving up on him. ThatVirginia loss was just pitiful.
I'm tired of "ewe" fans using Coker as an excuse for being so suspect. Shannon should be the blame due with his team giving up on him. That Virginia loss was just pitiful.
Real creative.


Coker is the reason we are in the situation we are right now. Why do you think he is still sitting at home right now with all these job openings? The man wasone of the worst head coaches College Football has ever turn Miami into a 5-7 team is downright laughable.

and is their any coach in the NCAA that could have led this team to a better record with Kyle Wright and Kirby Freeman at the helm? Miami is one of the onlyteams that can recruit from soley its base and get 10 plus wins a year......and thats wat shannon is doing in a nutshell.....
Randy Shannon has to clean up Larry Cokers mess first. Randy shannon is definitly the right guy for this job. wait till he cleans up cokers mess
Originally Posted by Spotti3otti3dopaliscious

When did you become a mod?

I don't want to get off topic, but you need to check yourself. I don't have the exact date drilled in my memory, but it was around late 2004/early2005.

This is real rich coming from somebody who joined just two months ago. I just don't visit or post every waking moment like you do.
He had some games with high moments (FSU, TAMU)

haha i think yall beating us this year was such a joke. that fool fran was out there trying to out-athlete miami
next year should be good though. we bothhave pretty solid recruiting classes coming in, and hopefully coach sherman can gameplan a little better than fran could. i cant wait to go to this gamethough, itll be my first big non-conference game at kyle field.
Good news, Jacory Harris didnt tear any ligaments. He only strained his ACL and MCL. Means theres gonna be a good QB competition at UM And also 4 of the 6Northwestern recruits confirmed they are gonna enroll early at UM.
^ yeah that would be but there really isn't anybody else to challenge for the starting QB and Shannon isn't gonna automatically give the team to Marve.
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