Arkansas Congressman: "Slavery a blessing in disguise" for Black People

Son ONLY went to santo domingo.....try again.
Brah, it takes one black dude in the DR to expose your argument as the ignorance it is
Having a American perspective on what THEY think race should be identified as ≠ how da country

Sees itself.

You're just SWINGING for the fence, huh? 

The hell you talking about "how the country sees itself?" 

Ya'll really think you all are just these pure latino off-spring with NO african connection. What-so-ever.

I'm not even telling you to be black. I'm just curious as to why you reject that it even exists. 
So you'd rather identify with the slave owner, and then not the slave, correct?
Missed this, straight dagger to the heart.
More like a extrapolation.... cute though.
Dude is acting like there are NO black people in the DR. 

This **** is more sad than anything.

Yo your license to comment on anything pertaining to anything about melanin is hereby revoked. 

You act like you could go to spain right now and they'd welcome your skin tone with open arms. 
His statement was just a round about way of taking a negative situation and turning it into a positive as far as the outcome. Should he have said it? Prob not.
ninjahood blacker than me but he doesn't have any african in his blood. OK

with the amount of incest that goes on in the DR I understand why yall can't help ya ignorance 
I already knew most of this but it's a great video. Straight Ether on the loyalty the Dominican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican culture has to Spain.

I'm Portuguese/Spanish, straight from Europe, my ancestors are to blame for this. My mom came here in the early 80's and many of her friends were Church going Caribbean-latin people due to the fact they spoke the same language and had the same religion. My mom is as white as you can look, light brow-hair, pale skin - some of her Caribbean friends could easily have been mistaken for Black, others were much darker than her - she stood out. One thing she noticed was how racist they were tho, especially to African-Americans. She couldn't understand it, it would actually amuse her.

My grandparents were racist but I don't blame them, they fell to historical propaganda in the middle of the mountains in Spain. They weren't educated and they did not travel but so many of the Caribbean-Latino's people I knew reminded me of my grandparents - and these Latinos are running around with a hell of a lot more African blood than Europeans are.

Basically what I'm saying is - as integrated and diverse the Caribbean/Latino culture is - Spain won, the Spanish (Slaveowner mentality) is still at the hierarchy of these Caribbean-Latino cultures.

Ask Sammy Sosa

The Spanish Royal Family - They won.
Black folks dont believe anything their own kind says until somebody white says it.


Ya ****** aint telling me ****, i have family in spain, being a dark or tan skinned dominican

≠ being black african american...idiots in here act like taino skin didnt contain Melanin either.

There is NO english spoken in my household whatsoever, all Spanish

So from now on everytime one of u cats try me all u gettin is this quote.

we got Spaniards, native american, & black slave blood in us & we're da latin diaspora.. we NOT da same
As a african American from da united states, different cultures, different looks, etc.
Hell silly putty basically made da point on how Africans from da motherland aint da same from blacks in America da other day, so i know he aint gonna
dispute that, & u aint saying nuffin new either.

La palmomeria aqui ta de pinga pssh :smh: :lol:
His statement was just a round about way of taking a negative situation and turning it into a positive as far as the outcome. Should he have said it? Prob not.
I won't accept that it was a "round about way" of saying anything because that only lessens the insensitivity of it.

Thats like telling the Jews or the Armenians or the Rwandans, Genocide is good for you because it allowed so many of you to come to America!
I already knew most of this but it's a great video. Straight Ether on the loyalty the Dominican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican culture has to Spain.

I'm Portuguese/Spanish, straight from Europe, my ancestors are to blame for this. My mom came here in the early 80's and many of her friends were Church going Caribbean-latin people due to the fact they spoke the same language and had the same religion. My mom is as white as you can look, light brow-hair, pale skin - some of her Caribbean friends could easily have been mistaken for Black, others were much darker than her - she stood out. One thing she noticed was how racist they were tho, especially to African-Americans. She couldn't understand it, it would actually amuse her.

My grandparents were racist but I don't blame them, they fell to historical propaganda in the middle of the mountains in Spain. They weren't educated and they did not travel but so many of the Caribbean-Latino's people I knew reminded me of my grandparents - and these Latinos are running around with a hell of a lot more African blood than Europeans are.

Basically what I'm saying is - as integrated and diverse the Caribbean/Latino culture is - Spain won, the Spanish (Slaveowner mentality) is still at the hierarchy of these Caribbean-Latino cultures.

Ask Sammy Sosa

The Spanish Royal Family - They won.
Black folks dont believe anything their own kind says until somebody white says it.

Ya ****** aint telling me ****, i have family in spain, being a dark or tan skinned dominican

≠ being black african american...idiots in here act like taino skin didnt contain Melanin either.

There is NO english spoken in my household whatsoever, all Spanish

So from now on everytime one of u cats try me all u gettin is this quote.
we got Spaniards, native american, & black slave blood in us & we're da latin diaspora.. we NOT da same
As a african American from da united states, different cultures, different looks, etc.
Hell silly putty basically made da point on how Africans from da motherland aint da same from blacks in America da other day, so i know he aint gonna
dispute that, & u aint saying nuffin new either.
La palmomeria aqui ta de pinga pssh


Where did that Melanin come from NinjaHood? You're darker than Barack homie. 

And I could care less about "your house"...we're talking about the history of the country itself. 

Don't play us like we don't know what we're talking about.
Anyone else see a trend of people REALLY trying it with statements/comments like this lately?

People are feeling really comfortable to come out of their mouths w/ **** like this like it's the 60s again.
Ironically im clearly right, Lincoln (a Republican) was da one thay freed da slaves.

Ya wanna be mad at history? :lol:
Would you have been a slave?

Hello, im from hispanola, im effed either way.

And to keep it funky, black folks sold their own kind down da river to slavery.

Indigenous folks from my homeland were gucci before Columbus came thru..

See this is where you keep losing.

EVERY society on earth had slaves at some point. Even natives in north america, south america, and the caribbean. 

Now you can get mad at that if you want, but you can't make stuff up.

ON TOP OF THAT, I find it funny that you seem to think that the DR is not black. Modern DR is nothing like it was before european contact, and furthermore you have already acknowledged that you're 1/2 black.

So where are we going with this Ninjahood? 

Its cool for you to be black and to want to use certain identifiers but when people start clowning black people or people with any degree of melanin, then you want to start distancing yourself. 


Dont make me copy & paste ur whole paragraph on

Your whole "blacks" hypothesis from a month ago...

And slavery internationally ≠ us slavery..da way United states

Treated slaves was subhuman, other societies didnt do that

To da exent that this country did. People sold themselves and bought

Themselves of slavery all da time.. heh, try that on a plantation.

ninja please. you black. you're last name could be smith, and you could love the beatles for all i care, in this country, you are black. your fam from Hispaniola? well **** so is mine. im haitian. black =/= latino? :rolleyes cmon son.

you think this legend won't be looked at as black walking the streets in this country?

a racist cop would pull him over for the same reason they'd pull me over: my skin isn't the same color as the text box. and he's famous.

time to wake up and smell the coffee son, you the same color as it.
Darker then thats obvious...he's 1/2 white
I'm not saying you're "all" black, I'm saying that you have black ancestry in you and so does most of the dominican republic and you don't get to shrug off that ENTIRE label just to adopt the latino one. Don't think we don't see it. 

Thats like saying jamaicans aren't black.

The same damn people basically inhabited both places. 

You don't have to only speak english to be black or recognize black ancestry/lineage. 

And by black, I mean african. 

Keep playing games though. 
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Anyone else see a trend of people REALLY trying it with statements/comments like this lately?
People are feeling really comfortable to come out of their mouths w/ **** like this like it's the 60s again.

GOP's going all out this year from "Legitimate rape" to "not acting lady like" they give 0 damns about anything. Like someone said already we should be more worried about the fact that these people might win their election.
Darker then thats obvious...he's 1/2 white :rolleyes

:smh: :lol: You're really a piece of work.

Brah you claim to not be black, but you are darker than someone who is half black (and whose dad was dark as hell). How the hell do you think this is possible?

Brah give it up, da African blood is inside you
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Anyone else see a trend of people REALLY trying it with statements/comments like this lately?

People are feeling really comfortable to come out of their mouths w/ **** like this like it's the 60s again.

I remember reading how this is the last election where that kind of rhetoric could work.. Its why I just ignore this crap cause by Nov 6th they wont have **** to say, next genral election the GOP wont have a black man to make the boogeyman anymore so trying to divide people on race is all they got right now.

edit: anyone got a pic of ninjahood? i really wanna see if he looks blacker than most black folks like yall saying :lol:
Anyone else see a trend of people REALLY trying it with statements/comments like this lately?
People are feeling really comfortable to come out of their mouths w/ **** like this like it's the 60s again.
GOP's going all out this year from "Legitimate rape" to "not acting lady like" they give 0 damns about anything. Like someone said already we should be more worried about the fact that these people might win their election.
Like I said earlier.

This man's comments don't bother me, its his the people in that audience who he felt comfortable saying that around or the people who keep voting for him that get to me.

He is just a vessel. Its the people at large who feel that he represents them who are the problem. 
It's called being Black when it's convenient. My buddy calls the Puerto Ricans who do this, slide 'o ricans.

When Obama got elected, there was this hispanic girl who worked in the House Of Hoops in Harlem. She and the staff were going back and forth, and she then dropped the N Bomb on her co workers. The manager of the store then said, haven't you heard we are Obama's now! The Hispanic girl looks back and then says, Y'all only voted for him because he is black.

This is what slavery has actually done. Present day, you have people of a lighter hue who are willing to identify with the slave owner, as opposed to the slave. It's a class thing, and it's quite comical to hear people talk as if having slave ancestry, whether or not it is in the U.S. or in the Caribbean, as something to be ashamed of. I take pride in what my ancestors survived, and then fought for. The Black struggle in America opened the door for all oppressed people to have pride in what they've went through.

However, it does not go over my head as to how people like this congressman and then those who are ashamed of their own history, their lineage, would like to use that history, when it is convenient.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Hindus from india are darker then barack too...guess they're black too :rolleyes :lol:

Da united States : da country where ethnic backgrounds are told to die.

& people wonder why Americans are hated outside internationally...

Guess no one is going to post da definition for a latino/Hispanic.. lol
Hindus from india are darker then barack too...guess they're black too :rolleyes :lol:
Da united States : da country where ethnic backgrounds are told to die.
& people wonder why Americans are hated outside internationally...
Guess no one is going to post da definition for a latino/Hispanic.. lol

What's an afro-Cuban? I'd love to hear that definition from you specifically.

Although 90% of Dominicans have some African ancestry, it is an ancestry pushed to the background in the name of national identity and consciousness. It is only recently that many Dominicans have even begun to discover and analyze their African roots.

You must fall in that 10%*”-haitidominican-republic/
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Da funny thing about this is when it comes to WOMEN

Ya DEFINITELY know da difference between a black chick

& a latina :rolleyes :lol:
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