Are your CGXI already yellowing?

My pair is slightly yellowing nothing too major. I personally don't care if the bottom yellows on any of my icey soled kicks, as long as the visible portion of the icey sole stays crystal clear I'm good.
wore mine twice and a lil yellowing round pods like every one else.... but i do put them back in ziplocks and keep damprid in my closet to help with moisture.... if you dont have damp rid you should def try it and see how much moisture is just floating round
damn i hope not, Ive only worn them 1 time on new years right after they released, haven't even looked a them since. the climate out here in colorado is pretty dry which is pretty good for conserving sneakers so hopefully I'm good, I'm sure there is at least some yellowing tho. oh well, what can you do
Reason I only mess with b/red XI's because once a sole is piss yellow I cant rock em.
somewhat. but i rock mine abt once a month and clean em. WEAR YOUR SHOES PEOPLE DAMN.
Both my ds cool greys an space jams are getting yellow. only a matter of time before my concords start going this way
Yup I didn't notice until after I stopped wearing for a while, any tips on storing them to slow down the process?
just like everyone else , just around the pods but everywhere else they still look great. wear your shoes people
oh yea easily I think I noticed it about a year after the release since I still hadnt rocked my pair but I'm sure it started before that..just goes to show how cheap jb has gotten with its materials
I know a lot of peoples are but I have a bud that hoops in his and probably wears his about twice a week and for some reason they're still icy. Perhaps it's just luck.
its been 2 years, its safe to say they should be...unless you bought them to leave in your closet and never wear them
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