Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

not sure if this has been posted..

cguy610 wrote:
I thought the Black guy owned Peter Shiff in that video. He really didn't have a response for the slavery point of view, civil rights, and couldn't really support his ideas for getting rid of the FDA and EPA.
Actually Peter Schiff did have a response to the slavery question, government started Slavery and the misery of freed blacks was upheld with government implemented forced prison labor, segragation laws, corrupt police and corurt systems, gun law that sought to disarm blacks and keep whites armed and it was goverment dugs and fire hoses that were used on blacks.

As far as the EPA and EPA is conerned, I am sure that Schiff had an answer for both questions but Schiff was not in a mood for a shouting match and would have provided answers if the guy had not started getting overly emotional.

The most important thing though is to focus on what makes some like Schiff, myself and other libertarians similar to the majority of the OWS demonstrators. We may have a variety of views on what to do about the environment and food inspection but we clearly have a disdain for the practice of Financial Elites getting extensive help and tremendous privilege from government, especially when the state tells everyone else to cut back and tighten their belts while Wall Street Barons get to be capitalists when they are doing well and become socialists when things go poorly.

This blatant injustice and favoritism should be the focus of the left and libertarians and populists of any sort because if thing continue on their current path, things like EPA, FDA and discussions about our history will be moot points if we do not have a sovereign nation, on account of economic weakness and fiscal insanity.
I know this for SURE...if the protests reach DC...people WILL die.

Straight up.

The powers that be will NOT have that sort of uprising in the symbolic capital of the "free world"
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I know this for SURE...if the protests reach DC...people WILL die.

Straight up.

The powers that be will NOT have that sort of uprising in the symbolic capital of the "free world"

As crazy as that maybe, I don't think there has ever been change without bloodshed...maybe that's what'll take for the higher powers to do something about who's really about THAT life?
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

cguy610 wrote:
I thought the Black guy owned Peter Shiff in that video. He really didn't have a response for the slavery point of view, civil rights, and couldn't really support his ideas for getting rid of the FDA and EPA.
Actually Peter Schiff did have a response to the slavery question, government started Slavery and the misery of freed blacks was upheld with government implemented forced prison labor, segragation laws, corrupt police and corurt systems, gun law that sought to disarm blacks and keep whites armed and it was goverment dugs and fire hoses that were used on blacks.

As far as the EPA and EPA is conerned, I am sure that Schiff had an answer for both questions but Schiff was not in a mood for a shouting match and would have provided answers if the guy had not started getting overly emotional.

The most important thing though is to focus on what makes some like Schiff, myself and other libertarians similar to the majority of the OWS demonstrators. We may have a variety of views on what to do about the environment and food inspection but we clearly have a disdain for the practice of Financial Elites getting extensive help and tremendous privilege from government, especially when the state tells everyone else to cut back and tighten their belts while Wall Street Barons get to be capitalists when they are doing well and become socialists when things go poorly.

This blatant injustice and favoritism should be the focus of the left and libertarians and populists of any sort because if thing continue on their current path, things like EPA, FDA and discussions about our history will be moot points if we do not have a sovereign nation, on account of economic weakness and fiscal insanity.

When regular people lose they go broke but when certain rich people/politicians lose they get bailed out by taxpayer money. Lobbying and the revolving doors systems needs fixed or eliminated.
Originally Posted by Punishya

how about these losers get up and apply for a job instead of crying about
Maybe theres not enough jobs to go around?

Am I the only one who thinks certain represantives of this social movement diminish the credibility of it? Like A LOT
Koo post.. Revolution is needed.. You, see how when challenged system turn violent to protect themselves (Occupy Oakland) even in so called liberal cities
Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it...

This went from something legitimate to "hey you're rich so I'm mad at you".

Guys are on here promoting socialism...socialism?????
From watching the video, I get the the same vibe in here that people get out I feel I literally can put certain NTer usernames with a couple of those's the same reaction, instead of having a discussion, most of them jumped directly into attack mode "you either with us or you are an idiot, because I said so" type of mentality, I see dudes in here who get their argument across sooooo much better than ANYONE I've seen interviewed down there...seems like every interview just makes the protestors look silly and sort of support my initial generalization, is there any interview where the 99% actually has someone who can put up a good debate?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Every job has its challenges, you making a teachers job sound like some elite black ops joint, yeah perhaps they should get paid more, they do deal with a lot of crap not only from students but also the parents...but then again I can't feel too bad for them, when they get EVERY holiday off PAID and the whole summer off me another job that offers that?...

Also when you say a child doesn't reason, you mean very young kids....either way if you are having trouble controlling your students to the point where your job becomes the toughest job in America, you might not be cut out for the job...I know teachers in all sorts of schools from public to private, from 1st grade to high schoolers and they have fun with their kids, they don't really look at it as a hassle.

You sir have no idea the hours that go into being a teacher.... work doesn't end at 4 like most jobs.. pre planning, grading, lesson planning, etc.. it's all a part of the school year and the typical week.. yes you get certain holidays off but on avg it's a 50 + hour work week on top of the stress of dealing with students, parents and administrators.. when you have time and if you have a kid that's in school.. take a day to follow your kid's teacher around.. ask them some questions.... and if the teachers you know are always just having fun with their kids.. chances are they're the ones not doing their job.. not that you can't enjoy your kids and watching them progress but just having fun? +%#... no offense but your comments seem quite naive..
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

cguy610 wrote:
I thought the Black guy owned Peter Shiff in that video. He really didn't have a response for the slavery point of view, civil rights, and couldn't really support his ideas for getting rid of the FDA and EPA.
Actually Peter Schiff did have a response to the slavery question, government started Slavery and the misery of freed blacks was upheld with government implemented forced prison labor, segragation laws, corrupt police and corurt systems, gun law that sought to disarm blacks and keep whites armed and it was goverment dugs and fire hoses that were used on blacks.

As far as the EPA and EPA is conerned, I am sure that Schiff had an answer for both questions but Schiff was not in a mood for a shouting match and would have provided answers if the guy had not started getting overly emotional.

The most important thing though is to focus on what makes some like Schiff, myself and other libertarians similar to the majority of the OWS demonstrators. We may have a variety of views on what to do about the environment and food inspection but we clearly have a disdain for the practice of Financial Elites getting extensive help and tremendous privilege from government, especially when the state tells everyone else to cut back and tighten their belts while Wall Street Barons get to be capitalists when they are doing well and become socialists when things go poorly.

This blatant injustice and favoritism should be the focus of the left and libertarians and populists of any sort because if thing continue on their current path, things like EPA, FDA and discussions about our history will be moot points if we do not have a sovereign nation, on account of economic weakness and fiscal insanity.

So you're going to sit here and tell me that government was more responsible for slavery than CAPITALISM? last time i checked there were slaves in the colonies or the lands settled in the "new world" long before a formal government was a matter of fact CAPITALISM led to the extermination of 99 percent of the native population.....well no maybe government did that too lol..Rich people made the rules back then.. rich people make the rules still..capitalism came before our gov't.... wake up..  nice try though dawgie
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

cguy610 wrote:
I thought the Black guy owned Peter Shiff in that video. He really didn't have a response for the slavery point of view, civil rights, and couldn't really support his ideas for getting rid of the FDA and EPA.
Actually Peter Schiff did have a response to the slavery question, government started Slavery and the misery of freed blacks was upheld with government implemented forced prison labor, segragation laws, corrupt police and corurt systems, gun law that sought to disarm blacks and keep whites armed and it was goverment dugs and fire hoses that were used on blacks.

As far as the EPA and EPA is conerned, I am sure that Schiff had an answer for both questions but Schiff was not in a mood for a shouting match and would have provided answers if the guy had not started getting overly emotional.

The most important thing though is to focus on what makes some like Schiff, myself and other libertarians similar to the majority of the OWS demonstrators. We may have a variety of views on what to do about the environment and food inspection but we clearly have a disdain for the practice of Financial Elites getting extensive help and tremendous privilege from government, especially when the state tells everyone else to cut back and tighten their belts while Wall Street Barons get to be capitalists when they are doing well and become socialists when things go poorly.

This blatant injustice and favoritism should be the focus of the left and libertarians and populists of any sort because if thing continue on their current path, things like EPA, FDA and discussions about our history will be moot points if we do not have a sovereign nation, on account of economic weakness and fiscal insanity.

So you're going to sit here and tell me that government was more responsible for slavery than CAPITALISM? last time i checked there were slaves in the colonies or the lands settled in the "new world" long before a formal government was a matter of fact CAPITALISM led to the extermination of 99 percent of the native population.....well no maybe government did that too lol..Rich people made the rules back then.. rich people make the rules still..capitalism came before our gov't.... wake up..  nice try though dawgie

Rex's whole post was ridiculous but I'll bite now cause it's Sunday morning and football isn't on yet.

  Libertarians try to switch the discussion around when civil rights is brought up.  These government dogs and fire hoses were used on people who decided to protest on private property.  Free market capitalism says that the owner is entitled to discriminate on his property and government should protect private property and arrest people for "trespassing" or being "Black" on a person's private property.

The free market says that no accommodations need to made for disabled people.  Disabled people will just stop patronizing your business and everything will work itself out.  Sounds realistic right?

So if you're disabled and can't get a job because a free market employer won't hire a disabled person, you should blame yourself for being lazy. 

Not only do they ignore this, they also act as if businesses did not do just fine discriminating against people. 
Originally Posted by JayMyers

Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it...

This went from something legitimate to "hey you're rich so I'm mad at you".

Guys are on here promoting socialism...socialism?????
1. That is not what the argument is..

2.  You do know we are not a fully free market capitalist economy (BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE), and there is already a significant portion of our economy that is socialist.. Which becomes the case for many representative governments throughout history.

Originally Posted by JayMyers

Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it...

This went from something legitimate to "hey you're rich so I'm mad at you".

Guys are on here promoting socialism...socialism?????
take your reactionary cliches somewhere else...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

From watching the video, I get the the same vibe in here that people get out I feel I literally can put certain NTer usernames with a couple of those's the same reaction, instead of having a discussion, most of them jumped directly into attack mode "you either with us or you are an idiot, because I said so" type of mentality, I see dudes in here who get their argument across sooooo much better than ANYONE I've seen interviewed down there...seems like every interview just makes the protestors look silly and sort of support my initial generalization, is there any interview where the 99% actually has someone who can put up a good debate?

Originally Posted by memphissfinest

Originally Posted by ksteezy

From watching the video, I get the the same vibe in here that people get out I feel I literally can put certain NTer usernames with a couple of those's the same reaction, instead of having a discussion, most of them jumped directly into attack mode "you either with us or you are an idiot, because I said so" type of mentality, I see dudes in here who get their argument across sooooo much better than ANYONE I've seen interviewed down there...seems like every interview just makes the protestors look silly and sort of support my initial generalization, is there any interview where the 99% actually has someone who can put up a good debate?


Whether there's an eloquent speaker or not, or whether you choose to ignore the ones that make sense for the ones that don't, it doesn't change that our country has a problem and the financial sector is where the money lies, therefore it's a great starting point to make a change..When people marched against the Vietnam War, people said the same things.. "they're just hippies, they don't understand" well I think in the end they were the ones that came out on the right side of history.. am i right?
Peter Schiff got "owned"? 

Did you listen to any of them rebutting Schiff? I don't think any of them actually have the intellectual capacity to understand the total irony in their arguments. Of course, they have no real articulate or coherent arguments, they have Corporate Media talking points.

"What's a 'fair tax' rate"
"Get rid of the Bush Tax Cuts"


"What would be 'fair' for me?"
"I don't know, can't tell you"

Nice, well though out answer.

"I;m giving the govenrment half of what I earn, do you think they should take more?"
"Get rid of the Bush Tax cuts"


"I'm helping people all the time. I employ 150 people, how many people do you employ?"
The silence in response of this question was DEAFENING.

Government created an environment where there was an artificial expansion in money and credit. Solution? More government.
Look in any administration, what is the lowest common denominator? They all have a few that were at GS, JP Morgan, ect.
A lot of these people are supposedly opposed to the corruption, injustice, and brutality, but the little secret is that the symptoms they "oppose" are the same political ideology they favor.

So you're going to sit here and tell me that government was more responsible for slavery than CAPITALISM?

The Free Market is based on voluntary exchange of goods and services without the use of force. Labor is a commodity, slaves are held against their will where force is initiated. Therefore, there isn't a voluntary exchange for goods (money) and services (labor). So where in that scenario represents the Free Market?

Government protected slavery.

Government protected Jim Crow Laws.

as a matter of fact CAPITALISM led to the extermination of 99 percent of the native population

No. Tyranny led to the extermination of 99% of the native population.

  Libertarians try to switch the discussion around when civil rights is brought up.

Oh right. Like how Anwar al-Awlaki's civil rights were protected?

These government dogs and fire hoses were used on people who decided to protest on private property.

Yup. Tax dollars at work.

Free market capitalism says that the owner is entitled to discriminate on his property and government should protect private property and arrest people for "trespassing" or being "Black" on a person's private property.

So what your saying is that you think government should use violence and coercion to FORCE people to serve a particular population? Think a little bit, dude. If you are a business owner looking to make profit, why the hell would you discriminate voluntarily and decrease the amount of paying customers? The Jim Crow laws prevented Blacks from going into restaurants whether the owners were racist or not. Also, as soon as those "sit-ins" started and the businesses started losing business, they had not choice but to lobby their local governments to desegregate.

The free market says that no accommodations need to made for disabled people.  Disabled people will just stop patronizing your business and everything will work itself out.  Sounds realistic right?

Freedom of association. If there is a law that mandates that you have to oblige to people are certain way, is that freedom of association? What you do with the ADA is make businesses afraid to hire or fire people who are disabled because of the amount of risk i.e. risk of litigation.

So if you're disabled and can't get a job because a free market employer won't hire a disabled person, you should blame yourself for being lazy. 

Not only do they ignore this, they also act as if businesses did not do just fine discriminating against people. 

Stop it. I discriminated against White and Black women my entire life and chose to date Hispanic women. Sue me, bro.
Originally Posted by rashi

I discriminated against White and Black women my entire life and chose to date Hispanic women. Sue me, bro.


i though you guys were supposed to be the model minority
The government enforced the laws which enabled slavery, but they certainly didn't force slavery on anyone. Slavery was a consequence of capitalistic society + free labor provided by the very racism in that society. Free labor / Free money supplied by the american workforce. I fail to see the difference, and if rashi could get the head out of his %%+ for 30 seconds, he would see the similarities as well. Free market is inherently flawed, Milton had some good points, but in reality, it's a utopian society ideal.
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