Are you humble?

I'm the most humble human-being that has ever lived
On the real....I try to be. Nothing makes me angrier when dudes stay trying to stunt on Facebook with their statuses about what they did or what they justpurchased.

In my eyes, Whatever it is, I did it or I own it so that's good enough for me. No need to boast to others about it.
I'm quite humble. When I was younger I definitely wasn't. But I had a few instances since than that really taught me to become humble.
One of the most gifted/ blessed dude I ever came across, in terms of monetary accumulation, women, and physical fitness, was also one of the most humblest ofindividuals I can remember.

...Really put things in perspective. I've known cats my whole life who think they're the #*!%, and I realized that its all relative until you meetsomeone whose really won at life, and takes it with a grain of salt.

...In our day and age, confidence reigns supreme, and its definitely a thin line between that and arrogance. But if you can mix humility with staunchconfidence, you're in the cross-hairs with leadership.
I consider myself, yes, I try to. I think there are a lot of greater values in life then money. Although I am cheap. PUt that together...
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