Aquamanjay tribute- wear your Aqua VIII’s 6/22/24 - #AquaJayDay

Just pulled out my OG pair from his birth year.
RIP I didn't know Aquaman but always read his posts and appreciated them.

Condolences to his loved ones.
Used to always hit him on in insta anytime he posted something dude was def knowledgeable and I will definitely wear my aquas! It’s weird i think I’ll always associate my aquas with him.
RIP Aqua.
We share the same favorites. Aqua 8’d are my grails too.

Loved the passion he brought to all the threads.
May you rock all the J’s up there.

Haven’t worn my 8’s since like 2016 but ready for the date next month
I really don't post anymore and only check the forums for release information, but I remember him and how passionate he got about the details of a shoe. May he rest in peace and his family and friends will be in my thoughts and prayers as well. I've yet to wear my aquas from 2015, but a show of solidarity to honor a fallen brother is one of the best reasons you can give.
Having been on these forums for so long, it takes a very particular individual to catch my eye in reading through so many posts on a daily basis. Coming back to NT a little more regularly the last year @Aquamanjay_ was that guy. I think I first started paying attention to his posts in the Infrared 6 thread and I just kept thinking...damn who is this guy? Always tried to be extra informative, tons of pics and comparisons, very detailed, had a deft handling of the history, and low key would get some of ya'll riled I thought he was an "industry" guy like some of the cats that have passed through NT over the years. Then to see his IG and just see more of his posts here in general that he was a younger cat and genuinely just LOVED kicks. This made me smile, and having never met him or even really having any conversation with him online, it was just so refreshing to see a relative new guy, armed with passion AND information, and not just hype. It's kinda silly because it's just shoes/a hobby, but I felt like he was on here and posting for all the right reasons. It's very sad to have read some of his "i'll be taking a break posts" a few months back, and now not knowing if he was dealing with his health or other issues. Death is always untimely, but more so when the person in question still had so much life ahead of them, and to know that he might have brought joy to some of us reading his posts on here makes it a bit more difficult. I might have to buy a pair of Aqua's just for the 22nd (I had the OG in 8th grade) but it would be worth it. Always wear your kicks kids, your time is always unknown, but be grateful we are all afforded the chance to be here and talking about stuff we love and continuing to be a real community and helping one another. As @JRepp23 mentioned earlier, even if it's the smallest sliver of happiness, maybe it would be comforting to his family to know that he was "loved" in our community. Peace. <3
Update, so after making some comments on his IG I was able to find out that his birthday is June 22. I hope that we can get a ton of people to wear their Aqua VIII’s that day in tribute to our brother. #AquaJayDay

I didn't realize our birthdays were so close to each other (mine is the 25th). I'll make sure to wear my 8s that Saturday. I remember one of his last post, he said he was going through so trying times.
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