Appreciation post: Late night solo driving/reminiscing

Aug 18, 2012
As a graduate of an advanced degree program (PhD equivalent), full time member of the "white collar" work force more than 5 years, and adding recently married to the mix, I feel so embedded in the time clock/rat race lifestyle. I had just covered a later shift and had the pleasure of leaving work well after sunset on a warm night that I was able to enjoy the ride with the windows down. With not many people on the road on my ride home, and nothing good on the ipod/radio, I just felt "the switch" turn on as I was able to really zone out and have good thought. Back in high school, early college days I remember always have good late night conversations around a fire or walking around the neighborhood with close friends. With the 9-5 commitments, gym, etc, there's minimal time for deep thoughts/reminiscing/zoning out/creative thoughts. How do you guys make solo opportunities to really think deep thoughts and make sure to fit it in your days?
With work, newborn, occasional gym, and running errands, rarely anytime for deep thought.

The best I can muster up is in the shower and when reading a book. My most philosophical and toughest questions about life and happiness happen at those times.

I wish I had people who I can converse with about philosophy but my crew is all bout *****es and cars.
shower or sit at home at the end of the day and just make beats, smoke and zone out

i also like to go to the gym and just shoot around and just be in my own head for a few.

driving in general in low traffic is one of my favorite little things to do. i hated driving when i first started but now i kinda like it.
Don't mind some nice , chill drives to clear my head ...but between the police and crazy late night drivers I only be on the road late at night if I have to
At lunch.

Regardless of the situation, I try get a cool 45min - hour in to myself. Doesn't always work, like today, but w/ my schedule I can generally make that happen.
Driving sucks in CA. Best drive I ever had was on Christmas Day morning 6am. Spent the previous night in the ER because I fell and hurt my neck; went to bed and my tongue went numb so I was like let me get this checked out. Driving through downtown SF on a Christmas morning was so damn chill. Any other time it's hell.
Don't mind some nice , chill drives to clear my head ...but between the police and crazy late night drivers I only be on the road late at night if I have to

Same don't want to deal with these crazy drivers, tailgating, driving 20 above speed limit, etc. Rather be at home for peace of mind. Those rare moments where I don't have to deal that BS... then solo driving is enjoyable.
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I work the graveyard shift, so every night I get to experience this. I absolutely love it (other than knowing I’m heading into work).

Generally I zone out to music though. Nothing like throwing on some good nighttime driving music and hitting the highway.

Been on this for late nite drives lately.....


And the GOAT to zone to...

I like those late night drives on Sunday as I listen to art Labor.
Makes me think about life and choices I've made. I start to daydream my future and where I see myself in the next year.
It feels good, almost like a cleanse.
I work my own hours so i'm always up in the middle of the night. Love going for drives between 2am - 5am especially in the summer.
Literally just got back from a dolo night drive, weather getting a bit cooler (if you count 68 at night "cool" :lol:) shh was :pimp:
I personally enjoy taking the long way home from work to reflect on my day.
Use to love bendin blocks late night while smoking. One of the few things Ive found to be cathartic.
Driving stresses me out so I gave up my car, but I feel what you are saying deep/reflective thoughts happen when I'm walking
I don't know about reflecting, smooth music on the late night sounds so much better.

Prodigy-rotten apple at 3-4am deegan to GW on my way home>
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I have no girl or kids, so I have free time and I value the hell out of it. I'm actually more motivated by time than I am $, as weird as that sounds.
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