Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

how much do you guys think i can sell the 4S for? brand new since i got a replacement phone under warranty, not even 3 months old.

How many GB?

For the 16 GB,

I'd say you'd be lucky to get $300-325 right now,

You can easily get $250-275 though.
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how much do you guys think i can sell the 4S for? brand new since i got a replacement phone under warranty, not even 3 months old.

How many GB?

For the 16 GB,

I'd say you'd be lucky to get $300-325 right now,

You can easily get $250-275 though.

hes not getting 300+ ive been monitoring prices.

if he wants a quick sell 250-275 if its very good condition
Man Im still rocking a 3gs...I doubt Id get a buyer even for 100 bucks..

Anyone on At&t going to order at 12 calling 611? 

I had my unlimited data plan suddenly switched to 2 gb a couple weeks ago.I just called a couple days ago and got my grandfathered unlimited data back on. Its going to be annoying if I have to call them again if I pre order online
okay just got off the phone with att rep....
for those who are with att and are grandfathered in with their data plan please listen up....
if you order on line, go into a store... unlimited data is no longer an option to switch over or add, you would be put on and or have to select another plan for now (3gb, since it is $30 as well would be the best choice)
before pre ordering this phone... call att and let them know you will need them to submit the request to attach your grandfathered data plan back once you get your iphone 5 on the 21st
they will note your account (i even had them send me an text to confirm my request, they did) and switch it back to your grandfathered plan, maximum time it takes to go back is 2 weeks
so basically, call let them now to let them know to put you on the 3gb plan for now, and on the 21st you will be calling back to have them switch it back to unlimited get confirmation of your request.
also, you can dial 611 on your att phone to order through att directly at 12:01am pst
that is all....

I just called and they were beyond useless. She kept telling me that the iPhone 5 wasn't out yet. I kept telling her that I realized that and I'm just trying to make sure that my unlimited data is grandfathered in. She then proceeded to try to get me to switch my cable to AT&T. After several times of me telling her that I wasn't interested and her trying to push it, I just hung up :smh:

I'll call back tomorrow...
You guys are silly. Put your phones up on ebay and you'll be surprised for how much they go. I sold a fully shattered broken iphone 4 2 months back 32gb for 350 for parts
sprint offers252 for my 4s but they ************ me on my upgrade. tombout I'm eligible next November. i'm gonna have to add another line just to get the love price
how much do you guys think i can sell the 4S for? brand new since i got a replacement phone under warranty, not even 3 months old.

How many GB?

For the 16 GB,

I'd say you'd be lucky to get $300-325 right now,

You can easily get $250-275 though.

hes not getting 300+ ive been monitoring prices.

if he wants a quick sell 250-275 if its very good condition

That's why I said he'd be lucky to get that.

I've gotten a few offers from Indian dudes, But I'm not falling for their "Oh, I'm out of town" or "Ship to my son, I'll pay for him" type offers. :stoneface: :lol: :smh:

I'm meeting up some dude tomorrow, He said he's paying $300 for my 4S, Hope dude is serious and not trollin or trying to set me up. I'll murk dude. :lol:
whats to much trouble?

that is about unlimited data, and how not to loose it making a two minute phone call. then one more 2 minute call on the 21st to add it back.

had nothing to do with pre ordering... if you wanna call from your phone at 12:01 you can.

did you read my post box? lol :tongue:

having too call so many damn times is too much trouble, they should just give you an option to keep it when you pre order it.

if i were to upgrade in store they ask me if i wanna keep my unlimited plan. i dont gotta call them multiple times and hope they got it right, you even said it can take up to 2 weeks to get it back.
raf - you know how that can be calling in, i think that is luck of the draw. the woman who i got was on point and knew what she was doing and talking about. call back tomorrow, give it another shot.

box - i don't trust att, so yeah i am calling to make sure they get it right. because i know they don't want me to even have it anymore, and will do anything to make sure its lost and i have to select some new shared plan i dont even want. if its a couple of phone calls, thats what it is. end of day its not too difficult.
You guys are silly. Put your phones up on ebay and you'll be surprised for how much they go. I sold a fully shattered broken iphone 4 2 months back 32gb for 350 for parts
Damn, I'm going to try that. I still have the box and stuff
having some trouble choosing which provider i want this time around. Sprint vs Verizon? any opinions? I am with sprint now btw
Just called at&t regarding my unlimited data. The guy saidthat i will still have my unlimited data when i received the iphone5 on the 21st. I still told him to put a note that i called just to make sure that nothing gonna happen to my plan. 2 minutes phone call aint that bad:tongue:
i doubled checked with them, when ordering online selecting unlimited data to carry over will not be an option...

select 3gb, call when you get your handset... and put in the request to add back unlimited. they are still honoring this, you just need to call back and have it re-added.

it does not take 2 weeks to show back up, they just give you the max time it could take.
thanks man :nthat:

this makes things tuff because im on a single plan and i pay about 90 bucks on att for 450min/unl. texts/3gb of data for an iphone 4 

if i do the math with Verizon id get 450min/unl. text/2gb of data(plus 2gb more for hotspot) its looking like 110 plus tax :smh:

??? On Verizon's new share everything plans you can get unlimited min/voice and 6 gigs for like $120
onedollah - nice

hopefully the two reps i spoke with are wrong and you can choose it on the site... but either way if you can't you can still call back to have it added. i just wanted my account notated just so there is no issue.
Everything perfect with it
think about it... 3 months for a phone that releases at least 1 time a year
3 months = Old as ****

What I'm saying is, we as consumers are so spoiled that we think a phone that just released 90 days ago is considered "old"
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