Apparently, they are trying to start an All-White Basketball League in Georgia

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Originally Posted by NobleKane

all white teams?? this has the potential to be as horrible as the wnba....

whats wrong?
Let's see. There's Greek leagues here in NYC where if you aren't baptized Orthodox you can't play. There are leagues like this all over the US.Why are people so uptight. I mean damn.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by acidicality

there are asian leagues (for middle school/high school) where i'm from, and i was in one. everybody had to be at least half asian descent to play or something.
that's news to me, i've NEVER heard of anything like that before.

I'm in a southasian basketball league with a limit on the amount of nonsouthasian ppl. The point isn't to discriminate but to bring people of a certain community together.
fair enough but the cons outweight the pros of doing this. personally i'm chinese and growing up i was always a heavy minority whether it bebasketball, baseball, or hockey. i never cared though
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

what the hell is going on in here? why cant people laugh and dismiss @%*@ like this? they wont generate any revenue because no major sponsors will support a league in fear of losing consumers who dont agree with it ... this is a joke, point blank period ... the end ...

then you got someone saying us "white people" would like to have blacks back in chains again? really? smh ...

Might be the first time ever dude has made sense. Props Star. Real talk right here.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by dmxfury

Being the majority is what makes it different
That was the wrong thing to say.
Why because people don't want to hear the truth? That's exactly what makes this different from, say, an "all Chinese" league...the fact that Chinese people, or any other group besides whites, don't have a centuries-long history of genocide, enslavement and exploitation of non-whitegroups of people in this country.

On another note,
at some of the jokes in this thread.
I doubt ill be entertaining. Not many white people with smooth handles. I'm just saying tho
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

theres nothing wrong with this............around my area we started an all filipino league whats the difference
you guys actually have a rule that says your league is limited to the filipino race alone?

if so, why? and what kinda #!**%%%* is that?
this could be epic. Well at least they're getting Exposure. I could see Chris Anderson flourishing ut there if he got banned from the NBA again.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by dmxfury

Being the majority is what makes it different
That was the wrong thing to say.
Why because people don't want to hear the truth? That's exactly what makes this different from, say, an "all Chinese" league... the fact that Chinese people, or any other group besides whites, don't have a centuries-long history of genocide, enslavement and exploitation of non-white groups of people in this country.

On another note,
at some of the jokes in this thread.
It's the wrong thing to say because of the implication that by being a minority, you have special privileges that shouldn't be accessibleto the majority, which is not the case. An all white league would be just as bad as an all Black league or an all Asian basketball league. We shouldn'thave tolerance for any organization that prohibits membership or participation based on race.

People are quick to point out HBCU's but I see that as a preservation of history and culture while allowing folks of different ethnicity the opportunity tojoin as well- it's completely different.
How sad to have to be that you admit you cant even compete with Black dudes?

I've seen all white teams beat Black teams, its basically admitting that you're inferior to Black players like you are women.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

How sad to have to be that you admit you cant even compete with Black dudes?

I've seen all white teams beat Black teams, its basically admitting that you're inferior to Black players like you are women.

Not entirely. In Moose's eyes, white people are also just better people and black people are dangerous to be around (they might flip you off or grab theircrotch) so in his eyes he isn't creating an inferior league at all but rather a superior league by taking away all the streetball playing, dangerous,crotch grabbing, minorities. Trying to compare it to HBCUs or BET is beyond moronic, though that's what is going on an every message board all over theinternet
im sure if there was an "all black league" everyone would be ok with it....just another example of double standards with the race card......this isthe bigger problem...more so than racism....
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

im sure if there was an "all black league" everyone would be ok with it....just another example of double standards with the race card......this is the bigger problem...more so than racism....
word. Black people are just as ignorant as white people.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by dmxfury

Being the majority is what makes it different
That was the wrong thing to say.
Why because people don't want to hear the truth? That's exactly what makes this different from, say, an "all Chinese" league... the fact that Chinese people, or any other group besides whites, don't have a centuries-long history of genocide, enslavement and exploitation of non-white groups of people in this country.

On another note,
at some of the jokes in this thread.
It's the wrong thing to say because of the implication that by being a minority, you have special privileges that shouldn't be accessible to the majority, which is not the case. An all white league would be just as bad as an all Black league or an all Asian basketball league. We shouldn't have tolerance for any organization that prohibits membership or participation based on race.

People are quick to point out HBCU's but I see that as a preservation of history and culture while allowing folks of different ethnicity the opportunity to join as well- it's completely different.
If you classify the ability of people of color to form their own sports leagues as a "special privilege," how do you classify the factthat, in 2010, employers are more likely to hire white ex-offenders than black folks with no criminal background?

In the face of this type of discrimination, it seems fairly inconsequential that black folks might be able to start an all-black basketball league.

Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

im sure if there was an "all black league" everyone would be ok with it....just another example of double standards with the race card......this is the bigger problem...more so than racism....
You apparently have absolutely no concept of how the worldworks.
Originally Posted by NikeKid6

Indiana pacers just gonna join as an expansion team.



what can i say.. half of the all star squad already play for the pacers... Troy Murphy, Tyler Hansbrough, Mike Dunleavy, Jeff Foster, Josh McRoberts, andTravis Diener would tear that league up!
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

im sure if there was an "all black league" everyone would be ok with it....just another example of double standards with the race card......this is the bigger problem...more so than racism....

Stop playing the disenfranchised White guy. We all know its a little bit harder of women and minorities. Think about it.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

im sure if there was an "all black league" everyone would be ok with it....just another example of double standards with the race card......this is the bigger problem...more so than racism....
word. Black people are just as ignorant as white people.

Double standard? Yeah im sure white people suffer everyday beacuse of the double standards of race in this country..smh Millions of black people everyday arejudged everyday cause of the color of their skin..and you sayin a double standard is a bigger problem than racism..LOL White people tryin to dismiss racism arehilarious LOL
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