Anyone here not care about credit?

that's all good...but again its your personal interests that have you thinking you are doing something me its the bigger picture...the bank is making money off of you for doing nothing...i don't like that.

second your main purpose in life is to accumulate wealth and money....not mine....

lastly, like i mentioned, i am talking about the bigger picture, which this thread is about...not everyone is going to be in the position to do what you do...but everyone is in their own position to make money for 2-3 years...start a business and become financially independent from loans and employers...

the point isn't to get rental property...the fact you didn't have a half a million in cash doesn't mean its absolutely necessary for you to have good credit to borrow that..

you can live a successful life without good credit and loans....

that is basically my point in this thread...99% of people are not going to agree or even understand where i am coming from...but best believe its a lot better to have half a mill under my pillow than to have it on a piece of land...
put me on to some research and/or books you mightve read bro. Im interesred in your philosophies. Pm me it if you can.
A lot of you "don't care about credit" cats gon' learn when you grow up. :lol:

There are obviously more important things in life, but trust that your credit is a huge deal. I learned that later in life than I would've liked, but thankfully not too late to get back on track.

Take the advice of someone older than 95% of NT: take a proactive approach to maintaining your credit as soon as possible. There is no downside to doing so, other than having to be responsible with spending.

Brainwashing of america right here. Associating responsible spending with borrowing money. That's an oxymoron in itself. The "if you can't afford it, don't buy it" adage never failed me. Prosper OP :smokin

If you only buy what you can afford and pay off your card every month you're flourishing.

Building credit and getting rewards. No downside if you're responsible
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that's all good...but again its your personal interests that have you thinking you are doing something me its the bigger picture...the bank is making money off of you for doing nothing...i don't like that.

second your main purpose in life is to accumulate wealth and money....not mine....

lastly, like i mentioned, i am talking about the bigger picture, which this thread is about...not everyone is going to be in the position to do what you do...but everyone is in their own position to make money for 2-3 years...start a business and become financially independent from loans and employers...

the point isn't to get rental property...the fact you didn't have a half a million in cash doesn't mean its absolutely necessary for you to have good credit to borrow that..

you can live a successful life without good credit and loans....

that is basically my point in this thread...99% of people are not going to agree or even understand where i am coming from...but best believe its a lot better to have half a mill under my pillow than to have it on a piece of land...

pdino pdino with the good ol house hacking.

The bank did do something they loaned out the money, without the bank he wouldn't own the property. Interest free loans don't exist, unless we are talking CC balance transfers (3% fee). I'm not sure what your business is copped but I'm sure there is someone out there that feels as if you are getting paid for doing nothing, the 99% that aren't business owners or CEOs feel that way actually.
LOL @ thinking borrowing money you don't have is a great idea 

Why does credit = borrowing money you don't have though? :lol:

Like many folks, I have 10s of thousands of dollars in available credit. On payday I pay my bills with my cards, put the money for those bills aside, wait until the transactions post and then pay them off with my own cash.

On average I let $100 report every month, but that money is also set aside from my weekly earnings and is paid off immediately. Rinse & repeat every month. I'm actually earning money from rewards and come out ahead by simply paying bills I have to pay anyways.

There's no downside to this approach.
Why does credit = borrowing money you don't have though?

Like many folks, I have 10s of thousands of dollars in available credit. On payday I pay my bills with my cards, put the money for those bills aside, wait until the transactions post and then pay them off with my own cash.

On average I let $100 report every month, but that money is also set aside from my weekly earnings and is paid off immediately. Rinse & repeat every month. I'm actually earning money from rewards and come out ahead by simply paying bills I have to pay anyways.

There's no downside to this approach.
Making money off the banks and building your credit.
I pay $0 , because I bank with credit unions only.

Everyone keeps telling me to mess with the credit union but you can't just go to any atm without getting charged crazy fees to withdraw

Many credit unions let you flourish at 7/11 papi

Who wants to go to 7/11 tho? :x

Why wouldn't you? :lol:
Slurpees, quick sodas, swishers, beer, taquitos
Plus don't you like Lil ceasers?
Credit is like work..something I don't **** around with..

Bills are a priority..and most cards offer rewards so it is an incentive to use ur's kind of like building another savings account that u can cash out once a year

Lately a lot of 0% APR for 12 or 15 months has been catching my attention..I've only paid interest on retail CCs that I regular cards that I use I pay off in full every month
I made my nephew an authorized user on my credit card. He's never going to use it, but at least he'll have an account under his name, and therefore longer credit history when he decides to apply for his own cards someday. I wish my parents would have done the same for me, since it was hard getting my own card at the start. I was 26 with no loans, no student debt, and used my debit card for all my purchases. I had my sister sign with me as a guarantor on my card. After 6 months, she was removed from the card and it was all mine. Now my credit score is in the mid 700s and I have card companies throwing offers at me. Back then, they didn't want me. Now I'm hot, they all on me. Lol.
I made my nephew an authorized user on my credit card. He's never going to use it, but at least he'll have an account under his name, and therefore longer credit history when he decides to apply for his own cards someday. I wish my parents would have done the same for me, since it was hard getting my own card at the start. I was 26 with no loans, no student debt, and used my debit card for all my purchases. I had my sister sign with me as a guarantor on my card. After 6 months, she was removed from the card and it was all mine. Now my credit score is in the mid 700s and I have card companies throwing offers at me. Back then, they didn't want me. Now I'm hot, they all on me. Lol.

bruh i was just listening to that. mike joneeessss
Typical stupid NT reply
typical stupid NT response without anything to back it 

let's be ******* real.... 

most people aren't using credit the way it's SUPPOSED to be used 

these ideal scenarios people are describing are not real life for THE MAJORITY 

most people are using credit to borrow money they don't have to make big purchases or to float them until they do get the money.... and are drowning in debt because of it 

so miss me with the ******** b..... 
Typical stupid NT reply

typical stupid NT response without anything to back it 

let's be ******* real.... 

most people aren't using credit the way it's SUPPOSED to be used 

these ideal scenarios people are describing are not real life for THE MAJORITY 

most people are using credit to borrow money they don't have to make big purchases or to float them until they do get the money.... and are drowning in debt because of it 

so miss me with the ******** b..... 
You gotta remember on NT everybody perfect n doing big things ...great credit scores, pay of all the balance on time every month , and only use the credit that they need ...unlike a lot of the country in real life that lives off credit n going to the grave with their credit debt :lol: ...ppl can't even pay off student loans but are great at managing the day to day credit
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I made my nephew an authorized user on my credit card. He's never going to use it, but at least he'll have an account under his name, and therefore longer credit history when he decides to apply for his own cards someday. I wish my parents would have done the same for me, since it was hard getting my own card at the start. I was 26 with no loans, no student debt, and used my debit card for all my purchases. I had my sister sign with me as a guarantor on my card. After 6 months, she was removed from the card and it was all mine. Now my credit score is in the mid 700s and I have card companies throwing offers at me. Back then, they didn't want me. Now I'm hot, they all on me. Lol.

Man when I get kids im making them AU's soon as they are 18 for sure
typical stupid NT response without anything to back it 

let's be ******* real.... 

most people aren't using credit the way it's SUPPOSED to be used 

these ideal scenarios people are describing are not real life for THE MAJORITY 

most people are using credit to borrow money they don't have to make big purchases or to float them until they do get the money.... and are drowning in debt because of it 

so miss me with the ******** b..... 

So you just have boatloads of cash and only pay cash
He didn't pay 500K though only his downpayment. Whatever his downpayment was I am sure he will have made all of that money back within the next 5 years through his duplex rental.

Now you say your talking about the the majority, and majority of the US doesn't even have 10K to their name.

Majority of people in the US can't afford to pay an unexpected $400 expense.

So how are they gonna be stuffing hundreds of thousand under their pillow....LETS BE REAL.

We have different views of building wealth and living a successful life, neither way is better than the other. It's all personal opinion.

you are card companies bank on those who aren't responsible...

its human nature to want something you don't have...everyone wants to go buy a nice pair of whatever and worry about it later when the bill comes...then your short..then you add thing you know a kid who just wanted something because hes been brainwashed to think he has to have it to fulfill some sort of self gratification is now in debt and his credit score is ****...

its the way its been card companies hates those guys who they don't make interest off of...

its like the gym members who are there every day and use the facilities...gyms aren't making money off those dudes, they use more shower water than their monthly membership...they like the dudes who buy a years membership and come 4 times a year...

think of reality not what should or shouldn't be...

and if you don't learn from your mistakes than you are just irresponsible, I am sure almost everyone with good credit had a time where they did bad things with credit and learned

I don't even know what the hell that gym membership reference has to do with being responsible with credit
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