Anyone have public outbust of OBAMA outside?

Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

This is funny casue I've been doing it all day.........

Me too and I live in seattle so you might be talking about
was in seattle last night as well, everyone left the bars and started marching to a certain section on downtown (pike and broadway)
it was bananas, as soon as another march reached that area it doubled, maybe tripled the people there all screaming, high five-ing,
popping bottles..good night indeed

really tho, we have a black president...its craaaaaazyyyyyy! good times to be alive right now
i hope the change he says is coming is a good one, and people realize that its a combined effort
to do this

we'll see what he can do
Originally Posted by ryair max 1

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Nothing compares to D.C. last nite.


I was at the White House right after the election results...literally THOUSANDS of people
began pouring onto Penn Ave. from the 17th Street side within like 20 minutes and all began chanting "Na na na naaaa heyy heyyy heyy gooodbye."
i heard at one point it reached 12000 people in front of the White House.
that is epic
public outbust of out shouting?

Now that he's President, let's hope he does something about our educational system.
The hood was going crazy yesterday. Obama signs taped to cars driving around. People on evry corner with signs shouting OBAMA! I was driving around honking thehorn. It was the greatest thing I have seen in my life.
All kindsa black folk in my city were runnin' around the streets, chanting on megaphones, screaming "OBAMAAAAAA!!1!" at anyone and everyone.

It's like when OJ got off x 5,000,000,000.

I could do without the car horns at 2 in the morning, but, for the most part, I like it.

Black people around my way are friendly as hell now.

Keep it up.
Originally Posted by RawSheed

i can't take it no's outbuRsts you idiots
I would agree with you, but personally I can't take it ANY more. It's curious that you find theneed to correct other's grammar when you are just as guilty yourself. I certainly don't want to put a damper on the festivities though, carryon.

Brothas, sistas...even my melanin-challenged folk out there...come forth and give heed. I don't know whetha you give a flyin %%#% what I got 2 say ornot...but hell, ima say the $#!+ anymuhfunway.

I woulda posted this yestaday, but I wanted 2 give yall some time with the unmitigated joy...check this out tho. Don't think I don't get it...its agreat story, a multi-racial man rising up without a silver spoon in his mouth 2 become what we call the leader of the free world. I understand thesignificance...hell, there's no way in Landry's ghost this coulda happened 40 years ago, or prolly even 20. All I'm sayin is that I find itsumwhere between inspiring and disgusting how readily my people jumped behind this man and made him into a demigod, a savior of mankind, and a urban legendwhen I'm willin 2 bet my bottom gahdamn dollar nobody knew who the hell he was a little over a year ago. Maybe folk just like the shirts, who knows?

I'm not sayin its wrong 2 be happy, but yall actin like the struggle is over. Wait, I know...'not me, I'm not!' Well if it aint youspecifically, all you gotta do is take a quick lap around Facebook, or hell, whateva hood you from 2 see what I'm talkin about. The fact is, the manhasn't done a damn thing yet. Yes, he won the election...that's all well and good, but I feel the need 2 mention he was running against a stalemeatball sandwich... The fight 4 our people and our country is FAR from over. Its like people expected 2 wake up yestaday with the whole world full of sunshineand candy, folk holdin hands and singin 'We've come this far by faith' on the corners. Not gonna happen. Odds is, our lives will not changesignificantly 4 the better 4 at LEAST a year or 2 more, if not longer than that.

Yeah, history has been made, but I hope you can eat history or put it in your gas tank. I really hope yall can get a job at this new 'black house', cuzif he don't do sumthin about this aint finna get one nowhere else, and that ***#'s real. You damn sure aint gon push a blue Lambo no timesoon without a job. Maybe one day you can tell yall grandchildren what a special moment this was 4 us...but if he don't end this war in Iraq and a bunch ofother random might never have grandchildren 2 tell about it. Your life and its problems is still there and don't give a good golly gahdamnwhat color(s) your president is. Hate 2 burst the bubble here, but I just think we need a voice of reason real quick.

Like I said, my intention aint 2 bash the man. I appreciate what he went through 2 even get 2 where he is now. My intention aint 2 tell you he aint the rightman 4 the job. The thing is I don't know, and moreover, neitha do you (tho I'm sure we all hope so). My intention aint 2 say I'm not gonna supportthe man, or give him his fair chance 2 do sumthin. I'm just tryna say maybe yall should hold off on the unconditional support. The hopes and dreams of anentire race of people and 54% of a country is a heavy burden 2 say the least...maybe 2 heavy 4 one man. But whateva...yall aint gon listen 2 me no way...justat least attempt 2 remember what I said. That's my $0.02...

And yeah, I'm as black as they come...I just think all this $#!+ is OD.
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