anyone going dairy-free? I wanna go for a month vol. almond breeze

I quit milk a few years ago... was making my stomach upset and way too much gas. I stay with that almond breeze 
 just remember if you quit milk, don't drink milkshakes! You will have a bad day 

And dude said he was 14... same age as I was when I started posting on NT... in 2002 
 I feel old 
I prefer Tempt brand hemp milk myself.  Soy and almond milks are generally easier to find, but hemp milk has a perfect 1:3 balance of Omega 3 and 6 EFA's and hemp seeds contain all essential amino acids as well.  You don't even have to go that far out of your way, really.  You can buy it in bulk from Amazon.

It's perfect for cereal and blends well with my preferred supplement, Vega's whole food health optimizer:


Some people seem interested in the rationale for going dairy-free.  It's an issue that's been discussed in various other threads over the years.  I'll just pull a quote from this one, since it came up first on search:

Even so, you still have a very fundamental problem with milk: it's for baby cows. Humans, with few exceptions, are not small cows. A baby cow weighs about 80 pounds. After six months, calves stop drinking milk and weigh about 500 pounds. Human mothers have long been discouraged from giving cows' milk to their infant children, as the proteins in cows' milk can be very difficult to digest - to the point where it can even cause intestinal bleeding. Cows' milk often causes constipation in children as well. It's estimated that 65% of the world's human population does not drink cows' milk and much of the world's population is lactose intolerant. Those who do drink cows' milk represent the only creatures that 1) drink milk beyond infancy and 2) drink milk from another species. Medical authorities including Dr. Benjamin Spock, Dr. Charles Attwood, and Dr. Neal Barnard have publicly advised against the consumption of dairy products. Speaking of saturated fat, cows' milk contains over nine times the quantity of saturated fat included in soy milk, while soy milk offers more than 10 times more essential fatty acids. Soy milk also lowers, rather than raises, LDL cholestorol levels and are, of course, cholestorol free. As for the purported benefits of milk: broccoli and collard greens contain far more calcium. While the dairy industry constantly promotes the claim that milk strengthens bones, have you ever noticed that this statement NEVER appears on actual milk containers? That's because the ads are regulated by the FTC while the cartons are regulated by the FDA - and the FDA actually requires that product claims be factually supported. 

Walter Willett, Chairman of the Nutrition Department at the Harvard School of Public Health, co-authored a study of more than 75,000 American nurses, which found that women who consumed the most calcium from dairy products suffered from substantially more fractures than women who consumed less milk. This correlation is consistent with broader trends, as the countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis (The US, Finland, Sweden, and England) are also the countries with the highest consumption of dairy products. Fracture rates are dramatically lower in parts of the world where dairy products generally aren't consumed, like rural China, where the fracture rate is just 1/5th that of the US. So much for the "milk does a body good" campaign. On the ethical front, even though hormones aren't used in the production of organic milk, in order to stimulate milk production dairy cows are forcibly impregnated. The calves are taken from their mothers within hours, which causes the mother cows to frantically search for them, bellowing in agony. Male calves are sold for veal. In several documented cases, their mothers have managed to escape and travel miles away overnight to locate their babies. Many ovo-lacto vegetarians don't know that, by supporting dairy products, they also support meat products. Not only are dairy cows' male calves fated for slaughter, but so are the dairy cows themselves. Dairy cows, weakened and exhausted from milk production, are killed and ground into hamburger years before they would reach the life expectancy of a free cow. 

Best of luck to everyone going vegan/dairy free!
dang, meth saw scshift punking some child behind the swingset and let it slide

odie's probably one of those kids all the teachers hated and gave all the bullies a pass, shrug

side: IQ test has been proven to be a skewed measure of intelligence, and GPA doesn't hold much weight considering the varying difficulties and scholastic competition amongst high schools
Meth...what do you say in regards to the omega 3 and 6 relationship that we get throughout the day without supplementation?

I've read that we might be overdoing it on the omegas in our diet.

A little update...I've seen some good signs since switching off cow's milk. No extra backne, little to no gas....which is sooooo damn
, no stomach cramps which I didn't know was coming from the milk.

The downside is that buying a gallon of almond breeze is hard to find, and half gallons are finished way too quick.

I really like the regular sweetened version of vanilla almond breeze....I mistakenly bought the unsweetened version and it was akin to the 1% cow's it didnt really make me want to throw it out but once you've tasted the sweetened version, it's hard to go back.
yeah man i've been off dairy for almost a year now. every now and then i have some cheese but i'd say that's about once a month.
i've lost about 15-20 lbs, my congestion is completely cleared up and i really haven't looked back.

initially it was hard as hell but i definitely feel a lot better at this point. glad i did it.
Rice Dreams is on Sale at Whole Food for 2.99. Half of a Gallond. I am sure there are coupons floating around. I got the unsweetend version since it didn't have as much sugar. I like the taste of it. And it tastes so damn good.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Swag Odie

I'm sorry you're so irate.  And don't act like you're not, because you challenged me to an e-pissing contest based on two lines of prose.
Now that I know how old you are, I can rest knowing that you're probably just some youngster twiddling on his older sibling's computer.

Of course I'm mad. You're mad too. So it's not like one of us is steaming while the other is laughing saying "you mad"?

Sorry about challenging you to an "e-pissing" contest. Just thought that maybe you should have backed up your words when you claimed intelligence.

As for the rest... well I did say I was a youngster. Using my own computer though.

Good night.

that his mama bought for him
go play outside or something child
I have been using almond milk for quite some time. Disliked milk since my younger days. Started out using soy but have been using almond milk a whole lot. I may try that hemp milk.
For people saying soy, I hope ya'll know soy milk isn't exactly the bees-knees either. It's been connected to various health issues, the most notable being increased estrogen.

I know my digestive system doesn't like milk, but for weightlifting purposes it was tough to give up because it was packed with slow/fast digesting proteins and useful fats. But I think I'm gonna phase it out, I can tell my body really does not like it.

Almond milk is cool, pretty expensive but you can buy it in bulk. Make sure you guys get the unsweetened version.. the extra sugars and carbs ain't doing you any good. Only problem is that it has no protein, so for my weightlifting people make sure you supplement with protein somehow.
Dat dark chocolate.

Been on the almond milk for about 4 months. Just recently bought a gallon of milk and its really not what it use to be.

You can also make your own almond milk at home.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Rice Dreams is on Sale at Whole Food for 2.99. Half of a Gallond. I am sure there are coupons floating around. I got the unsweetend version since it didn't have as much sugar. I like the taste of it. And it tastes so damn good.

Rice Dreams = Monsanto
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Rice Dreams is on Sale at Whole Food for 2.99. Half of a Gallond. I am sure there are coupons floating around. I got the unsweetend version since it didn't have as much sugar. I like the taste of it. And it tastes so damn good.

Rice Dreams = Monsanto
Their Vanilla is

I drink it on it's own, but I'm hesitant to use it w. cereal....
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Rice Dreams is on Sale at Whole Food for 2.99. Half of a Gallond. I am sure there are coupons floating around. I got the unsweetend version since it didn't have as much sugar. I like the taste of it. And it tastes so damn good.

Rice Dreams = Monsanto

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Rice Dreams is on Sale at Whole Food for 2.99. Half of a Gallond. I am sure there are coupons floating around. I got the unsweetend version since it didn't have as much sugar. I like the taste of it. And it tastes so damn good.

Rice Dreams = Monsanto


The most evil corporation in existence and the worlds leader in gmo crops, owns and produces...
I know who monsanto is, ust did some research looks like you're right. Its like you can't win unless you pay more $$ for an independent brand or grow your own stuff
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by illwill24

Yall got to use that Almond breeze its the best!

Stop drinking milk it actually causes you to get sick. The cowfat in milk is stored in our bodies as mucus, and the acculmulation of mucus makes it hard for your body to defend against diseases.

Also, milk is bad for you because it makes you go to the bathroom, which robs your body of nutrients. Bet you didn't know that leafy greens store more calcium in your body than milk does, because since milk causes u to defecate, you release most of the calcium from milk in your feces....I always laugh when I see an athlete in one of the milk commercials, then get injured soon thereafter (Im lookin at you Chris Paul) The calcium "goes right through you" and is only in your body until you go to the bathroom. Thats y some ppl get weak after poopoo'in after some milk.

And lets not even talk about the cows' living conditions....
oh god
don't laugh he's 100% right on the bolded part and i came in here to say that.  human's bodies are not designed to eat other animals milk.  when you drink milk it spikes the PH in your body so all the calcium the government has you believe your getting is just used to buffer your spiked PH down to a normal level.  the government subsidizes the milk farms so the farmers work at a loss and then the gov't just tells us a bunch of bs about how it gives you calcium which is 100% false.  if you want USABLE calcium you gotta eat greens.

also skim milk just has sucrose added to it instead of fat.  which is sugar that turns into fat anyways.  so you're better off just drinking whole if you want milk.

i'm not knocking anyone for eating dairy but do it because you like it, not because you think it's good for you.

google this before anyone fires back and posts rolling smileys and calls me an idiot. 
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I know who monsanto is, ust did some research looks like you're right. Its like you can't win unless you pay more $$ for an independent brand or grow your own stuff
Crazy, you can't trust anything anymore.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I know who monsanto is, ust did some research looks like you're right. Its like you can't win unless you pay more $$ for an independent brand or grow your own stuff
Crazy, you can't trust anything anymore.
monsanto is the devil
For protein supplements I recommend looking into Humapro. Stopped taking powders almost a year ago and am not going back. I've made noticeable gains in the gym. No bloating and protein farts either. Stopped eating dairy altogether and feel much better. Acne significantly improved as well. I am Vietnamese though, and I have heard Asians don't digest dairy as well, so I am not sure if my results will be the same as yours. AI Audi started taking humapro before me, so you might want to ask him about his experience with the product.

Good info in post#9
Trader joes hemp milk

I recommend making your own thiugh, a lot cheaper.

Also, my acne has improved ever since i stopped consuming milk. I get a pimple whenever i have anything with dairy or eith red meat. Dont know what causes that, but it helps keeping me away from such foods.

I'll look into humpara, thanks bro.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Rice Dreams is on Sale at Whole Food for 2.99. Half of a Gallond. I am sure there are coupons floating around. I got the unsweetend version since it didn't have as much sugar. I like the taste of it. And it tastes so damn good.

Rice Dreams = Monsanto
Thanks. When I finish this container I am done.
Back to the topic, I just recently bought a gallon of milk because i really wanted cereal really bad one morning. All I can say is
my body no like. I don't see me giving up ice cream but it would make sense. I don't see me giving up cheese though. I just have to keep cheese to a minimum.

When it comes to almond milk, your grocery store items will have alot of sugar in them. Almond milk is actually really simple to make at home, all you need is a blender and a couple fine strainers. You can add however much sugar you like in the form of cocoa, honey or fruit. You simply can't trust corporations anymore. Alot of things you buy from the grocery store are very easily make-able, and can add trust/truth to your food and to your health diet. Confidence and trust in your bodies efficiency is very important to your immune system.

I'm trying to go pescatarian and cut out all meats but fish. On top of that, I want to go on a raw foods diet to help digest nutrients. I also have started the warrior diet, which consist of fasting throughout the day, and only eating at night or before bed time. It's not an easy transition. I imagine once my body adapts (think destroy and rebuild) it will be well worth it. Too much stress lately from eating foods that don't digest optimally and too much sodium. It's worth the transformation, even if it's a struggle.

After that. I will move myself off of nicotine.

The RAWRrior Diet. Bank that.
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