Anyone feel they're in a rut?

Originally Posted by Much Respected

Whenever I'm in a rut, I take a day to re-evaluate things and then break down my large goals into MUCH MUCH smaller goals that I can work on immediately. When I say immediately I mean immediately.. that day or the next. Then when you start completing those smaller goals you can see that you're on your way again and that should give you confidence and even more motivation to take on the next smaller tasks. Try it out.

This is the truth.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ


i take L's like i take breaths of oxygen.



I feel your pain my dude...
Originally Posted by Much Respected

Whenever I'm in a rut, I take a day to re-evaluate things and then break down my large goals into MUCH MUCH smaller goals that I can work on immediately. When I say immediately I mean immediately.. that day or the next. Then when you start completing those smaller goals you can see that you're on your way again and that should give you confidence and even more motivation to take on the next smaller tasks. Try it out.

I know as soon as I get a new job, I'm gonna have a lot more energy... Problem is, I don't know if I'm gonna get the job I want, rather than just any old job.
I feel like that every damn day of my life, I'm basically just sleep walking. I've done too much dreaming without fullfilling reality, I no longer haveany hope for the future. I just hope that in ten years that I'm not homeless or in prison.

Anybody still soul searching?

^ yesir. i still have hope for the future, but things aren't going so great. hopefully things work itself out and can get better.
yeah all the time man . . . i don't even know if i wanna pursue what i'm studying anymore.

i'll figure it out though
why so serious ?!

lol jk
yeah, I sometimes wonder if I will get my bachelors

however, knowing hard work eventually pays off....keeps me wanting to achieve that goal
Sort of man..I JUST got out of the army late february..finding a decent job is proving harder than I thought it would enrolled at a local college forthe summer semester in may and im dreading it,im 20 years old,3 years removed from high school and I probably couldn't grasp things I learned in highschool let alone new college worse,my dude with whom I was supposed to get an apartment with recently joined the navy,and he's the onlyone of my friends I trusted with paying bills every month..sooo,long story short,3 years service for uncle sam,2 deployment tours,can't find a job,livingwith my mom again,im starting school in may and im scared im out of the loop a touch..hope not..

At least I got a ride or die girl whose easy on the eyes and I saved enough money in the army to live off until I find a job..good grief..
Yep iam def in one right now.

I dont know if I want to continue attending college. On the good side I just got a pretty decent paying job and iam ready to stack some of the money. Isometimes question myself of am I responsible enough to tackle bills on my own, but Iam so ready to get out my parents house. Iam at a standstill at life rightnow.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ


i take L's like i take breaths of oxygen.



I'm finna convert back to my old ways because this new me aint workin right.
yep, im in a rut, dumped my gf, about to quit my job because it sux (had a month off with no pay
) , looking for another job. gotta move out of myapartment because it sux too (walls are so thin, i can hear my neighbors fart...)
"My walls are so thin I can hear my neighbors fart..."

Sorry man but I had to laugh at that
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