Anyone feel like they're getting lonelier as they get older?

We'll be dead soon. 

Live it up. 

I feel where you're coming from. Being 26 and mainly doing the 9-5 or 9-1 on saturdays doesnt give me too much time to do other things
I'm comfortable with solidarity but I'm at the point in my life where I'm ready to be with someone I love and share our lives together.

Same. I'm 26, all my friends are always to preoccupied with there significant others. Even my sister just got engaged. I'm comfortable being lonely but it'd be nice to always have someone to do something with, talk to, etc.

At the same time though, last night when I was playing zombies with my buddy online, I was thinking how cool it is that we can easily communicate with so many people all over the world just like that...

But still, forever alone... lol.
i am on the same boat. My advice is to do what YOU want to do. Go where YOU want to go and things will fall into place as people will gravitate to you because you are happy with yourself. Take this time of loneliness to develop yourself as a person. I hate the stigma of doing things alone. At the end of the day those experiences you do alone will be worth so much more later in life than not doing it at all. A lot of the best times of my life is because i did things on my own. if you follow this advice you will be a lot more interesting and have a lot of stories to tell and everything else will fall into place.
I'm comfortable with solidarity but I'm at the point in my life where I'm ready to be with someone I love and share our lives together.

Same. I'm 26, all my friends are always to preoccupied with there significant others. Even my sister just got engaged. I'm comfortable being lonely but it'd be nice to always have someone to do something with, talk to, etc.

At the same time though, last night when I was playing zombies with my buddy online, I was thinking how cool it is that we can easily communicate with so many people all over the world just like that...

But still, forever alone... lol.
Word, we were at the bar last night and me and my boy had that we're over this convo. Single is cool, being able to bag whoever you want is great. But there's more to life than just random sex with strangers. I want that experience of love—that electricity when you're in bed with someone you actually care about. My friends and I are a riot, I wanna be able to share the fun times we're having with that special woman I love.
I think this holds true for most people.

I'm only 21, but I definitely appreciate the freedom I have now that I'm out of college. I think it's important to stay busy and get involved with things that interest you outside of work (e.g. volunteering, sports, etc.).

And of course, if any of you are feeling lonely, we can go grab drinks in NYC (if any of you are located there as well).
I mean it's only natural. After you start working within a major in school, those people become pretty much your main source of company. Then after graduation, either you'll be working 9-5 or some of your friends will be and you're not. Either way, you're not seeing them as much anymore.
I just moved to a new state (Virginia) like a week ago, so I need to get out and meet some new people. My money isn't exactly where I want it to be because of all the bills associated with moving. I plan to get a gym membership soon to waste some time, get in shape, and network a little.
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