Anyone else NOT a fan of The Beatles?

Oct 24, 2012
I got into a lil debate with one of my buddies a while ago regarding The Beatles and how I really don't care for them. It's crazy how people think it's a sin to not like them. I understand the huge impact they left on music and how ahead of their time they were. Almost every musician has had a Beatles influence one way or another, but I've just never been able to get with 'em.

Honestly, I'll hear probably 4-5 Beatles songs a year.. and it's not because I want to, it's only  because they're on the radio. I've never had craving where I needed to listen to their stuff. 

I know there might only be a few of you, but anyone else also feel this way?
I'm not. I get funny looks when I tell people I prefer the "Across The Universe" soundtrack to the original songs by the Beatles.
I used to be really into them but I find myself enjoying Led Zeppelin's stuff a lot more. Used to hate the Stones but now I like them more too. All my friends hate me for it :lol:
*raises hand*

I know they're legendary and I can respect that, but I don't like any of their music. Not my cup of tea.
They cool, I didn't like them as much as I thought I would when I tried to get into their music.
only song i like is hey jude. and imagine but only because my uncle always sang it during karaoke night
4-5 songs is such a tiny amount of their work, especially for a group with as many sounds as the Beatles had. And you know how the radio hits aren't always the best songs from artists.
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One of the most overrated bands of all time. Not a fan at all.

Please explain how they are one of the most overrated bands of all time?

Anyways, The Beatles are my favorite band of all time but everybody has different musical tastes so I understand if you could never get into them, as long as you still recognize the talent and influence they had. Judging a band like The Beatles off a couple songs though seems a little premature, they have a very deep and diverse catalog were only hearing 4 or 5 of their songs doesn't give you any kind of idea what they sounded like.
I'm kinda with you OP.

Everyone's always saying how great the Beatles are, but I didn't grow up listening to that kind of music so it's hard for me to get with them. Same thing with Bob Dylan.
I mean I get WHY they're held in such high regard but I personally just can't get with their material.

Give me Archie Whitewater,Myrth or Hamilton Face Band please.
I can't say for sure because I've legit never heard more than a handful of their songs. What I have heard just isn't my thing, so I've never explored deeper. As a fiend for all types of music, it shames me to admit that but it is what it is.

I just have zero desire to dig into their catalog for some reason, which is rare for me. *shrugs*
I can respect someone saying they're not a fan or just don't like the music, but to say they're overrated is silly.

Music would likely be totally different today if it wasn't for them.

They were only around for 10 years too...amazing
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I don't even know one of their songs, probably do, but that just shows how interested I am in their music. 
I can respect someone saying they're not a fan or just don't like the music, but to say they're overrated is silly.

Music would likely be totally different today if it wasn't for them.

They were only around for 10 years too...amazing


Also, if anyone wants to get into them, listen to their albums chronologically and you'll see their amazing evolution. Quite amazing.
They just never clicked for me. I could go the rest of my life without hearing another Beatles song and not care either way.
I'm not a fan nor do I dislike them, but I do like this song

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