Anyone else in the mid 20 Age group just feel a little out of place with things?

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

as a fellow 24 year old, I hear exactly what you're saying.

the worst part is the MASSIVE ego that people (mainly women) have developed due to social networking.

everyone think they're a model, throw up 100 self-taken shots in hopes that simps come out and give them the validation they so desperately crave.

But in reality, I blame you dudes. you guys are the ones who make a 5 think she's a 7 because you will say just about anything to get in her pants.

and when you DONT, you just give her all that material to work with that she's better than she really is.

I think its funny how alot you like to act like you have your women in check, when in reality the majority of you are some of the biggest B's I've ever had the displeasure of having to share a community with.

You guys arent men, you're mayors of your own Boytown. Masculinity dropping. More dudes saying things like "OBSESSED!" and "LOVE IT!" on facebook pics.

DESPERATELY trying to appease these women most of you dont even have a shot with.

I think its time someone put a Stop Payment on your reality checks.

inb4 its not that serious.

OP post was way deeper than women being gassed and your post s a prime example of what OP is trying to say.

You are so consumed with the dating life, you cant realize that as a whole our youth is allowing mediocrity to become the acceptable.

Chicks have always been stuck up and will always be stuck up.

Before there was Facebook, there was the street corner you past every day where dudes holler at you.

Keep using the excuse that women are gassed up on facebook for the reason why you are not in a relationship.


honestly, its this attitude thats gonna leave you husbandless at 38
What mind set, the mind set that you are shallow?

With dudes like you walking around perpetrating being a "man" being forever alone does not sound so bad 

*Hates facebook, goes on it every day and post gym pics*

everything is where it needs to be. change is in motion...things are happening....the old ways and definitions are simply not true and cannot be applied to contemporary life any longer.

..if your a sucker get ready to pay for it

...too many people out there have to be told instead of picking up on whats really good
24. Feel the same way. Out of touch with all this social stuff. I don't like people in my business
wow this is hands down thread of the year !!

i feel the same, i'm in a rush with not much time to post a well thought out opinion, but i'll be back in an half an hour lol brb
you'd think wih the explosion of the internet and the instant availability to so many things
people would be smarter.
but no its making people lazy and dumb and spreading the !%%!+%+! fad of the week
internet created this copycat generation with everyone doing things just so they can post it on fb or instagram or tweet about it
people go out just to take pics man. its like a competition and everyone copyin eachother trying to reach for some sense of being in style or cool
I'm 18 and I know how you feel man. I guess it's just a level of maturity that comes with age and how people view things. I ended up deleting all my social networking accounts because of all the nonsense people post. Some people can't live without attention they get on Facebook and twitter
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

OP post was way deeper than women being gassed and your post s a prime example of what OP is trying to say.

You are so consumed with the dating life, you cant realize that as a whole our youth is allowing mediocrity to become the acceptable.

Chicks have always been stuck up and will always be stuck up.

Before there was Facebook, there was the street corner you past every day where dudes holler at you.

Keep using the excuse that women are gassed up on facebook for the reason why you are not in a relationship.


honestly, its this attitude thats gonna leave you husbandless at 38
What mind set, the mind set that you are shallow?

With dudes like you walking around perpetrating being a "man" being forever alone does not sound so bad 

*Hates facebook, goes on it every day and post gym pics*


i want for everybody to be witness that men too can be victims to petty %#*## behavior. Op wasnt even on the same tip he was on. Op talking about character. Club off the cuff gets into women.
Club tries to be that dude spouting the same tired argument about gassed girls like he's above it but he shows that petty side with just one sentence when she brought attention to it.
give this man a round of applause. Clap for him.
I'm going the opposite direction. Instant gratification is where it's at.

I believe in self. And to me this is just humanity exploiting itself, becoming what it was suppose to be all along. Humans suck. Our personalities and morals suck. That doesn't mean that you have to.

Separate yourself from the herds of sheep and you'll be much better off. Let them sink to the bottom while you rise to the top. Because even though a lot of ignorance is happening, I know plenty of people who use these platforms for good and betterment of theirs and others lives.

Besides, you should be questioning the people you let in your circle anyway. This entire thread gives me bad feelings about who I share my time with here, knowing what kind of circles and networks you guys run in. My social network is amazing. We are not on petty %!+$. We are about knowledge and information.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

honestly, its this attitude thats gonna leave you husbandless at 38
What mind set, the mind set that you are shallow?

With dudes like you walking around perpetrating being a "man" being forever alone does not sound so bad 

*Hates facebook, goes on it every day and post gym pics*


i want for everybody to be witness that men too can be victims to petty %#*## behavior. Op wasnt even on the same tip he was on. Op talking about character. Club off the cuff gets into women.
Club tries to be that dude spouting the same tired argument about gassed girls like he's above it but he shows that petty side with just one sentence when she brought attention to it.
give this man a round of applause. Clap for him.

oh Cap, I like you.
You have the boldness of a much younger woman

also: strong 3 edits. Probably went back a few times like "THATS what I shouldve said!"
it's not that serious you guys should socialize more. there is a huge difference between the internet and real life. people will still pull your card for all the extras the internet just gives lames more of an outlet to expose themselves
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

What mind set, the mind set that you are shallow?

With dudes like you walking around perpetrating being a "man" being forever alone does not sound so bad 

*Hates facebook, goes on it every day and post gym pics*


i want for everybody to be witness that men too can be victims to petty %#*## behavior. Op wasnt even on the same tip he was on. Op talking about character. Club off the cuff gets into women.
Club tries to be that dude spouting the same tired argument about gassed girls like he's above it but he shows that petty side with just one sentence when she brought attention to it.
give this man a round of applause. Clap for him.

oh Cap, I like you.
You have the boldness of a much younger woman

also: strong 3 edits. Probably went back a few times like "THATS what I shouldve said!"

you tried it so I will award + .0025 on the point system for that one about my age. I'm not even old for it to sting but that could burn a woman who may not be secure enough with herself. Subtle enough but received.
The social network is ruining youth, cyber bullying is everywhere, child pornography is at it highest
Teenagers are meeting up with who they assume are other teenagers and getting raped or killed
Dudes quitting college to do bank scams/tax scams because all the boys on facebook wearing gucci and YSL and they want to be like them
Chicks pass up a good dudes in school and go for drug dealers cause he cant buy her red bottoms, "everyone on intsagram has them I must"
Every body is boasting or trying to keep up with the Jones.

Yet all you see is chicks getting gassed 
Originally Posted by bkzkurse

No this isn't a cry for help 

I mean in regards to style trends and the extreme increase in online social networking and the need to post everything online - the desire for youth to skip the idea of working hard in a career in order to make wealth, instead opting for E-fame and youtube hits? - Marriage settling down starting a family - NOT wanting the world to know your business because privacy already is rare in this world- Youth culture seemingly going BACK in time in terms of style and progression- while education/ pro-societal growth seemingly sink further and further away

Sometimes I guess I feel lost because the values my parents instilled in me - Better yourself - and make a positive impact - Having people remember your name because of the good you do - I guess sometimes I feel like those values are becoming less and less important in this world - and we're now moving into times where YOLO, WorldStarHipHop, Facebook fame, Tweeting ( do I need to know you're having toilet issues?) are the biggest influencers

Anyhow - not judging - Again just wondering if it's just me - perhaps I need to make a change then -

I probably sound like an old man - I'm 24 - 

Sometimes I guess I just feel lost in this youth (kind of in between 2 major generations that are as different as night and day)
 I also feel that stuck feeling in between two generations. Feels like too much has changed.
Originally Posted by jflip

23 here.  Nice to see others that share the same feelings.  For those interested, here's a TED talk from psychologist Sherry Turkle speaking how we're connected, but feel alone.

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]The feeling that ‘no one is listening to me’ make us want to spend time with machines that seem to care about us.[/font]

This TED talk was amazing. Communication skills are seriously important and shouldn't be taken for granted just because of the new technology climate.
I love how everyone feels like they are motivational speakers. Its amazing how every person on facebook or twitter has the best advice.

Not srs at all. You want me to respect advice from a video model? Get out of here Mizz DR
I frequent facebook on terms for entertainment rather than social purposes. The type of stuff posted on there is self-indulged that it's hard to share your own side of things without being "in". Super lame, but I guess it has it's perks like some other socializing sites.
The kids. All of them. I hate. Arrogant, ignorant, foul mouthed fools. I wonder what these kids are like in school. Worried about clothingband shoes unnecessarily. Females dressed like disgusting mutts and expect respect. Dudes in foams and true religion this and that. I just want them all to be shipped to Siberia for 2 years to correct their stupidity
Originally Posted by Lubu1

I love how everyone feels like they are motivational speakers. Its amazing how every person on facebook or twitter has the best advice.

Not srs at all. You want me to respect advice from a video model? Get out of here Mizz DR

I don't even.
Are you that Nter that was Next'd by any chance?
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Lubu1

I love how everyone feels like they are motivational speakers. Its amazing how every person on facebook or twitter has the best advice.

Not srs at all. You want me to respect advice from a video model? Get out of here Mizz DR

I don't even.
Are you that Nter that was Next'd by any chance?
Seriously, most twitter post just be fillers. Crap that nobody wants to hear in real life convos because its so boring.
I know what you mean, but I look at it completely different. I enjoy how much I stand out, in a good way, rather than those my age just looking for a way to fit in. It's like people are having a battle with trying to keep things the way they were while trying to conform with the new age. Don't worry about fitting in. Just do you.

I used to have facebook, but don't anymore. I don't have twitter and don't care what other's opinions are. I've never followed fashion trends and the perspective I have on life that the younger generations may never achieve, makes me feel blessed. So many other things play a part, but I'm charismatically confident and it shows. I wouldn't have it any other way.
How is online broadcasting through social networking any different than what you see day in and day out on network television?
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