Anyone else have bee-phobia?

this is my most favorite bug in the whole world
they kill spiders, and comfortable to be around
One reason why I hate summer other then the 101 degree days...

I don't know which I hate more bees or house centipedes those creep me out.
stand still and all will be well.
bee's like humans are one of those creatuers that leave you alone if you ignore them for long enough
Got stung in the face twice. I HATE those little buzzing bastards!! Even if u stand still, they dont leave you alone.. They #!%@ with you and decide to land on you to see if your man enouph to swat them.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

dont swat at them when they come near you. you'll only end up getting stung.

when one flies up to me i just let them buzz around then they bail.


IDK man i get super shook whenever bees do that.  I just duck and split outta there asap...usually behind someone else to pass the bee to them, no  lie.
also part of team #neverbeenstung
Originally Posted by ImRobindaHood

the only thing in this entire planet Im scared of   
.. those things have me docking like someone shooting bullets at me... stinks Im allergic to those suckers to
hahahaha sounds like me.

all my friends clown me (i dont care) when a bee comes around.  if we are just sitting at a table outside and a bee comes, i will literally get up and RUN 10 yards a way.  I'm allergic and I aint tryin to die by no bee sting.

no, but i have a HUGE fear of being in the backseat of a coupe. i just always imagine a huge wreck and i'm stuck in the back with no way to get out. i'm only 6'2, but i'm way too tall for that +*@#
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

Originally Posted by Weekz

stand still and all will be well.
bee's like humans are one of those creatuers that leave you alone if you ignore them for long enough

 tell that to the one who stung me in the penis while i was wrapped in a picnic blanket chillin' 
Eh. Never.

When I was a kid I was stung a bunch at one time when I ran into a hive. A few years ago, the same %+#! happened. I went to turn over a log and the damn thing was a beehive. I counted 18 stings.

Surprisingly, I'm at peace at around bees.
Different kinds of bees have different kinds of temperaments

I think the farther north you go, the more chill the bees.

Around my way, bees are real chill.  You just hope you don't run into a hive.  Cuz bees of any kind are territorial.   
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

Originally Posted by Weekz

stand still and all will be well.
bee's like humans are one of those creatuers that leave you alone if you ignore them for long enough

 tell that to the one who stung me in the penis while i was wrapped in a picnic blanket chillin' 
it was probably a mistake... shake it off you'll be alright
Great, I get home and a new wasp nest is close to the old ones. Time to grab the weapons again...
 Nevermind that, just pulled a Solid Snake, waited for the mother wasp to leave the fort, and destroyed it for the third time! 
I swear she keeps coming back to build new nests, I need some wasp spray.
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