Anyone else hate mail in rebates

Aug 26, 2005
SMDH at myself. Was supposed to do a mail in rebate and put it off for so long, it's past due. These companies must be making so much money off those who are as lazy as myself 

I mean really, why must we deal with paper, ink, and postage, in this day and age. I'm out $50 because of this
SMDH at myself. Was supposed to do a mail in rebate and put it off for so long, it's past due. These companies must be making so much money off those who are as lazy as myself 

I mean really, why must we deal with paper, ink, and postage, in this day and age. I'm out $50 because of this
That's the point of mail-in rebates. The percentages is in the company's favor for the number of people who do send in the rebate is far less than the number of people who don't thus the company only pays out little while making huge profit. Plus they also can deny your rebate on the basis of such miniscule reasons that this also keeps the redemption rate low for the people who do send it. Great tactic by companies.
That's the point of mail-in rebates. The percentages is in the company's favor for the number of people who do send in the rebate is far less than the number of people who don't thus the company only pays out little while making huge profit. Plus they also can deny your rebate on the basis of such miniscule reasons that this also keeps the redemption rate low for the people who do send it. Great tactic by companies.
Currently waiting on $400 from tmobile. Today makes exactly 8 weeks since the rebate was sent. If its not in todays mail I will call and get the run around trying to find my money.
Currently waiting on $400 from tmobile. Today makes exactly 8 weeks since the rebate was sent. If its not in todays mail I will call and get the run around trying to find my money.
I had a mail in rebate for Sprint on a phone I purchased a few years back. I mailed in the form and received a post card saying I wasn't eligible for it and I needed to call them in order to move forward. I followed up and my rebate was processed immediately. They want people to be lazy and not take extra steps for the rebate = money saved for them. That's why most people hate rebate offers.
I had a mail in rebate for Sprint on a phone I purchased a few years back. I mailed in the form and received a post card saying I wasn't eligible for it and I needed to call them in order to move forward. I followed up and my rebate was processed immediately. They want people to be lazy and not take extra steps for the rebate = money saved for them. That's why most people hate rebate offers.
I haven't done one of those in years! All the major stores in Canada stopped doing mail-in rebates.
I haven't done one of those in years! All the major stores in Canada stopped doing mail-in rebates.
I mean it is pointless laziness. All you have to do is write and walk to drop it off in the mail. Why be lazy about such a simple task? Nobody is asking you to run 28 laps on the track or anything.
I mean it is pointless laziness. All you have to do is write and walk to drop it off in the mail. Why be lazy about such a simple task? Nobody is asking you to run 28 laps on the track or anything.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I mean it is pointless laziness. All you have to do is write and walk to drop it off in the mail. Why be lazy about such a simple task? Nobody is asking you to run 28 laps on the track or anything.
Pretty much.  I dunno how anyone can "hate it" when you get cash back and all it takes is 5-10 minutes out of your day to fill out/mail. 

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I mean it is pointless laziness. All you have to do is write and walk to drop it off in the mail. Why be lazy about such a simple task? Nobody is asking you to run 28 laps on the track or anything.
Pretty much.  I dunno how anyone can "hate it" when you get cash back and all it takes is 5-10 minutes out of your day to fill out/mail. 

yup they make you jumop through hoops. i just turned in one for $100 for my mytouch 4g like 2 weeks ago
yup they make you jumop through hoops. i just turned in one for $100 for my mytouch 4g like 2 weeks ago
Apple rebate requirements: send actual item you bought plus recipet with a picture o you buying the product.
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