anyone else gotta brush their teeth while they shower?

Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

i do all the time

Kill 2 birds with one stone..

Actually 3
b/c i piss in the shower too
yes all the time. but when the foam from the tooth paste gets on your wang... weirdest feeling ever.
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Sometimes if i'm rushing...i'll make a protein shake and drink it in the shower then brush....also i'm a shower pee'er[/color]

Sensuous. Inclined to luxuriate in the things which give gratification to the senses, but rejects anything tasteless, vulgar, or coarse.

Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which he imposes of himself or by his own choice anddecision.

Remains emotionally unattached even when involved in a close relationship.

An unadmitted lack of confidence makes him careful to avoid open conflict and he feels he must make the best of things as they are.

His need to feel more causative and to have a wider sphere of influence makes him restless and he is driven by his desires and hopes. May try to spread hisactivities over too wide a field.

Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.

these are my results ... but I don't have a lack of confidence.
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