Anyone Else Feel Like This About Work And Life In General?

Marriage/kids will get you stuck. Literally. People don't realize how ,limited their options become when they enter into these situations (especially the one with kids).
Don't buy into the marriage and kids are a beautiful thing fantasy. Marriage and kids can be a good thing but everything has its place and time.

With that being said, I think that many people take the wrong approach to work/ life in general. Nobody likes to work. Even if your occupation is somethign that you enjoy it is still a grind a vast majority of the time. This goes for any occupation. Even for the pro athletes, pornstars, traders, venture capitalists, etc. Yes even the pornstars.

The point is that you have to have a purpose to what you're doing. Work is only a means to and end and it doesn't matter how $#+#+%/ uncomfortable it is as long as it is serving a purpose in helping you reach the final destination. I work 70-80 hour weeks and it is a grind most of the time even though I enjoy what I do (for the most part). I do the best work that I can and work hard but that's only because the paycheck will (hopefully) help me get to where I want to be.

I love the outdoors and I hate the city. My goal is to buy a ranch/ large plot of land somewhere in the Midwest near some woods and a lake. Hopefully, I can keep my expenses low and retire early from my actual profession. At that point I'd prob just find a not too stressful relatively low paying job that will help to pay for the day to day living and the intermittent "wants".  of course life is unpredictable and things do change from month to month let alone from year to year but at this point that is my goal and work is just a means to an end.

Marriage/kids will $!%* up your plans and limit your options. Especially kids.
I can't stress that enough.
Also, enjoy the little day to to day things in life. If you don't, you'll be miserable.
I feel this way too...before my DUI i just lived life the best that i that i got it i'm working two jobs + school and don't have a +%#*%$$ social life anymore...i see 2 of the homies when we hit the gym during the week but other than that my weekends are locked down with drives me +%#*%$$ feels like i'm trapped...

If this promotion ##!* works out i should be alright though...Wiz Khalifa in may is a start...
Originally Posted by General Johnson

At my last job, my boss would actually expect us to stay longer than 8 hours when it wasn't necessary, to show that we were "dedicated." (no one except his %*# kissing crew did it)

my old boss used to work on his breaks and expected us to follow in his footsteps.   he tried to get me to do it, i just gave him the
and told him that people fought for workers rights and your basiclly spitting in the face of those who fought to give you state mandated breaks with your buffonery.
The 4-Hour Workweek, was an interesting but sort of cliche "get rich" book. Although I haven't read Think and Grow Rich (by Napoleon Hill, just given to me recently by an acquaintance) they seem similar by intention and audience. Other than the basic premise of running your own entrepreneurial lifestyle. It didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know about business or what's expected when "outsourcing" your life for the better. The funny thing about all this, is it won't work without a 'sound investment' and rationality. Also, if you think about it a lot of the economy's buffoonery at the moment can also be attributed to the lack of jobs for the general public due to outsourcing. Forcing people who already have jobs, take on more tasks; thus losing more time with family members, social life, lifestyle plans, etc.

So unless you already have a steady income (and want to pull an office space revolution), I suggest you join the rat race first (temporarily if you're in dire need) before you get all enamored with these 'pipe dreams' of joining the "new rich" just as as an after thought, peace.
Originally Posted by 757bred

Originally Posted by The Black James Bond

read this:

I bought this book a minute ago, but never sat down and read it.  I need to crack it open.

There is actually a new revised version of this book that came out in December. Ive been meaning to pick it up.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Marriage/kids will get you stuck. Literally. People don't realize how ,limited their options become when they enter into these situations (especially the one with kids).
Don't buy into the marriage and kids are a beautiful thing fantasy. Marriage and kids can be a good thing but everything has its place and time.

With that being said, I think that many people take the wrong approach to work/ life in general. Nobody likes to work. Even if your occupation is somethign that you enjoy it is still a grind a vast majority of the time. This goes for any occupation. Even for the pro athletes, pornstars, traders, venture capitalists, etc. Yes even the pornstars.

The point is that you have to have a purpose to what you're doing. Work is only a means to and end and it doesn't matter how $#+#+%/ uncomfortable it is as long as it is serving a purpose in helping you reach the final destination. I work 70-80 hour weeks and it is a grind most of the time even though I enjoy what I do (for the most part). I do the best work that I can and work hard but that's only because the paycheck will (hopefully) help me get to where I want to be.

I love the outdoors and I hate the city. My goal is to buy a ranch/ large plot of land somewhere in the Midwest near some woods and a lake. Hopefully, I can keep my expenses low and retire early from my actual profession. At that point I'd prob just find a not too stressful relatively low paying job that will help to pay for the day to day living and the intermittent "wants".  of course life is unpredictable and things do change from month to month let alone from year to year but at this point that is my goal and work is just a means to an end.

Marriage/kids will $!%* up your plans and limit your options. Especially kids.
I can't stress that enough.
Also, enjoy the little day to to day things in life. If you don't, you'll be miserable.
I think that materialism is more so the reason of people feeling trapped than starting a family.

Once you start purchasing things based on wants in stead of needs then you begin heading in a direction with no turning back. For example, if someone ends up buying a bunch of material items that they do not need really need like a new car, a mortgage, etc. etc. then they are going to be stuck in a grind the rest of their lives trying to make enough money to keep up their lifestyles. Even if they hate their job/occupation, it's unlikely they'll do anything about it because they are probably not willing to make some short term sacrifices (material goods) in order to make themselves happier in the long run.
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