Anybody on NT have converstations with their barbers??

Yeah. He's been my barber for a good 7 years plus. He gives me my line ups for free and I only pay for a full cut when I have the $. He usually tells menot to worry about it, but I always just give him a $20 since its like once a month thing.
actually, the girl who fades me up is this thick %%+ asian chick in her mid yeah I talk to her..
My barber is actually a white girl, at a black barbershop. She's madd cool and she cuts my hair the best there. We usually talk about sports, she's abig eagles fan (so we beef sometimes) and she dissects the games just as much as the dudes do. Other than that we talk about movies or politics.
it was until i got older that i started talking to my barbar on the was always loud in there either 30 convos at once, music blasting or some sportevent
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