Anybody here up on that 30 Bananas a day, Fruitarian, extreme raw vegan, 80/10/10 diet/lifestyle?

Just eat what tastes good to you and if you end up dying a bit earlier than you're supposed to, so be it.
I mean, how much are you actually enjoying 30 bananas in a day? 30 oranges? Raw vegetables?
The things people do sometimes :smh:
log off. What kind of advice is that? That's almost on the same realm of telling someone that they should just do whatever they want and if they die early, so be it. Yea, sound advice there buddy. Seriously, stay logged off:smh:

Why are you extrapolating my comment and applying it to other scenarios? Never once have I applied that thinking to anything else, nor would I do that since different things require different approaches.

Just because I said to stop caring so much about what you eat doesn't mean I'm condoning base jumping or doing drugs.
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Why are you extrapolating my comment and applying it to other scenarios? Never once have I applied that thinking to anything else, nor would I do that since different things require different approaches.
Just because I said to stop caring so much about what you eat doesn't mean I'm condoning base jumping or doing drugs.

lol Hold on...the BEST advice to give someone IS to tell them to do whatever they want to do! long as you aren't hurting someone else and/or children then do IT.
To many people are depressed and addicted to legal drugs and stuck in dead end jobs because "society" or whoever they listened to told them to stay in line and follow the program.
Bump that....find your own way.


day 1 and a little left over for day 2

looks gross :lol:

i looked up some more info i think what would be better is to blend the entire thing with some fruits ala a smoothie and just drink it. probably works 100% better. but i doubt this even works becase it says user parsley or cilantro but it doesnt make sense since they are both completely different plants...
Why are you extrapolating my comment and applying it to other scenarios? Never once have I applied that thinking to anything else, nor would I do that since different things require different approaches.
Just because I said to stop caring so much about what you eat doesn't mean I'm condoning base jumping or doing drugs.
Can you come to LACMA one day and let me know..give me the NT discount and I'll glady die a lil earlier eating your waffles. 

Why are you extrapolating my comment and applying it to other scenarios? Never once have I applied that thinking to anything else, nor would I do that since different things require different approaches.

Just because I said to stop caring so much about what you eat doesn't mean I'm condoning base jumping or doing drugs.
Can you come to LACMA one day and let me know..give me the NT discount and I'll glady die a lil earlier eating your waffles. 



We don't go to LACMA because we don't run lunch. Last time we were there, it was because of the Levitated Mass rock arrival and we served from midnight to about 5AM.

He is an Olympic athlete. They have to eat very different from the average joe to facilitate the insane amount of training volume the do
And he still doesn't speak on the rest of his diet. DurianRider also takes B12 shots because he doesn't get enough of it in his fruit only diet.
i know a chick that does it, she says its the best feeling in the world. her skin is much softer and she just feels more energetic. just has to take a piss a lot, lol
Gonzo from the Falcons is a Vegan from what I've heard. I'm just curious on what does he eat on the daily basis. I wanna get to his age and look like that. :pimp: :nerd:
Do they mention what type of workouts they do with this diet? This diet does not sound couch potato friendly.
Is anyone aware of anything where you become allergic (over time) to bananas? like i grew up eatin bananas, cucumbers, raw broccoli, raw almonds...but now, if i eat those things, i have like an allergic reaction. its like my airway swells up, and i have heartburn and stuff.
i looked it up but it kept talkin about latex??? any of yall have any insight?
my body looks better than the twins an that white dude so ill pass
hodgetwins are lame as hell to me
you guys what info check out


What is your Diet like?

I like to carb cycle. Relatively high protein, definitely high fat and low carbs (approx. 1/2g per lb of bodyweight) interspersed with carb up days. So on the low carb days I actually really do eat alot of bacon. And within these parameters, all I care about is my calories and macro totals. Nutrient timing and the source of these macros I consider distant third and fourth in terms of importance. Did I already mention bacon? I’m also not a big breakfast person.

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