Any tips for basketball tryouts?

Mar 10, 2011
It's in 2 weeks and I'm just trying to prime myself and get that mindset right.  My game is mostly crossovers and midrange pullup.  How can I be efficient on the 5on5? I'm asking that because I haven't played in enough 5v5 games.  At the tryout, it's half court so it will be packed.  I can't use the crossovers there or I get stripped.  This will be my first ever team if I make it.   
Don't drive to the basket unless you can finish after a foul. The other people try sooo hard to try and reject everyone coming down the lane even when they know they can't block it, so they just end up fouling the hell out of you.

I actually had a killer tryout but the coaches told me they didn't think I would get any better so they said I couldn't play for them
good point, no foul calls in playoff and I am very undersized/underweight
Yeah for that matter, since you're playing 5v5 on a half court, the lane will be packed constantly. Your teammates won't know when you're driving so they won't get out of the way and you'll just end up running into people.

My advice is just to be a playmaker and get the points any way your team can. If that means you need to put the ball on the floor and pull up, do that, but if you can't, try and set something up for your teammates. Every possession where your team doesn't score is wasted.
Make all the hustle plays. If your coach knows what the crap he's doing, he knows every good team has those energy guys. Let the jumpshot be a deal sweetner.
Make sure that you can show your coach that you can finish and dribble with both hands. Too many children nowadays can't finish or dribble with their off-hand to save their life. As a coach it makes me cringe when you can't do it as a freshmen.
I played my whole life here's a few tips.
dude play good defense and "BOXOUT" every single shot!
Play with confidence like your better than everyone on the court.
Take good shots dnt force it, make plays for others.
Never Panic.
Get in shape. You should lead all the sprints and by doing that, you show the coach you came ready and to ball, and also, score, or assist to score. Play with confidence and play your game. But put points on the board or aim to do that. Show the coach he can't help but take you because you were bussin' @+% out there..
I just got cut from my college try outs feelsbadman coach told me I got talent but I gotta bulk up or else ill get killed. Now I gotta hit dem weights and b ready for next year
Play to your strengths if you got a nice pull up mid range then use it dont jack from 3. Play smart too and stay calm and steady if your running the 1. Play good D and you gotta box out the shooter too. What level you tryna play for ?
It all depends on what kind of program the coach is running.  When I was in high school, if you didn't participate in summer league and didn't go to conditioning before tryouts you weren't going to make the team no matter how good you were.  Secondly, you had to be fundamentally sound.  No streetball.  You better run everywhere you go, and you getter pay attention to what the coach says.

Forget the crossovers during tryouts and stick with trying to set up your teammates during tryouts.  I'm guessing that everyone else wants to take the shots and you'll want to stick out from everyone else and being unselfish is definitely one of the best ways to do that.
I really wish I could give you tips, but I was always one of those dudes that knew I was starting.

I guess I would say play your game at its best. Don't try to be a player that you're not, but don't be timid.
High school varsity. I'm a junior. I got cut last year as I played terribly and the coach didn't know who I was. This year, it's me showing up every morning and he knows I take ball seriously. Doesn't matter tho, it's all in the pickup game on tryout day. I started lifting 2 months ago. Still 5'8 and extremely underweight
Originally Posted by HTXMade

dude play good defense and "BOXOUT" every single shot!
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Make all the hustle plays. If your coach knows what the crap he's doing, he knows every good team has those energy guys. Let the jumpshot be a deal sweetner.
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

talk LOUD on defense, hands up all the time in passing lanes, call out picks.

All good advice.
Move without the ball. Remember your spacing.

Don't be a ball-hog. Play within the flow of the offense.

Get back on defense.
Be very active defensively. Call all picks out & play the passing lanes. Be careful with that though, don't gamble like Wade does cause you leave your team out to dry if you miss.

THIS is why I implore people to at least have a reliable turnaround on the block, which you can then turn into an up & under. Easy buckets in the halfcourt (if the guy you're posting up isn't bigger than you)

But, just stay active defensively & when you don't have the ball be very active as well with your cutting.

Good luck.
-Show you know the fundamentals of the game.
-Don't force anything
-Do every drill at "game time" speeds... (Lay up lines, shooting drills...etc etc)
-Run back on defense after every scored basket.
-good communication
-Take the open shot (If its in your range)
-If you see a teammate lagging up and down the court... get on his case a little "Hey man, lets go!" (Don't be stern with it, be encouraging... You're a teammate, not a coach)

-HAVE FUN!... The more fun you have, the less nervous you'll be and things should come naturally...
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

 Now I gotta hit dem weights and b ready for next year

Smart man.
OP knew he was undersized and frail yet started lifting 2 months before tryouts?

You talking about crossovers  though
laugh.gif AND1 still poppin

And you obviously didn't learn anything from last years tryout...why not ask the coach what you need to work on?
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