any pitbull owners on NT? couple quick questions. thanks.

Originally Posted by GreyScaleMethod

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

the dogs look so swole.

My dude... you think Pits are swole? Google South African Boerboels... now them dogs are swole
I always wanted one, but can't afford one, maybe eventually in the future though.

those things look like they could squat more than i can.


Dog brolic as hell

They're buff even when they're just puppies:


But they're really big, pretty tall too... grow up to 29 inches at the shoulder. (FYI Great Danes grow to 30-32, kind of gives you a perspective)


Pits are very loyal and obedient as long as you train them right, give them exercise and what not.

Like Caesar says, you have to exude "calm, assertive" energy.

They're not crazy like the media would have you believe.
RIP. j/k those pics look sick. i love the way pits look. lil bro has a blue nose tiger- stripe
best dogs ever. the funny thing is that my dog marley is the friendliest dog you will ever see. almost too damn friendly like if a chick comes over he has togo in my room cause he will steal her attention all night its a shame. whats even funnier is despite him being so friendly since he's big and blackEVERYONE is always geeked when he first stares at them. like straight up i just moved into a new apt in jax and had to do a pet interview the lady there had apit herself and took .35 seconds to see my dog was cool, then when im walking him some lady is like omg how did you get that dog in here they are dangerousdoes the management know? i just laughed it off.
alright we got the dog this morning.

have to wait a few days, she is being spayed and what not. gives us (me) time to hit the store and buy supplies and learn some good training methods. i didntrealize so many owners get the ears altered. is that an expensive thing to do?
This is My Dog Boutros...he's chill. I had to neuter him 3 yrs ago though. One thing I def. recommend is getting him used to other dogs. Problem with mydog was he was chill with my moms dogs but not with others. So as soon as a friend took his dog over to my house they want to go at it (which is not cool). Dogis good at dog parks but is extremely territorial so as soon as i neutered him he relaxed. Now he doesn't show any aggression towards dogs(never showedaggression toward people). I did get him a spring board and let him pull on ropes(my dog loves it!) Overall they are awesome dogs and would die for theirowners most loyal dog i've ever owned. Dude is my best friend. He's excellent outdoor or indoor.
Originally Posted by dyzzle

how much are dogs usually at the pound?
la county is selling dogs for 37 bucks right now at some pounds. this dog was 110 because it was not at one of those pounds. it includes shots,spaying, and a microchip. not a bad price, i dont think they are out to make profit or anything.

btw they had an alligator at the pound too. not available to adopt but still
Kind of off topic, but I used to have a Rottweiler. They get the same kind of bad rep as Pits do. Before I got him, I read that they needed a lot wasn't a joke at all. They need a loooooooot of exercise even as a puppy. I've read that Pits need a good amount of exercise also.If you don't have time to bring your dog to parks and/or run with him everyday, then don't get a Pit.
I have 3 purebreds and a mix and they are great dogs. The biggest thing I notice about them is that they're very loyal dogs. The only thing I suggest ismake sure when your dog is a puppy that you keep anything that is worth value to you (sneakers, cell phone, etc) out of reach of it because it may getdestroyed. Ive lost a $150 pair of sneakers and a $200 pair of high heels to my puppies. They for sure need a nice back yard to run and play in and should bewalked daily. They also love pull ropes, but some people feel like that makes them more agressive and don't like their pits playing with them.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

You're supposed to to your research before getting the dog.
bro its a mixed dog from the pound. what am i supposed to do here? i cant exactly check her family bloodline. i read up on the breed and am askingspecific questions. i didnt get this dog from a breeder, i just wanted some tips.
its best to start as early as possible. You should check the parents of the dog for temperament. usually if one of the parents has an anger/aggressive issue,that can be passed down to the offspring. just like what most people have said, give the dog alot of attention and dont abuse the dog. dont encourage thingsthat can lead to bad habits. for example, it may be cute and funny having the dog nibble on your clothes or shoes, but it wont be once its grown. My main thingi recommend is to have the pup meet as many different dogs and people as possible, this will help stopping the dog from getting a bit out of hand (if you knowwhat i mean) around strangers and other animals. this can be down while giving it a walk.

BTW my pit was a blue razor edge.
Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

my cuzzins pit

shes really smart, just had puppies this week
Dog is REALLY smart! But dude sounds like a total douche... "YOU LISTEN TO ME!! I'M THE MASTER!!!"

They are very loyal dogs, will test you to your limits, and are bottomless pits. It's all on how you raise them

my girl's pit

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