Any one else here has a very affectionate significant other?

Oct 4, 2004
Does anyone else here have a very affectionate other half? I see alot of threads about relationship problems and all the things that their partner doesnt dobut what about those who have relationship with very loving people. How does your significant other show their affection?

-very smothering not in a clingy way but always gives random kisses and tells me that she loves me
-always wanting to hold hands rather it be in public, alone or even when I'm driving or sitting next to each other
-always wanting to be close
-if i have a something on my face she wipe it off (eye crusty a crumb etc)
-always wanting to hand feed me desert or snacks

I never was an affectionate person like that or been with someone who was very affectionate before until i met my fiancee but its def something i have grownfond of
i've made her more affectionate.. she never was a fan of PDA.. seeing it or partaking in it..
but now she be all up on me in the streets..
My girl is the most affectionate, loving person I've ever met. She's like a kitten or something. I love that chick
How does your significant other show their affection?

- feeds me & wipes any mess up.
- he doesn't like PDA much but he gives me random hugs or kisses when we're out.
- begs me to squeeze & play with his arms/facial hair.
- cuddling.
- looks deep into my eyes.

i love it
my boyfriend is definitely an affectionate person; he has no problem showing or saying what he feels, or doing small, cute stuff for me.

and i love doing the same for him, even though i'm not normally like that.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Ehh.. Naturally I'm not an affectionate person (that's why all of myrelationships have come to an end) although I try to be.. but I've been with some girls that are affectionate and I like it.[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]
You fools bug the hell out of me when I see y'all in public.
Talking about, "Honey, you have some ketchup on your face. Let me wipe it off,hehe."

I don't even mind when I have a girl like that though. My mom always did everything for me growing up (cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc.), so I kind of lookfor chicks like that.
She has her ways... like texting me goodnight RIGHT as I'm walking in the room to lay it down for the night or gangsterin hugs up out of me when I'm onalpha male mode. I like that.... it makes me feel like 3 stacks when he said "Stankyou... smelly much... for lifting me up... and bringing me back to thisworld!" on Prototype.
i'm not too hot on the PDA, because it always slightly disturbs me when i see other people doing it. so i don't want to be one of those people.

i mean, we'll kiss and stuff. but not like sucking each others tounge's out. just like a peck.

OD PDA just doesn't really go with my persona
You fools bug the hell out of me when I see y'all in public.
Talking about, "Honey, you have some ketchup on your face. Let me wipe it off, hehe."
Jealous? j/k

i'm not too hot on the PDA, because it always slightly disturbs me when i see other people doing it. so i don't want to be one of those people.

i mean, we'll kiss and stuff. but not like sucking each others tounge's out. just like a peck.
Oh most def i wasnt diggen pda like that either before.. At the same time its kind of bad when u with someone really sweet and they want to holdya hand or they want a kiss and u deny them of that cause yall are out about. Some may even get the impression that u are ashamed to be with them even thoughyour just reserved like that.....theres a time and a place for all that.I agree though u just don't tongue someone down like that.. a peck is fine though..
werd cuffin season is the best thoo. when its cold out. and you just hold each other to keep warm or watever. in public or alone it don't matter.
me and my girl always showing PDA.. idk its in our nature, its only like that with wifey tho.. it wouldn't be with any random chickss.
YO! Apparently, I'm the more affectionate one in our relationship. She's made me feel like a sucker a couple of times when she'd tell me shewasn't used to being touched or whatever that much.
HOWEVER... let us be out in public. This chic be all up under me. The lines at the movies - shetrying to hold my hand. We looking up at a menuboard... she behind me with her arms wrapped around. I do that !%#@ at the crib but she be cuffin... hard.
Love me some affection. As long as it's not childish...none of that smothering oochie goochie stuff.

But the small things like little massages or rubbing gently against the skin
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

i've made her more affectionate.. she never was a fan of PDA.. seeing it or partaking in it..
but now she be all up on me in the streets..

How'd you pull her in to PDA??!

My girl hates PDA... i mean before she wouldn't even let me put my haed on her shoulder in public!!!!

I could do that now but still.... ENLIGHTEN ME!
Originally Posted by Sun Of Knowledge

Does anyone else here have a very affectionate other half? I see alot of threads about relationship problems and all the things that their partner doesnt do but what about those who have relationship with very loving people. How does your significant other show their affection?

-very smothering not in a clingy way but always gives random kisses and tells me that she loves me
-always wanting to hold hands rather it be in public, alone or even when I'm driving or sitting next to each other
-always wanting to be close
-if i have a something on my face she wipe it off (eye crusty a crumb etc)
-always wanting to hand feed me desert or snacks

I never was an affectionate person like that or been with someone who was very affectionate before until i met my fiancee but its def something i have grown fond of
all that applies to my chick, lol... EVerything, thats crazy. Shes always tryin to shove some kind of food in my face.

always tryin to hold hands lol...
Always tryin to touch me in public and stuff. But not be conceited, but Im kind of a "catch" so to say, so I guess she is bragging in a way.
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