Any nters who transferred from a community college to a 4-year institute?

Apr 13, 2012
the majority of my two years spent at cc was spent on
and a little bit of studying on the side. I barely met any new people but i wasnt worried about it since it is community college and most people there are the in and out types. This fall i am headed to a university and i was wondering if any nters that have been in my position before could share their experiences or any advice.
i went to CC for 2 years and transfered to uc berkeley. i actually just walked last month and i loved my time there. the work at your university is going to be a lot more time consuming whatever you study, so my advice is to study early and hard. it's easy to be carried away at a university whether it be parties, girlfriend, anything. stay focused, remind yourself how much you (or youre parents) are paying for your education and do as best as you can in all your classes. just have fun and dont take your education for granted.
Originally Posted by aintFRESH

i went to CC for 2 years and transfered to uc berkeley. i actually just walked last month and i loved my time there. the work at your university is going to be a lot more time consuming whatever you study, so my advice is to study early and hard. it's easy to be carried away at a university whether it be parties, girlfriend, anything. stay focused, remind yourself how much you (or youre parents) are paying for your education and do as best as you can in all your classes. just have fun and dont take your education for granted.
Thanks for the reply and yeah i see where youre coming from in terms of studying and tuition and all that. My question is how much harder was the schoolwork compared to your local cc and was it easy to meet new people? I feel that since i would be entering as a junior, most people would already have their groups of friends established... if you dont mind me asking which cc did you go to?
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Are you entering into a quarter or semester system? What kind of system did your CC use?
this is one of my biggest worries.. the cc i went to was on the semester system but i will be transferring to a quarter system university and from what i hear from my quarter semester friends, it is goin to be a huge adjustment
Originally Posted by doofelos

Originally Posted by aintFRESH

i went to CC for 2 years and transfered to uc berkeley. i actually just walked last month and i loved my time there. the work at your university is going to be a lot more time consuming whatever you study, so my advice is to study early and hard. it's easy to be carried away at a university whether it be parties, girlfriend, anything. stay focused, remind yourself how much you (or youre parents) are paying for your education and do as best as you can in all your classes. just have fun and dont take your education for granted.
Thanks for the reply and yeah i see where youre coming from in terms of studying and tuition and all that. My question is how much harder was the schoolwork compared to your local cc and was it easy to meet new people? I feel that since i would be entering as a junior, most people would already have their groups of friends established... if you dont mind me asking which cc did you go to?
Schoolwork was alright. i had a lot of readings so i just tried to devote as much time as possible. i wouldnt consider my workload super hard compared to the CC i came from. i felt like the work at my cc was ridiculously easy so i had the same fear coming into a UC. but i managed and would say as long as you do your part in studying, the transition will be easy. i joined a christian fellowship and luckily it was easy for me to get plugged in and meet new people. as long as youre open and wiling to socialize to others then you should be okay. youre right that most people already have a group, but as long as youre open and dont close opportunities and people off then you will also find your community. i went to De Anza college in cupertino CA.talking about semester/qtr systems, i came from a qtr system but uc berk is on a semester system. the qtr system is super fast...i felt like there was something due, whether it be hw, a paper, midterm, every week. the semester system was really chill and i much preferred that. hope this helped.
Originally Posted by aintFRESH

Originally Posted by doofelos

Originally Posted by aintFRESH

i went to CC for 2 years and transfered to uc berkeley. i actually just walked last month and i loved my time there. the work at your university is going to be a lot more time consuming whatever you study, so my advice is to study early and hard. it's easy to be carried away at a university whether it be parties, girlfriend, anything. stay focused, remind yourself how much you (or youre parents) are paying for your education and do as best as you can in all your classes. just have fun and dont take your education for granted.
Thanks for the reply and yeah i see where youre coming from in terms of studying and tuition and all that. My question is how much harder was the schoolwork compared to your local cc and was it easy to meet new people? I feel that since i would be entering as a junior, most people would already have their groups of friends established... if you dont mind me asking which cc did you go to?
Schoolwork was alright. i had a lot of readings so i just tried to devote as much time as possible. i wouldnt consider my workload super hard compared to the CC i came from. i felt like the work at my cc was ridiculously easy so i had the same fear coming into a UC. but i managed and would say as long as you do your part in studying, the transition will be easy. i joined a christian fellowship and luckily it was easy for me to get plugged in and meet new people. as long as youre open and wiling to socialize to others then you should be okay. youre right that most people already have a group, but as long as youre open and dont close opportunities and people off then you will also find your community. i went to De Anza college in cupertino CA.talking about semester/qtr systems, i came from a qtr system but uc berk is on a semester system. the qtr system is super fast...i felt like there was something due, whether it be hw, a paper, midterm, every week. the semester system was really chill and i much preferred that. hope this helped.
definitely helped, glad to see that others besides myself are or were in the same situation. thanks again for the help, good luck in your future fam
I went to CSM for 2 years, going to SDSU in the Fall... I feel like it'll go by fast and slow at the same time. I plan on doing a bunch of extracurriculars to meet new people and to just enjoy life down there but I also have to remember I'm down there to get an education.
just finished my 2 years at a CC and plan on going to GSU this fall and i'm also not sure how much of a difference i should to expect.
Im almost there, I cant wait to get out. Anybody in here get there associates, and then go on the get your bachelors degree later?
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Im almost there, I cant wait to get out. Anybody in here get there associates, and then go on the get your bachelors degree later?

I got my associates last year, and I'll have my bachelors in May. I'm almost there 
did a year at CC then transferred to my piece of paper in 2010.

CC was cool but i was there knowing I was rolling out after a year. CC was much easier and then switch to a uni was harder since classes were much more demanding. my gpa at the CC was like 3.4 but didnt count since i was only moving creds. my first year uni gpa was 2.6 and finished 3.1 by the time i got my piece of paper.
I did, was only there for a year. The CC I went to was a complete joke. Had to get out of there as soon as I could.
I went straight to a four year university, but one thing I do regret. Not taking 2 classes during the summer, and 1 during the winter. I REALLY RECOMMEND taking summer school ASAP. You will get out earlier, and you won't regret wasting your summer away taking a 9-5 at Best Buy, or playing Call of Duty. Trust me, you will save soo much time
I'm currently in a CC, at the age of 31, and I should have my associates next Spring.  My next step is UIC for my bachelors.
Can't edit my post for some reason, but take summer school for as long as you can. I graduate in the Spring at SJSU (Took me 4 years). I wouldn't have been able to do that if it weren't for me taking summer school since my freshman year.

* State schools screw you over with the amount of classes you take smh
I'm on the same boat, OP. I went to a CC for three years and just got my associates degree this past spring semester. I didn't take summer or winter classes, so it took a little longer.

I got accepted to a university, but I'm not sure if I'll even be able to attend this fall due to me doing my financial aid stuff late.
I'm working on it, but if anything, I'll be attending in the spring.

I feel the same way too, OP. I know some people at the university already, but I still plan on meeting new people. And I'm definitely nervous about the increased studying and homework.
OP, I too attended a community college for two years. The CC I went to was in my home town and I got to go for free thanks to a special program that is in my state. I took 15 credits each semester and took 2 classes one summer (3 credits each). I was done in 2 years by May 2010. I then transferred to The University of Missouri (Mizzou) which is also in my hometown the following semester. I just found that you have to be more focused. Coming from a community college first, I wasnt used to the larger classes and you really are somewhat competing. The adjustment wasnt that hard though. I knew alot of students from going out on weekends and such. Many people already thought I went there. I will say that I do wish that I would have started at a four year institution first however. Some classes didnt transfer over for what they should have and other issues. It put me back a tad bit but I will be graduating this Dec, just a semester behind. Have fun, study hard, it's what you make it.
Just don't get behind in your classes, that's a key to doing well in college. Manage your time well and stay ahead or on track. If you get behind in your classes, its a pain to catch up and cram.. Better to have a little understanding of what the professors are talking about in class then none at all. Pre-reading has always helped me.
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