Any NT'ers got family locked down?

pops was locked up for 5 years 89-94 i was 4 when he went in.
Grandfather was locked up with my dad actually same prison....he got out in 93.
Cousins doing 25 to Life for murder...dude had everything working for anything he wanted and needed...startedmessing with some heads from dpgc...and can put the rest of the story together...Keep your head up D
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Uncle is serving 5 years for "conspiracy to sell cocaine" ... got like 3 yrs left but should be out early. He's a boss at his prison, warden lets him do a lot of things other inmates cant and they be hatin hard.

That whole situation is shady. He got locked up because the DEA wanted to use him as a rat to take down the big drug dealer in town... but my uncle refused because it was a shady situation and they locked him up.

Better he didn't talk and doing the time cause who knows if he would have talked he may have been 6 feet deep by now. Dudes don't f*ckaround with people who co-operate in that underground world.
damn thats gotta be tough to handle but at least your being adult about it....props fam.
Brother just got bagged again. He been in and out for the past 15yrs. Lil cuzzin got allegedly tied up in a murder and went on a run. Cops finally caught up w/him, not gonna end well for him
My pops was locked down for 25 years (not straight, some time here, some time there). He's home now, but the last time i visited him prob in '04 ithought about all the times as a kid i had to visit him in this facility and that facility. It reminded me of times my mom me and my sister would get up weehours in the morining to catch a train or a bus to go to facilities in upstate ny to be on the road for 6-12 hours just to visit him for an hour. Even though iwasn't that close to my dad, i just feel bad for any kid that gotta go through stuff like that. Visting jail is real depressing.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

I have a cousin doing 48 years for murder and trafficking.

My cousin got out like a couple months ago I think... He got caught moving weight in Richmond. They deported him after he got out which was even worse.
Eventho he was a resident.
Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

iBlink, i know you probably want your father to be 100% honest with you, and whether he wants to be or not, it's important to realize that prisons listen in on conversations during visiting hours. he may be keeping things from you because he feels that it might implicate himself further. just my two cents. keep doing what you're doing and have the best possible relationship you can have.
I came in here to say this. As much as your dad might want to level with you, he can't take the chance of implicating himself if he really istrying to make a case to get out.

You're a bigger man than most...understanding that your father was out of your life, but you've forgiven him and are trying to reincorporate him intoyour life. I applaud you for that, I really do. I just hope that your dad really is a stand-up guy, and doesn't try to take advantage of your kindness ifhe ever gets out.
this is a very touching thread... I got mad cousin locked up...

The cousin I grew up with, Kit Kat.. Caught life... Robbery/Homicide..
- He ran up in a bank... shot the teller and took some money.. and took his mask off
.. He was 20 ... Life w/o the possibility of parole

I talk to him every now and then, but he is a homosexual..

Crime will always break up a happy home...
I agree with SDub. Just be straight up.

Tell him that since out of his kids, your the only one who still cares for him/visits him/doesnt hold a grudge, the least he could do is be straight up withyou.
My cousin from the P.I. got like 7 to 10 years in Japan, where's he is stationed since he works on a ship. He's charged for murdering a fellowshipmate. My mom told me the shipmate bullied and harassed my cousin as well as other shipmates. I heard my cousin was drinking when this happen. It suckscause the last time saw my cousin was in the summer of 3rd grade, I'm now in my 3rd year in college, we were suppose to see him with the rest of myrelatives this past summer. In addition, my mom said my cousin was the quiet one out of his siblings, and was one of the few no one had to worry about. Mycousin sent us letters about his time in jail, he acknowledges his crime and is doing the time. He told his brothers and sisters he understands what his momhas been telling them as they grew up, and he wants them to listen and obey their mom, so they don't get into the same situation as him. And even though Ihaven't seen my cousin in a decade, I'm willing to wait another when he is release.
My cousin is locked up doing 10-45 for possesion of a controlled substance, conspiracy to sell, false imprisonment (he had a prostitute, she didn't want totake the fall so she said she was kidnapped) and resisting arrest.

My dad went to prison from 91-97 (i was born in 89) for some assault charge. playin chess in a rec. room at prison wit ya pops ftl. He turned it around when hegot out though.
I got a cousin who been locked up since he was 18, this was back in the late 80s....I think he went in before I was born. I think he's getting out soon, Idon't even know what exactly he's locked up for.
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