Any Minimalist NTer's? If so...

Minimalism is the ability to eliminate the unnecessary in order to appreciate the necessary.

Clean, simple, efficient. Everything.
Minimalism is the ability to eliminate the unnecessary in order to appreciate the necessary.

Clean, simple, efficient. Everything.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Minimalism is the ability to eliminate the unnecessary in order to appreciate the necessary.

Clean, simple, efficient. Everything.

Something like this?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Minimalism is the ability to eliminate the unnecessary in order to appreciate the necessary.

Clean, simple, efficient. Everything.

Something like this?
Originally Posted by TheDudeMT

Originally Posted by bijald0331

A pompous term if I've ever seen one.

How so, man? 
[h2]What Is Minimalist Lifestyle?[/h2]
It is a lifestyle of simplicity. A minimalist de-clutters his life of unnecessary things, avoids accumulating stuff by buying only the things he needs. He focuses on the most important things in his life and on achieving his goals. He lives a life of freedom and happiness.

Whoever wrote this is so full of himself that any minimalism was balanced by proportionate growth of his head. 

Why does this term exist exactly? Reread that definition and click that link and tell me it isn't just living the way you want to live. Don't buy books? What if you consider books important to your life? Then buy them? Okay. Sounds familiar. People call it minimalism to make it sound sophisticated. That's why the term is pompous. 
Originally Posted by TheDudeMT

Originally Posted by bijald0331

A pompous term if I've ever seen one.

How so, man? 
[h2]What Is Minimalist Lifestyle?[/h2]
It is a lifestyle of simplicity. A minimalist de-clutters his life of unnecessary things, avoids accumulating stuff by buying only the things he needs. He focuses on the most important things in his life and on achieving his goals. He lives a life of freedom and happiness.

Whoever wrote this is so full of himself that any minimalism was balanced by proportionate growth of his head. 

Why does this term exist exactly? Reread that definition and click that link and tell me it isn't just living the way you want to live. Don't buy books? What if you consider books important to your life? Then buy them? Okay. Sounds familiar. People call it minimalism to make it sound sophisticated. That's why the term is pompous. 
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