Any Golfers on NT?

Last time I checked it was only like 3 that were even par or better. Just seen it’s only D.J. and stenson
I’m hoping I can be back in time to watch the ending tomorrow. 11am tee time but a good 45 min drive back home plus trying to get through Pittsburgh Pirate traffic
I picked DJ or Rory winning with Tony being the dark horse :pimp:

This dude Phil :rofl: all the players hurt right now at how tough it is but this is how a major championship should be played.
I, for one, enjoy watching this as a change of pace. This reminds me of everyone complaining in '15 at the Chambers Bay setup. Makes you remember that most of these folks are probably entitled silver spoon fed snobs. "It's too hard." Wah, wah, wah. :lol:
I'm just a casual golf fan...was what Phil did THAT bad? It was against the rules, he got penalized and I thought that was enough. But some people are talking about how he should be DQ'd because he disgraced the game, ruined his rep, etc. Was it that serious :lol:
No. It wasn’t that bad. I have no problem with what he did. People saying he should drop out of the tourney are pathetic.
Was it THAT bad? Nope. But him doing that basically shows that he really doesn't care about the tournament anymore due to its difficulty. I mean it's a blatant disregard for the rules and he's a veteran :lol: just withdraw if you're over it
I find it funny all the hoopla over it, but seriously...thats the kind of **** I do when I get pissed off and no longer want to deal with the current hole. When I put it that way, I can see why on the PGA, this could raise a stink.
I find it funny all the hoopla over it, but seriously...thats the kind of **** I do when I get pissed off and no longer want to deal with the current hole. When I put it that way, I can see why on the PGA, this could raise a stink.
I see his perspective of taking advantage if the rule. The ball was gonna roll down and he would have ended up with more strokes had he not just taken the 2 stroke penalty.

However, in my opinion, that's petty. You're a professional in a major championship. This isn't a casual round of golf and you don't "give up" on a hole.
As a spectator what Phil did was hilarious. Phil looked like a high handicapper that had with the entire afternoon. Expect this behavior from a detoxing John Daly, not Phil. Famb saw if going off the green and was like, HELL NAW! :rofl: :rofl:

What Phil did was bad for a PGA tour pro. Intentionally breaking the rules to gain an advantage. PGA pros got this whole thing is being this honorable saints on the course when it comes to following the rules.

But Phil has always been entitled as **** and a low key idiot.

Ole boy goes out there and just says it was strategic to do something like :lol:. Just say you lost your head and made a mistake.

That being said, it shouldn't be THAT big a deal. Golf media and fans are too uptight about these things. He got penalized, he got punished, move on.
Your last paragraph sums it up nicely. Give him the penalty and move on. Glad they can laugh about it today. Philly doing the Daniel Bryan yes chant after sinking the putt on 13 :lol: my man was giving thunbs up and waving to the gallery at every damn hole. Signing autographs before teeing off. Dude left all his damns at 13 yesterday :rofl:
His playing partner was looking battled, on some John Starks steez. Like "Really famb, you wildin, you really just did dis"

Phil was diddy boppin away without a care in the world. :lol: :lol:
I’ve never liked Phil, and even I think the overreaction was ridiculous. Was a stupid/immature thing to do, but he was penalized 2 strokes, got a 10 on the hole, and is 100 strokes back. Who cares. The people furiously insisting that he needs to withdraw need to get a life. Then again Joe Buck is the same guy who was seething with rage when Randy Moss fake mooned the Lambeau crowd, so I can’t say I’m surprised.
Finally broke 90 today. 42 on the front 47 on the back. Wish I wouldn’t have counted after the front because I felt like once I knew I had a chance I kept thinking about it instead of just playing the game and not stress over a score.
Good win by Koepka. He didn't do anything spectacular but got his up and downs when he needed. DJ gave it to him IMO with all those three putts. Would have loved both of them to crumble just to see the use Fleetwood take it with a 63
0774CBEB-EE0B-4E86-91C8-0E1E7A681050.png Got the email I was looking for. Just happy to walk that course.
Nice. I've never been to any golf tourney but I always hear that if you don't get Sunday tix you might as well go for practice rounds.

Been hearing the same... Get to see pretty much everyone and the crowds are moving all around so very rarely are they as tough to get through
I miss being able to talk golf on NT, this thread died for a couple years lol

That being said, if you're a hack like me and haven't tried the Ping G400 Max.... HURRY

This thing is a game changer for me.
My cousin was hitting one behind us at a course that is tucked between a ton of trees and that thing is LOUD... Finally got a good swing going with my Aeroburner and that thing can go... Still erratic but it is more my swing than anything... If I can find one at a good price I may pull the trigger.
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