Anthony Bourdain dead at 61. RIP

Agreed with mental health being highlighted.

With physical health, if we're visibly out of shape, there are so much solutions for us to implement ( clean eating, excercise, proper supplements etc. ).

For mental health, if you're feeling unwell, the solutions are not so mainstream. We as men always hear "man it up".

"Manning it up" is good if you have a proper solution and you're consistent with implementing it to your life, but if you don't, your mental health will take a lot longer to recover (or not at all).

I know for me, what works is

- meditation
- being grateful for what I have
- yoga / excercise in general

Meditation being key, I think it is something that everyone should practice on a regualr basis.
I dunno about it being one of the only shows to teach that. A lot of travel and eating shows try and show the same thing.
Just realized that he died in France. Gonna binge watch tonight.

Hi bday was around the order too June 25th :frown:

Netflix needs to not pull out “parts unknown” like its schedule to on the 16th
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His tv career was really successful over here too, especially my mom really enjoyed Parts Unknown. Far from a run of the mill food/travel show.
Didn't see this coming whatsoever but you never really know what could be going on inside someone's head. May he rest in peace.
this pretty much sums it up for me... i'm not sure why but this got me feeling some type of way
and i deal with this type of stuff damn near everyday

rip bourdain

He was the misfit, outcast, dropout, the underdog who made it. The cook who became a chef. A cook who gained the respect of masters in his field. A true late bloomer who "began" at age 44. "Like chasing the wind, everything is meaningless..."
Pretty bummed about this. The last I felt like this was when James Gandolfini died.

It sucks that Eric Ripert is the one that discovered Bourdain dead. They were best friends and their chemistry showed when the did episodes together.

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hate this news.

really enjoyed his show. Seemed like a great guy and people person.

reading all the statements about him and takeaways from his work... everything has been nothing but pleasant.

I will say i saw a few tweets about his girlfriend and speculation on what role she may have played. Wonder if more will come out and if maybe a bad breakup led to this.
Any update on how he died or what he was dealing with??? All I’m hearing is suicide and that’s suspect as hell
^ from the article

Three hours before his death was first reported, the Italian actress posted an Instagram story that showed her wearing a ripped, black T-shirt that read, “F–K EVERYONE” — with the cryptic caption, “You know who you are,” in an image obtained by People.

The T-shirt appeared to be of Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols. Bourdain has been referred to as the Sid Vicious of the culinary world, according to MSN.

After news of Bourdain’s suicide in a French hotel room emerged, Argento deleted the post, according to The Blast.

Argento on Friday tweeted a statement about the death, saying: “He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated.”
Anthony Bourdain was someone who showed a lot of people that we, as humans, are all very much the same, and that there are good people in every corner of this world. We need more people like him on this planet, and unfortunately now we have one less. RIP
I don't know much about Bourdain and I'm not going to pretend that I was a super dedicated fan, but I did watch a lot of his shows. When he went to the Philippines and showed how a grandma cooks for her family and how they gathered around a balikbayan box from the states, I felt like he showed a part of life that is very common to a lot of cultures, but he also displayed a depth that made it unique to Filipino culture which is why I thought that episode was brilliant. That episode had elements that were a huge part of my life even though I'm only half Filipino. Anyway, I salute him for a great show and for his accomplishments in life.
I dunno about it being one of the only shows to teach that. A lot of travel and eating shows try and show the same thing.

People love to exaggerate **** when people die. Happens all the time.

I remember reading a post on here when Stuart Scott died that said he was the reason the poster got into sports. So ******* annoying.
People love to exaggerate **** when people die. Happens all the time.

I remember reading a post on here when Stuart Scott died that said he was the reason the poster got into sports. So ****ing annoying.

Best example was when paul walker died and a girl posted on his daughter’s fb that he was one of the best actors ever.

Anyway, andrew zimmern, huang, and other chefs and travel hosts show similar things in their shows. I do understand since he had one of the first shows that people give him a lot of credit for it and prop him up.
I always respected his swagger and how he gave props to the humble food entrepreneurs in whatever city or country he was in. I’m biased but the Queens episode from last year was one of my favorites. He was a food/travel Rock Star way before Action. Huge loss, RIP
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