Another tipping thread.

YOu want so bad for the rest of society to think like you do. Fortunately you only account for less than 1% of the mentality.
YOu want so bad for the rest of society to think like you do.
Well it'd be a start if they weren't thinking like you do; all entitled and obnoxious about your job.

I think I said it before but given your attitude in these threads putting principle aside I'd have an actual reason for why I wouldn't tip you.
Fortunately you only account for less than 1% of the mentality.
Yes, how fortunate are you servers to get paid below minimum wage, relying on tips to make up for the rest so you can have a decent standard of living while McDonald's employees get paid more and actually band together to get paid more. Go from waiting job to waiting job keeping track of tipping instead of getting a better job.

Yeah but I know through tips you get paid more than most.
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Id aeriously like to know how you came out with a $14 steakhouse bill. For any restaurant for 2 peoples thats pretty low...
Well that's on you then. I'm an excellent server and get tipped accordingly. Sorry not sorry. And I still get paid minimum wage. I'm not effected by that policy of getting paid below minimum as I live in California.

And I only debate on this level on NT. Not in real life. In real ilfe, people are mature, educated, and considerate and get commensurate interaction from me. They aren't a bunch of stone faced laughing emoticons (which is NT in a nutshell) and so aren't treated as such.
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Well it'd be a start if they weren't thinking like you do; all entitled and obnoxious about your job.

I think I said it before but given your attitude in these threads putting principle aside I'd have an actual reason for why I wouldn't tip you.
Yes, how fortunate are you servers to get paid below minimum wage, relying on tips to make up for the rest so you can have a decent standard of living while McDonald's employees get paid more and actually band together to get paid more. Go from waiting job to waiting job keeping track of tipping instead of getting a better job.

Yeah but I know through tips you get paid more than most.
Oh yeah and how did that "banding together" to get paid 15 an hour work out for them? Oh yeah, they're still making 8 bucks an hour.
Well that's on you then. I'm an excellent server and get tipped accordingly. Sorry not sorry. And I still get paid minimum wage. I'm not effected by that policy of getting paid below minimum as I live in California.

And I only debate on this level on NT. Not in real life. In real ilfe, people are mature, educated, and considerate. They aren't a bunch of stone faced laughing emoticons....which is pretty much NT in a nutshell.
I'm starting to think Zik is right about you not getting out enough
I'm starting to think Zik is right about you not getting out enough
You really feel that way? Maybe in some demographics it's true that people are stupid, uneducated, and inconsiderate. Maybe it's the company you keep or the circles in which you interact.

But I was more so comparing general society to NT as whole. And in comparison, I think that yeah...most everyone is more mature, more educated, and definitely more considerate. Are your daily interactions with people you don't know really that similar to NT?
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i dont think you can go to IHOP by yourself and drop 14 

They mustve went to the bar split a drink and got a water for the 12 month old 
Well it'd be a start if they weren't thinking like you do; all entitled and obnoxious about your job.

I think I said it before but given your attitude in these threads putting principle aside I'd have an actual reason for why I wouldn't tip you.

Yes, how fortunate are you servers to get paid below minimum wage, relying on tips to make up for the rest so you can have a decent standard of living while McDonald's employees get paid more and actually band together to get paid more. Go from waiting job to waiting job keeping track of tipping instead of getting a better job.

Yeah but I know through tips you get paid more than most.
Oh yeah and how did that "banding together" to get paid 15 an hour work out for them? Oh yeah, they're still making 8 bucks an hour.
So don't unionize and try to get paid more along with other benefits cuz you'll fail anyway.

Are you even American?
Well that's on you then. I'm an excellent server and get tipped accordingly. Sorry not sorry. And I still get paid minimum wage. I'm not effected by that policy of getting paid below minimum as I live in California.

And I only debate on this level on NT. Not in real life. In real ilfe, people are mature, educated, and considerate and get commensurate interaction from me. They aren't a bunch of stone faced laughing emoticons (which is NT in a nutshell) and so aren't treated as such.
I don't believe you :lol:

This reply is fitting more with what I said before. Nice try though.
i dont think you can go to IHOP by yourself and drop 14 

They mustve went to the bar split a drink and got a water for the 12 month old 
That's what I'm thinking. Even at Denny's two people and a child will exceed 20 dollars. 
So don't unionize and try to get paid more along with other benefits cuz you'll fail anyway.

Are you even American?
I don't believe you

This reply is fitting more with what I said before. Nice try though.
If it makes you feel better go ahead and think that.
So don't unionize and try to get paid more along with other benefits cuz you'll fail anyway.

Are you even American?

I don't believe you :lol:

This reply is fitting more with what I said before. Nice try though.
If it makes you feel better go ahead and think that.
I was feeling fine before and after.

You being mistaken about how things are everywhere has no affect on how I feel. You're just one misinformed person.
Why would I unionize when I'm more than happy with my current compensation? And any added cost by getting paid more would just be passed off onto the consumer anyway, so it would be redundant.
Well, I'm off to work now. Time to scam some more people out of their money, right? I'm sure I'll come back to some mature, non-insulting responses from you. Enjoy your Saturday night.
I don't even feel like summarizing the history of labor unions or why unions are good for the service industry since I've done the latter once before in one of these tipping threads.
Well, I'm off to work now. Time to scam some more people out of their money, right? I'm sure I'll come back to some mature, non-insulting responses from you. Enjoy your Saturday night.
You seem to be emotionally rattled about all this. No need to be so passive aggressive. It's unbecoming.

Like I think you really don't understand what I'm saying. When did I say you scam ppl out of their money? :lol: I just don't think you're being smart enough for what would be way more beneficial for ppl who do your job.

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Well that's on you then. I'm an excellent server and get tipped accordingly. Sorry not sorry. And I still get paid minimum wage. I'm not effected by that policy of getting paid below minimum as I live in California.

And I only debate on this level on NT. Not in real life. In real ilfe, people are mature, educated, and considerate. They aren't a bunch of stone faced laughing emoticons....which is pretty much NT in a nutshell.

I'm starting to think Zik is right about you not getting out enough :lol:

Read that like what planet is this ***** posting from :lol:
No the hell its not :lol:
Yeah it is :lol:  

Everywhere else people are normal.
It's definitely not.

Maybe you need to get out more often.

I go out often.
Tipping is normal, b.

Cheap people don't want to accept this.
I'm not disputing that tipping is normal.

Follow the quotes.

Actually no, I'll do it for you man
A lot of people don't know how to pay it forward :smh:

How do you guys go out and have people serve you and not want to show gratitude?
It's only on NT man. 

No the hell its not :lol:
Now if you disagree, I'd say the same thing I said to the other dude.

It's not only on NT where ppl don't pay it forward (even though that's being used incorrectly and it should be pay it back since we're talking about tipping) or don't want to show gratitude for being served even though as previously said these servers aren't serving you out of the goodness in their hearts..
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5 Bay Area restaurants taking tips off table,

adding surcharge By Paolo Lucchesi Updated 11:11 am, Friday, October 24, 2014


Camino line cook Danny Keiser visits with DeStefano before the restaurant opens.

Call it the tipping point.

Thanks to widening staff salary discrepancies and increasing minimum wage requirements, local restaurants are taking tips off the table — literally.

Citing both pragmatic and philosophical reasons, a small collection of Bay Area restaurateurs is eliminating tipping. Instead of expecting diners to leave a tip, the restaurants will automatically add a 20 percent service charge to all bills — and not accept any additional gratuity beyond the service charge.

The five businesses — Comal in Berkeley, Camino and Duende in Oakland, and Bar Agricole and Trou Normand in San Francisco — each plan to institute the policy within the next few weeks, forsaking the ubiquitous model they believe is outdated. And they expect more restaurants could follow suit.

“If we were doing this, and there was a sense that the rest of the world wouldn’t pay much mind to it, I would be more concerned. But this is on everybody’s minds,” said Comal partner John Paluska.

Rather than relying on tips, the restaurants will compensate staff on merit-based hourly wages and revenue-sharing. It’s a system common abroad.
With tipping, there’s a pay divide between the back-of-house (cooks and dishwashers) and the better-compensated front-of-house servers and bartenders. Thanks to tips, service staff can take home as much as twice the pay of their kitchen counterparts. California law specifies that tips belong to the tipped employees, and cannot be counted as part of any salary.

“You have a bunch of people working their butts off, day in and day out, providing great value, but one group of them is making way more than the other one. And the rules and regulations are such that as the minimum wage goes up, the gap is getting worse,” Paluska said. “I think anyone can understand why you’d want to put a stop to that, and start making changes.”

Minimum wages rising

The timing of this overhaul is largely motivated by increased state and local minimum wage levels. Restaurants often operate on thin margins, so higher wages quickly impact profitability. As opposed to tips, a service charge becomes part of the restaurant’s overall revenue. The restaurateurs say the service charge component will be used exclusively for employee wages, benefits and payroll expenses.

In July, California’s minimum wage rose to $9 an hour; it was the first such increase since 2008. Thad Vogler of Bar Agricole and Trou Normand believes it is only a matter of time until San Francisco increases the minimum wage to $15 an hour — the highest in the country. So, he argues: Why wait?

“If it’s going to have to change that we can guarantee our dishwasher $15 an hour, why shouldn’t it change now?” Vogler said. “Why rely on legislation to do the right thing?”

The situation has been accelerated in the East Bay.

“We had our $1 minimum wage increase, and it affected our business immediately, really powerfully,” said chef Russell Moore, who owns Camino with his wife, Allison Hopelain. If an upcoming ballot initiative passes, Oakland’s minimum wage will jump in March to $12.25.

Berkeley businesses have had a pair of $1 increases within the past three months, one by the state and one by the city. That has sparked Comal co-owners Paluska and Andrew Hoffman to implement the new system on Nov. 3.

Moore, who cooked for 20 years at Chez Panisse, has felt firsthand the benefit that a service charge can have for cooks and understands how kitchen workers can benefit from the service charge policy. When Chez Panisse moved from a tipped system to its existing service charge model during his tenure there, it created a “real job atmosphere” that bred career restaurant workers — and paid him well.

Positive customer response

Chez Panisse’s influence is paramount, as is Jay Porter’s, the owner of Half Orange in Oakland. Porter plans to open a second Oakland restaurant in early 2015, named Salsipuedes, but he previously owned a tipless restaurant in San Diego. He documented the entire experiment, from finances to critical reviews.

“One person in 1,000, or in 10,000,” would get upset about the fixed service charge. But more often than not, that rare upset guest would not be concerned about money, but as Porter wrote, “angry about his lack of control over the price, angry about not being the final arbiter of our service.”

But, Porter countered that a tipless restaurant made for a better — and thus more profitable — restaurant, and the entire staff made more money. As Comal’s Hoffman puts it, “Now we’re all on the same team.”

Rain showers likely Saturday in Bay Area

And in an industry that has bemoaned a dearth of cooks, paying cooks more can be a great boon.

“Nothing is more exciting about this whole thing than sitting down with one of our cooks and saying you get a 20 percent raise,” Hoffman said.

So far, the restaurants’ respective staffs have been largely supportive, according to owners. Camino’s Hopelain estimates that cooks stand to receive an hourly increase of 50 cents to $1, while servers’ pay will remain steady, or perhaps decrease 50 to 75 cents an hour.

One major shift will be in reporting tips for tax purposes. Generally speaking, cash tips have a tendency to go unreported among restaurant servers. Once the service charge becomes an official line item on a receipt, people will be accountable. Hoffman said employees at Comal will not see a change in their income if they have been declaring all of their tips.

Christian Young is a full-time senior server at Comal. He says management has been transparent about the forthcoming changes.

“It’s something I’ve believed in as a change,” Young said. He guesses that there will be nights when his compensation will be less, but there will also be nights when it will be more. For example, on slow nights — like those during World Series games — he would be getting a high enough hourly wage to compensate.

While tradition dictates that diners reward or punish waiters through tipping, and thus, in theory, encourage good service, Hopelain feels otherwise.

“Tipping affects (the relationship between waiter and diner) in a way that I don’t think is necessarily positive for either party,” Hopelain said. “In this day and age, and in this area, it’s a little different, but I think there’s still that holdover of waiters being seen as servants. Now this can shift that a little bit.”

Plus, the restaurateurs say, their incentivized, merit-based compensation system will allow for the best servers to elevate on the pay scale.

“We’re still getting recognized for good work,” Young said.

Communicating the policy

To ensure that there is no confusion with guests, servers at the restaurants will explain the new policy before the meal. When the bill comes, 20 percent service charge will automatically be tallied, as will tax. There will be no line for a further tip.

“We have philosophically been wanting to get rid of tipping for a long time. Now, if there’s ever a time, this is the time,” Moore said.

“We’re happy to take away that weird feeling at the end of the meal.”

Paolo Lucchesi is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @lucchesi

Note: This is an updated version of the article that appeared in print on Page A1 of The San Francisco Chronicle on Oct. 24, 2014. 
I applaud those 5 restaurants


With tipping, there’s a pay divide between the back-of-house (cooks and dishwashers) and the better-compensated front-of-house servers and bartenders. Thanks to tips, service staff can take home as much as twice the pay of their kitchen counterparts. California law specifies that tips belong to the tipped employees, and cannot be counted as part of any salary.

“You have a bunch of people working their butts off, day in and day out, providing great value, but one group of them is making way more than the other one. And the rules and regulations are such that as the minimum wage goes up, the gap is getting worse,” Paluska said. “I think anyone can understand why you’d want to put a stop to that, and start making changes.”
Aint it the truth.
I applaud those 5 restaurants


With tipping, there’s a pay divide between the back-of-house (cooks and dishwashers) and the better-compensated front-of-house servers and bartenders. Thanks to tips, service staff can take home as much as twice the pay of their kitchen counterparts. California law specifies that tips belong to the tipped employees, and cannot be counted as part of any salary.

“You have a bunch of people working their butts off, day in and day out, providing great value, but one group of them is making way more than the other one. And the rules and regulations are such that as the minimum wage goes up, the gap is getting worse,” Paluska said. “I think anyone can understand why you’d want to put a stop to that, and start making changes.”
Aint it the truth.

Every ******* thing here... I'm a cook and biased of course, but it's also true...
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