Another Shopping Cart Tossed Injuring 2 People This Time. Vol Copy Cat

Dec 19, 2007
[h1]Copycat crime: Shopping cart dropped on two men at Bronx Home Depot[/h1]
[h4]posted at 1:53 pm on January 31, 2012 by Howard Portnoy
printer-friendly [/h4]
Remember the story of the two pre-teens who, to assuage their boredom, threw a shopping cart from a fourth-story garage, which struck a passerby, leaving her comatose and near death? Someone else not only remembers but apparently thought it would be fun to imitate the crime. From New York’s Daily News:
Two men were injured outside a Bronx Home Depot Monday when they were hit by a shopping cart tossed from an upper level of a parking garage—the second such incident in the city in the last three months.

The haunting replay happened about 5:30 p.m. at the Gateway Center near Yankee Stadium—and was nearly identical to the incident in Harlem that left a mother of two with brain damage last October.

As in the original case, the projectile landed on its victims’ heads. The injured men, Camara Lounceny, 52, and Sagne Ibrahima, 30, were taken by ambulance to Lincoln Medical Center, where they are both reported to be in stable condition.

The Daily News quotes a cashier who witnessed the incident as saying:
It was pretty bloody. They were laying on the ground. One guy was trying to sit up, and the other guy was just laying there—he wasn’t moving.

The account is not dissimilar to eyewitness reports after Marion Hedges, a 47-year-old mother of one, was struck on October 30 by an identical projectile hurled from 40 feet up. The two 12-year-olds perpetrators of that crime were said to be laughing and joking at the time of their arrest two days later—and with good reason, as it turns out. The family court judge who presided over their case betrayed an inclination to “return
just kill these kids. my tax dollars shouldn't have to house them and feed them after they commit crime after crime throughout their life.
Originally Posted by megatron

Do they aim at people?
Was that question just an attempt to be the 1st to post?
Whether the did or didn't aim the consequences of their actions have the potential to be fatal either way.  No normal person would push a shopping cart off the top of a parking garage.
dudes beefin over customers.
legal cab drivers got fed up with illegal drivers stepping on their turf
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