another race thread: white privledge

That dude is gone. If he does come back he's just gonna ignore your questions and facts and repeat Fox fake news buzz terms. No substance, ever. It's almost like people in that vein don't realize that whatever deep seeded reason that keeps them regurgitating this stuff makes them appear as if there's some learning disability. Like dudes would rather look like they were shell-shocked than objectively look at the President.

And "Barry". Yikes. I've never seen a President addressed outside his name as much as our current.

Yeah every time I read Barry, I was like do you personally know him or something? :lol:

What's the big deal though

It is just a old joke from the election threads. Dude T-Bone used to say dropping his middle name and others people used to call him Bams and Barry

I dunno why anyone would care. Hardly hear people calling him that. In real life or on message boards.

You hear the middle name more than "Barry"
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White guys can ride around and embrace the confederate flag and openly endorse people who broke up the nation caused thousands of death and backed an institution that to this day kills millions. In america there was never steps to vilify the confederate flag and its history like how Germany did the Nazis. Let a black man listen to stokely Carmichel or Malcolm X he is considered undermining the nation. While Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis are considered Heros.
White guys can ride around and embrace the confederate flag and openly endorse people who broke up the nation caused thousands of death and backed an institution that to this day kills millions. In america there was never steps to vilify the confederate flag and its history like how Germany did the Nazis. Let a black man listen to stokely Carmichel or Malcolm X he is considered undermining the nation. While Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis are considered Heros.

cant it be both? Robert E. Lee and Malcolm X were both incredibly talented in their own way
Black Panthers vs KKK

Didn't see your previous post so idk if you're trolling or not but the black Panthers were established to monitor police activity in black neighborhoods

This whole black panthers = kill ****** stigma is fake and was put out there to **** on what huey Newton stood for....I don't even acknowledge the "new" black panther party
White guys can ride around and embrace the confederate flag and openly endorse people who broke up the nation caused thousands of death and backed an institution that to this day kills millions. In america there was never steps to vilify the confederate flag and its history like how Germany did the Nazis. Let a black man listen to stokely Carmichel or Malcolm X he is considered undermining the nation. While Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis are considered Heros.
there are a lot of white people that look down upon people repping confederate flags, in fact i would think most white people in america see that group of people as uneducated and low class

to some people robert e lee is a hero, to others he's everything thats wrong with america

to some people malcolm x is a hero, to others he's everything thats wrong with america
End of the day is that white people don't recognize they have a privilege over others and make lame duck analogies and excuses for it .
Oneilmatt is a Russian racist that tried justifying bananas being thrown at black soccer players as "no big deal"
Wait so this racist aint even American? :smh: :rolleyes
White guys can ride around and embrace the confederate flag and openly endorse people who broke up the nation caused thousands of death and backed an institution that to this day kills millions. In america there was never steps to vilify the confederate flag and its history like how Germany did the Nazis. Let a black man listen to stokely Carmichel or Malcolm X he is considered undermining the nation. While Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis are considered Heros.

cant it be both? Robert E. Lee and Malcolm X were both incredibly talented in their own way
No. According to the other side it can't be both and this aint about talent anyway. You can be a talented racist. Plenty of those in history.
Black Panthers vs KKK

Didn't see your previous post so idk if you're trolling or not but the black Panthers were established to monitor police activity in black neighborhoods

This whole black panthers = kill ****** stigma is fake and was put out there to **** on what huey Newton stood for....I don't even acknowledge the "new" black panther party

Theme of thread is white privilege, just pointing out another example. Black group was created to protect and assist while the white group was created to terrorize. The black group was demonized and dismantled while the white one is still alive today.
Oneilmatt is a Russian racist that tried justifying bananas being thrown at black soccer players as "no big deal"

I am from the Mid-west. I am Irish and German. I do not hate black people. And I never once said anything of that nature. Never even commented on banana throwing. Please find those comments 

On to the greater issue. 

Socialism is a political ideology that states, more or less, that everything should be in a collective. Everyone pays into the system for everyone else. Nobody really owns anything. Its all for the greater population. Socialism also goes hand in hand with communism. We all know why communism is bad not only in practice but on paper. 

Obamacare is a centralized, government mandated healthcare system. It is mandatory. You MUST pay in, or you get fined. The fine is unconstitutional. It takes away part of our capitalist system. It takes away the right to choose.

The number of executive actions taken is irrelevant when you consider that Obama is the only president who has used those actions to break the law and just say, "**** what congress and the people want, I'm gonna do this whether they want or not" We have a system of checks and balances for a reason. 
Here's the thing though: do lower class white people have their own set of obstacles to overcome? Of course.  Do black people of similar status have those same exact obstacles AND a ton of others that the whites of similar status don't have to deal with as much (if at all)?  Absolutely.  

It would be disingenuous to say that poor whites have it just as hard as poor blacks.

I'm white, if that matters.

I am from the Mid-west. I am Irish and German. I do not hate black people. And I never once said anything of that nature. Never even commented on banana throwing. Please find those comments 

On to the greater issue. 

Socialism is a political ideology that states, more or less, that everything should be in a collective. Everyone pays into the system for everyone else. Nobody really owns anything. Its all for the greater population. Socialism also goes hand in hand with communism. We all know why communism is bad not only in practice but on paper. 

Obamacare is a centralized, government mandated healthcare system. It is mandatory. You MUST pay in, or you get fined. The fine is unconstitutional. It takes away part of our capitalist system. It takes away the right to choose.

The number of executive actions taken is irrelevant when you consider that Obama is the only president who has used those actions to break the law and just say, "**** what congress and the people want, I'm gonna do this whether they want or not" We have a system of checks and balances for a reason. 
What's Social Security, socialist or capitalist?

If you are fortunate enough to live well into your seventies and eighties, are you going to deny it, if it is available to you?
What's Social Security, socialist or capitalist?

If you are fortunate enough to live well into your seventies and eighties, are you going to deny it, if it is available to you?
Social security is a socialist program, no doubt. It is also more or less defunct. By the time I would even be able to reap those benefits, it will be totally broke and I will get nothing. If by some miracle it was available, would I accept it. Absolutely, considering I paid into it my entire life. Personally I don't believe that should be mandatory either. I'd rather keep that money in a bank or under my mattress so I know I'll get it back.
Social security is a socialist program, no doubt. It is also more or less defunct. By the time I would even be able to reap those benefits, it will be totally broke and I will get nothing. If by some miracle it was available, would I accept it. Absolutely, considering I paid into it my entire life. Personally I don't believe that should be mandatory either. I'd rather keep that money in a bank or under my mattress so I know I'll get it back.
No, the system is going broke, but fixable. The GOP is stopping anything that would constitute a fix, and everyone knows this.

So by accepting this benefit, would you then suddenly, be a socialist?
No, the system is going broke, but fixable. The GOP is stopping anything that would constitute a fix, and everyone knows this.

So by accepting this benefit, would you then suddenly, be a socialist?
Like I said, I am forced to pay into it. There is no way around that. I can't even just take a fine and not do it like I will with Obamacare. Considering I have to pay into, I would be stupid to not get my money back. I disagree wholeheartedly with it, but I'm not going to throw away thousands and thousands of dollars.
Like I said, I am forced to pay into it. There is no way around that. I can't even just take a fine and not do it like I will with Obamacare. Considering I have to pay into, I would be stupid to not get my money back. I disagree wholeheartedly with it, but I'm not going to throw away thousands and thousands of dollars.
Does that make you a socialist?
By the definition I suppose I could be considered an unwilling socialist. I don't advocate it or enjoy it, but yes, the simple act of me being forced into paying for SS makes me a socialist. I know you think you're being clever here but really you aren't.
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